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Hello from 30,000 feet in the air!  Gotta love in-flight WIFI!   Another week, another incredible chance to spread the Operation Beautiful message.  This time around, my speaking event shenanigans are taking me back to good old Miami. I don’t know what it is about Miami, but the city sure loves Operation Beautiful.  And I [...]


I Hate Legos + I Love StitchFix

Legos… Every parent’s worst nightmare! They could be even smaller and thus even more painful when I step on them… And Henry really loves sticking them together and pulling them apart.  I guess we’re going to call it a wash.   Ferguson says hi. So I was hoping that this post would include a very [...]


Spring Cleaning List

It’s Monday!  Let’s make it great. We drove home from Tennessee last night, and I immediately went into hyperdrive cleaning mode. My mom’s house is so organized, and it inspired me to pull myself together, too. Up first – all the junk drawers.  How many junk drawers do you have in your house?  This is [...]


Awesome Things on the Internet

A tad heavy on triathlon and parenting pieces, but hey – that’s what I spend a lot of time thinking about.  Oh, and there’s a picture of a cat with a wiener face.  So there.  Now you have to read on!   Twitter recently introduced a tool that allows you to recall your first tweet. [...]


Over the Mountains and Through the Woods

…. To grandma’s house we go! With the Husband at a work conference all weekend, I decided to drive us over to Grandma Jojo’s house for the weekend.  We’ve been doing nothing but eating, playing, and relaxing. (Oh, Maggie – you’re the best!) I hardly every do ‘daily eats’ post anymore, but I actually remembered [...]


My Secret Weapon

Howdy! So, like most of the East Coast, we were slammed for four days of crappy weather.  I didn’t want to do anything inside, and slowly but surely, Henry went stir-crazy.  Gym childcare and walks around the mall was not cutting it.   I was so excited that it started to warm up yesterday! Now, it [...]


Ironman March Run and Swim Workouts

Oh so true, Ironman.  Oh so true.   How’s Ironman March going for everyone?  Keeping up with the program?  I sure hope so!  I’m doing really well with the swimming and running (I only have a mile to go and I’m done with  my runs for the month!), but it’s hard to stay focused on [...]


The Case For Waiting

I know that I’ve made most of these points about waiting to find out our baby’s sex throughout a handful of posts over the last two years, but – I wanted to revisit the topic!  I have several in-real-life friends who are pregnant and about to hit that 20 week mark when you can find [...]


Weekend {plus–MEOW!}

Did you have a good weekend?  We had an AMAZING one. Full of relaxation and fun. Although the weather turned a bit nasty on Sunday, on Saturday, we had great weather and spent most of Henry’s waking hours in the backyard. It’s the little things in life, huh?   I owe you all a full [...]


Join Me at HeartBreak Hill Half Marathon!

The weather here is still fabulous, and all I want to do is lay in my hammock.  However, there’s one big problem.   Do you see it? Right over the hammock is that broken branch.  The end is pointed directly where your stomach would be if you laid down in the hammock.  It’s too high [...]


Ironman March Check-In {Plus a Henry Video}

Are you guys having awesome weather, too?  Spring has definitely sprung in Charlotte.  I just hope it lasts! It was so nice outside yesterday that I skipped my planned indoor workout (spin class) and went on a run.   My legs are still shredded from this weekend’s half marathon!  I thought I was back to normal, [...]


This post was sponsored by the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers. When I buy a bag of granola, I always eat the big clumps first.  I’m left with a bag of sad little oatmeal flakes.  So when I set out to craft a basic granola recipe, I knew one thing:  it had to be [...]


New Food Labels: What Do You Think?

The Food and Drug Administration is proposing changes to the ubiquitous food label. I just got a chance to read the original FDA press release about the changes, and I’m really excited about the direction of the new label.   This is what the current label looks like: And here are the proposed new labels… [...]


All The Ways My Weekend Was Awesome

First of all… we ran a half marathon!  So pleased with our time.  I’m already eyeing up other local halves that we could do soon.  Hey, why not piggyback your training while you can?! You can read the recap here.   Also, MomHTP and Dwight came to visit.  We had wonderfully hot and sunny weather [...]

Healthy Tipping Point