Imagine running the same eight-point-something mile loop every single day. For 14,279 days. IN A ROW. That’s 39 years of running with NO rest days. In case you’re curious, that adds up to 107,465.3 miles (as of October 2014). Meet Raven, as he is affectionately known. I read about Raven (real name – Robert Kraft) [...]
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Everyone say, “Hi, GrandpaHTP!†Henry and I flew (solo! and we clearly survived!) down to Florida for a super mini family reunion. Although I’ve seen my grandfather a few times since, this was only the second time that he’s seen Henry. They first met when Henry was about 8 weeks old. Doesn’t my grandpa look [...]
Here’s a peek at how we spent our morning! I rushed us out of the house to make Henry’s gym class. Henry has two scheduled classes a week – music class on Mondays with Dad and gym class on Thursdays with Mom. We really like his gym class and were so excited to go. But [...]
Subtitled – 7 Things That I Think I Know About Parenting Henry* * Subject to change in, oh, one year. When I was pregnant, Kristien and I finally decided that we had to actually meet and get to know our kid before deciding how to parent him or her. Once Henry was born, I [...]
Just popping in to say that this is the most amazing snack, ever. It’s a banana topped with sunflower butter, chocolate chips, and crumpled potato chips. Dude. Duuuuuude. So good. It’s a little bit of everything – kind of like this post! What did you do this weekend? My goal for 2014 is [...]
Henry opened his diaper drawer, took out a few, and then tried to put a diaper on his (very small) dolly. It was adorable. Then we diapered all his teddy bears. <3 Sunday food preppers – did you do it yet?! I completed all my food prep for next week. Wahoo! Chopped fruit [...]
I want to go back! We had an absolute BLAST abroad the Celebrity Summit as part of the Cabot Celebrity cruise (each year, Cabot Coop takes about 45 volunteers on a cruise as a ‘thank you’ – I went because of my work with Operation Beautiful and as the cruise’s Social Media Correspondent). I must [...]
Remember the track workout from my gym that I posted a few weeks back? Well, I figured today was a good day to test it out. HOLY HELL. Let me repeat that. HOLY HELL. This was so, so hard. I was thrilled to make it to the 1-minute plank towards the end [...]
If this was right outside your window, would you go run on the treadmill? If the answer is yes, well – you are a stronger woman than I! But for me, the answer was a sunny, Pina Colada drenched NO. I ran once on our cruise vacation for a grand total of 2.0 miles, despite [...]
It’s going to be a busy Monday! However, the God of Work From Home Parents smiled down upon me, waved his magic wand, and Henry slept in. Coupled with the fact that I got up early, things are going swimmingly. I had enough time to navigate the jungle that sprang to life in my [...]
Dare I say that our last cruise day in St. Thomas was the very best? We found an amazing beach to sun, play, and relax at. There was even snorkeling – right off the sand! A man gave Henry a few dog biscuits, which drew in tons of tropical fish that ate right out of [...]
Here’s a flashback post from Kath Eats Real Food. Kath’s blog was one of the first blogs that I ever read, and she continue to inspire me to eat, well, more real food. She’s a registered dietitian and co-owns a bakery with her husband, Matt. Hi HTP friends! Caitlin does a great job of [...]
I feel like cauliflowers are underrated. But they shouldn’t be! They are so delicious and versatile! Obviously, if you cover cauliflower in cheese, it’s going to be tasty… {Recipe Here} … But there are other awesome ways to eat cauliflower! My personal favorite is to mash up the veggie, just like mashed potatoes. [...]
I’m happy to publish this flashback post from the amazing Anne of fANNEtastic food. Enjoy! Hi, Healthy Tipping Point readers! I’m Anne, a Washington D.C. area Registered Dietitian with an online/virtual nutrition counseling private practice and health/fitness blogger over at fANNEtastic food. I have a lot of readers and clients ask me how to [...]