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3-Ingredient Sunflower Butter Treats

Henry and I got sucked into awesome park action this morning – it’s cloudy and breezy and I don’t feel like my face is melting off the moment I step outside! – and we ended up missing my gym window.  Drat.   So to make up for a lost swim, I replaced the effort with [...]


Very Orange Tofu Quinoa

Our outdoor pool officially closed down this Sunday, so we made sure to go not once, but twice over the weekend.  It was so fun!  I’m definitely going to miss pool season…   And speaking of the pool, I went {fitness} swimming a grand total of three times last week.  Post-swim reward:  A few minutes [...]


Summer Afternoon

Today was my sleep-in day (woo to the hoo), and when I got out of bed, this lovely breakfast was waiting for me.  It looked like something off a breakfast buffet at a fine hotel.  Not too shabby, Husband. Once we were full and caffeinated, we went on a long walk.  I’m having some meh [...]


Pumpkin Spice Tofu

Henry started “preschool” this week.  It was hard for me on Wednesday – I cried a lot after drop-off.  But then I quickly realized that – holy crap! – I can get a lot of stuff done in four hours if I really focus (plus, he survived, so – winning!).    Baby #2 is due [...]


Six Weeks A month or so ago, I asked you all how long you thought it took to form a habit… The answers were so varied – I guess it really depends on the person plus the habit!  But recently, I’ve been hearing a lot about the “magical six week mark,” at least when it [...]


Water Babies

I truly, truly need to spend more time in the pool. I’m 27 weeks pregnant today and definitely slowing down.  I can feel every single oomph of my weight gain when I try to do any impact exercise.  Being buoyant in the pool feels niceeeee.  And, as always, I love that whole-body-workout feeling.  From the [...]


Labor Day Relaxin’

Happy Holiday Weekend! The Husband and I got to go on a little date this afternoon – Henry had a playdate at a friend’s house.  A midday treat for Mom and Dad!  We made a frightening amount of plans for ourselves – we packed socks for bowling, bathing suits for swimming, a gift card for [...]


For 30 More

A guest post from Katharine at From A to Pink that is truly worth reading. I’m about to turn 30. Big deal, right? A lot of people reach that age, maybe throw a party, maybe complain about getting older, and move on. But for me, 30 is anything but just another birthday.   You see, [...]


I love, love, love pop music and feel like the radio is currently jammed with so many hits! Lots and lots of great workout tunes. Henry especially loves Boom Clap and even knows some of the chorus (I love that song because it feels circa 1993 – doesn’t it?).   Anyway – these tunes provided [...]


Weekend Snapshots

This weekend was different – it was just Henry and me.  The Husband was out of town visiting his best friend.  It was a little lonely at home, but Henry and I stayed really busy, tackling projects, seeing friends, and - most notably – getting H switched over to  his new bedroom!  More on that [...]


3 Awesome Books

Are you having a good day?  I sure hope so.  It’s an easy, run-of-the-mill kind of day over here – and I am absolutely not complaining!  Peaceful days are good days.  <3    I actually made it to the gym for a legit workout.  Wahoo!  I have been taking it reeeeeeally easy (think: sitting on [...]


Friend Date + Super Simple Breakfast Scramble

Last night, I went out with my friend Brandi – sans kids!  We’re normally ‘mom friends’ so this was a big deal.  We couldn’t stop joking about how lovely it was to actually finish thoughts and sentences with each other.  Hah. We got pedicures.  I have not gotten a pedicure in… man, I don’t even [...]


Trip to Tennessee

This weekend, the Husband and I decided we really needed to get out of town. MomHTP’s house in Tennessee felt like the perfect escape. While there, I discovered that my mom keeps her nail polish in the fridge.  Huh. Beyond nail painting, we spent a lot of time outside. Henry went to the splash park [...]


Painted Baskets DIY

It looks like I can continue wogging for at least a little bit longer! Side note… Wogging = Waddling jogging.  Because that’s more and more what running looks like these days.  I am no longer graceful in anything that I do, but ESPECIALLY not running.  I quit pregnant running with Henry weeks and weeks ago [...]

Healthy Tipping Point