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Guess who ran his first half marathon today?! The Husband!  He has been training with me the entire time, but he didn’t want to officially proclaim his intent to run the race in case he’d jinx himself.  But I’m sure everyone saw this coming, as we ran all but one of our long runs together!  [...]


Did you know, back in Colonial America times, the population thought it was a good idea to have a new mom “lie in” bed for 3 – 4 weeks?  Female friends and family would help around the house and with the rest of the children.  This practice disappeared in the 19th century (but still exists [...]


Coffee Everywhere

Tackled this lovely mini-strength training sessions this morning. I did it in Henry’s room while simultaneously dodging rolling trucks, tossed blankies, and Maggie, who insists on licking my face every time I turn to one side for a bicycle crunch.   And then we did a family 5 mile run.  I pushed the stroller most [...]



What I’m wearing: Gray jeans from Loft (which, by the way, are on ridiculous sale), my favorite super soft tee, and my Stitch Fix scarf.  Also wearing:  a fine layer on Henry’s snot from head to toe. I am a human Kleenex.   What I’m loving: This awesome trick for mashed potatoes.  Put the entire [...]


Start March Off RIght

I’m so happy to be home.  What a long week! I woke up this morning with one thought on my mind – “JUICE!”  I opened the fridge hoping that we had enough produce to make everyone a big glass of juice and was so happy to see that we did. 2/3 packed bag of chopped [...]


Running Around Reno

What an incredible whirlwind.  I’m currently blogging from an (oh-so-comfy) hotel bed in Reno, Nevada.  I flew in last night and am flying home tomorrow, so I spent the day doing my Operation Beautiful thing.  But first – I had to go on a run! I absolutely wanted to see the downtown area of Reno [...]


This week has been craaaaazy so far.  A lot of fun… … And a lot of work. This week is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, which is always a huge deal for Operation Beautiful.  On Monday, I spoke at University of North Carolina Pembroke.  On Tuesday, I spoke at Davidson College.  And tonight, I’m flying [...]


Photo An Hour

Fellow blogger Kelly recently did this post – simply taking a photo every hour to illustrate an entire day – and I loved the concept!  What a fun way to document a random Sunday.  It’s interesting what taking photos every hour shows – and what it leaves out.   7:30 AM - Normally, Sundays are [...]


Goat Cheese Grits

How’s your weekend going?  Ours is just swell.  We’re spending lots of time together and enjoying the beautiful weather.  It’s nice and warm here in Charlotte. In case you can’t understand toddler talk, he says “in the mouth,” “in the belly,” and “then you poop it out.”  Haha.   I wanted to share a quick, [...]


InnerCity Weightlifting

When I was on the Cabot Celebrity cruise, I met an incredible man named Jon Feinman.  I was extremely inspired by everything he does with InnerCity Weightlifting and knew that you would be, too.  Read on!   Jon is a personal trainer with a Masters in Business Administration.  He was searching for a way to [...]


Run & Swim

Not this kind of swim… This kind of swim. Yesterday, I asked Henry if he wanted to go swimming.  This is how the conversation went:   Me: “Henry, do you want to go to the pool and swim like a fishy in the water?” Henry: “No, dolphin in ocean.” Me: “Oh, okay. Do you want [...]


I Don’t KNow What Came Over Me

Yesterday was a whirlwind of chores and activity.  All of the sudden, I felt like I *had* to get all those little tasks checked off our To Do list. I don’t know what came over me… But I got all of this done!   Scrubbed the master bathroom – it was definitely looking neglected. Swapped [...]


Tuesday Happenings

Hang tight! How is it only Tuesday? HMPH.  I’m thinking that it should be at least Thursday, right?   I had a really great morning – I tackled a 3.5 miler all by myself.  I like to run with a buddy, and running with the stroller is fine, but man… Running solo is the BEST.  [...]


10 Miles and Some Home Improvements

Guess who joined me for my ten miler? The Husband has gotten really into running – it’s pretty awesome.  For a long time, he’d join me on 2 – 4 mile jaunts, but while I’ve been training for this Half Marathon, we’ve been doing all of our runs together.  He’s gone from someone who didn’t [...]

Healthy Tipping Point