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Perfect Running Weather

Great day for a run. <3 <3 <3 The cold snap that passed through the city is over (thank goodness). Sixty degrees and cloudy is my favorite version of winter.     Side note:  This guy’s study found that the ideal temperature for running a marathon is roughly 50 degrees.  Innnnteresting.  All I can say [...]


Recent Eats

As always – trying to include more green things in my daily eats.  Here are some of my recent meals and snacks. Veggie eggs, cranberry relish, toast. Banana with sunflower butter and chocolate chips (which were promptly all picked out by Henry – hmph). Mushrooms Over Everything Eggs with spinach, grilled mushrooms, more leftover cranberry [...]


Next Race, Great Links

I WENT ON A RUN. I haven’t run a single step or lifted anything heavier than Henry since last Sunday.  No action.  Nada.  I’m finally 100% better, which means that TODAY IS THE BEGINNING of a better week.  Healthy food, productive time on the computer, and EXERCISE.  I set out to do 4.0 miles but [...]


Belated Thanksgiving 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!   Because of the stomach flu, we had to push back our celebration a day.  Side note:  getting the stomach flu is always terrible, but to get it on Thanksgiving feels like a cruel, cruel joke.  I couldn’t even eat pie!  But we still had a nice time. My family really pitched in and [...]


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope your day is filled with peace and happiness.   I’m sure no one saw this coming (hah!), but… I caught Henry’s stomach flu.  And then Kristien started to feel under the weather, too.  A whole house full of sick.  There was nothing left to do but reschedule our holiday meal.  Our [...]


Buy a Shirt, Help Change a Life

A few weeks ago, I was chatting with some of my blogger friends (Kath, Tina, Emily, Meghann, Theodora, Monica, Gina, Julie, Anne, and Janae), and the group struck upon a great idea.  How about we design a beautiful shirt and donate all the profits to a fabulous organization that supports women?   If you’ve been reading [...]


Sugared Brussel Sprouts

Lunch.   Oh man. It’s one of those Monday. Henry has a stomach virus. I feel so bad for the little man. It is terrible to watch a toddler puke.  He has no idea what is happening (although he calls it “poopy,” which makes us both kind of smile in the worst moments).  Our doctor [...]


Run, Weekend Run!

I feel like we’ve done nothing but run around all weekend.  Both literally and figuratively!  We’ve had a lot of fun family activities, and in between, I did 4.0 miles on Saturday and 5.0 this morning.  That’s the furthest that I’ve ran over the course of two days since my Half Ironman.  I ran on [...]


Wahoo! No Work Day!

It’s Wednesday, but I’m all caught up on my projects, I have zero deadlines, and have no paperwork or invoicing to catch up on, and thus I am “off.”  Hell, I’ve even gotten a jump on my 2013 taxes.  So, I decided to garden.  Our pretty DIY blue clay pots (here’s the tutorial) were looking [...]


Lace It Up

Good morning! Happy Monday! How was your weekend?  Mine was great, if busy.  I spent Saturday in Miami, speaking at a Women’s Leadership Symposium at the University of Miami.  After, I met back up with my friends Lisette and Danny, and we had an excellent meal at one of my old favorite restaurants, and then [...]


Some People Live In Paradise

I grew up in paradise – and I didn’t appreciate it one bit until I left.  So I sure do love to come back! Hi, Miami!   I’m in town for a series of Operation Beautiful events at FIU and University of Miami.  I flew out of Charlotte early yesterday morning (up at 4 AM, [...]



I am so incredibly happy that it’s clementine season.  I love those giant five-pound bags they sell at the store! Henry has also developed an obsession with clementines. To get him off bottles, I started bringing him up a snack in the morning (because I used to bring him a bottle). It’s usually a slice [...]


Goodbye, Pippa

It is with a heavy heart that I say that Pippa passed away this morning. Everything seemed fine. She wasn’t sick or lethargic. When I woke up, she greeted me outside my bedroom door as normal. She said hello to the dogs and ran upstairs with us to get Henry out of his crib.  She [...]


He Doesn’t Like Oatmeal!

Good morning. A short poem about my weekend:   Another weekend is gone. I watched eight episodes of Breaking Bad. I tried to go running, but my knee hurt. It made me really sad.   Yup.  Still having problems with my knees after the race.  My knees started to ache (that old, unfortunately familiar Runner’s [...]

Healthy Tipping Point