Twilight Obsession

Good morning.  I had a wonderful 10-mile run.  I definitely needed (both mentally and physically) a good run!   Before leaving, I ate a full breakfast. Coffee + banana oatmeal. My oatmeal contained:   1/2 cup oatmeal 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup water 1 sliced banana Toppings: unsweetened coconut, pecans, and brown sugar I got [...]


WOW - I am so relieved my work week is over.   Work dragged this afternoon.  I ate some fun snacks, though!  Like shredded WW cereal with skim. Dates: Cold bread: After work was over, I met Meghann, new friend Neely, and Neely's BF Jeramey for Happy Hour in downtown Orlando.  Went to to the Relax [...]



Sorry for the late post, I was watching TWILIGHT on DVD! AHHH!! Sooooo good to see the movie again. :) Now, let's see how  many times I watch it this weekend.   My workout this evening was great.  I ran 5.0  miles on the treadmill, which is highly unusually for me -- it's a miracle [...]


I can't believe that Twilight has been out on DVD since Saturday and I still haven't bought it!  I need to see Edward Cullen ASAP.  Any other Twilighters out there?   Lunch was  delish.  I am RELISHING eating out of my own fridge again! The *star* of the meal was a simple WW baguette with [...]


Book Induced Insomnia

I read New Moon last night until MIDNIGHT, which let me tell you -- is way, way past my bedtime.  I'm paying for it this AM.  But, I simply CANNOT put the Twilight series down.  Meghann and I are switching our normal Thursday dates to Wednesday so we can go see the movie TONIGHT.  I'm [...]

Healthy Tipping Point