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Bath Time! {For Adults}

I have gone from a shower aficionado to a total bath babe. When we were buying our first home, I didn’t even CARE if the master bathroom had a tub (but the Husband really wanted one).  I am so glad that we ended up with a big soaking tub because I am totally addicted to [...]


We’re On A Boat

Hello from Barbados! I am currently on the Cabot Celebrity Summit cruise. Each year, Cabot Coop takes about 40 – 50 community-oriented volunteers and treats them to a week-long cruise. Most of the ‘Community Celebrities’ give so much of their own time and money away that they rarely have a chance to treat themselves. It’s [...]


I am so happy to post this flashback blog from the always entertaining and uplifting Janae at Hungry Runner Girl.  Her current running goals are to finish a marathon in 3:00 and a half marathon in 1:20 (wowza!).   I saw THIS article the other day and loved the idea behind it so much that [...]


Brain Dump {Again}

I’m writing a post about baby and toddler sleep. It’s a follow up to Adventures in Baby Sleep Training.  It should go up later today! Speaking of sleep, I want to go back to bed because…   It’s COLD!   Understatement of the year, right? I’m sure many of you are even colder, though!  It’s 10 [...]


Changing your diet can be tough. Maybe you're going paleo, vegan, gluten-free, or whole food. Maybe you're doing it for health reasons, for ethical reasons, or because you just need to mix it up. Regardless of the how and why, dietary changes are challenging. After all, you've eaten one way, day in and day out, [...]


Body Weight Workout

We aren’t snowed in like many people in the Northeast; however, the weather in Charlotte is pretty rotten.  Cold, dreary, foggy. I must admit that I’m not very motivated to put on real people clothes, let alone go for my long run. And I *know* that Henry does not want to sit in the jogging [...]


Breaking Eggs

Today is a very important day. You see, for the last few months, we have been tearing our way through Breaking Bad.  And tonight, we will watch the final two episodes.   I am so excited.   Is it 7:30 PM yet?!   I already know what happens at the end of the series because [...]


Happy Five Years!

It’s our five year anniversary.  Neither one of us can believe it!  Five years?! Already? We definitely had to count on our fingers to make sure it was REALLY five years and not four.  Our wedding feels like it was just yesterday… It’s been five really great years.  It’s been easy to have a happy [...]



It’s January 2.  A new year.  A fresh start.  I’m so excited!  I know that it’s just a turn of the calendar page and nothing more, but I feel very optimistic about 2014 and everything it will {hopefully} bring. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m turning thirrrrty in just a few months.  A big year [...]


Siskey YMCA Indoor Triathlon Race Recap

Well, that was an awesome way to end 2013! I signed up for this race three weeks ago, and I had grand plans of really stepping up my swimming to prepare. But, alas, that nagging chest injury from the Half Ironman flared up again, so I swam twice and stopped.  I crossed my fingers that [...]


Life Hacks of 2013

Just like last year, I’m hosting GymPact Twitter Party to celebrate the New Year. This time around, we’re launching a *new* version of the app that will blow you away. Come join us for the Twitter party on New Year’s Day at 8 PM EST / 5 PM EST.  We’ll be tweeting under the hashtag [...]


Mini Millet Loaves and Simple Green Lentils

Two recipes in one post.  TWO! The old blog has been lacking in recipes lately, huh?  You see, I have developed an affinity for potato chips and hummus (the Trader Joe’s creamy kind – know what I’m talking about? So good). And by ‘affinity,’ I mean that I’m regularly eating chips and hummus for lunch.  [...]


Pretty Paper

Merry belated Christmas and Happy Boxing Day if you celebrate, and/or Happy Thursday if you don’t!  I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. Mostly, we’ve just been lounging around the house! We had a quiet Christmas morning at home. Henry couldn’t appreciate presents last year, but he definitely *got it* this year. He was so [...]


Merry Christmas! We drove to the nicer part of town to do a 3.0 mile run. Sometimes, you just have to get out of your neighborhood – know what I mean?  There were SO many awesome Christmas decorations.  Henry had a blast pointing out all the Santas (he can say ‘Santa’ and it sounds adorable). [...]

Healthy Tipping Point