

I need to remember that, when I’m feeling super stressed and cranky and overwhelmed by life, I am probably just… tired.  Funny but true, isn’t it? My outlook is feeling a bit brighter today.  I thought about it a lot yesterday, and I realized two things.  1) I’m tired, and 2) I need to work [...]


Out of Sync

Triathlon problems---> I feel like the universe is working against me this week, at least when it comes to fitting in my workouts.  The biggest problem has been kiddo sleep and, actually, as I write this post at the ass crack of dawn, I keep interrupting myself to silently walk Henry back into his bedroom.  [...]


Out of Sync

I feel like the universe is working against me this week, at least when it comes to fitting in my workouts.  The biggest problem has been kiddo sleep and, actually, as I write this post at the ass crack of dawn, I keep interrupting myself to silently walk Henry back into his bedroom.  Regardless of [...]


What I’m Into

Fresh flowers.  I have started buying myself flowers every week.  I keep a mini-bouquet near my computer and another on my bedside table.  Makes me so happy! Humans of New York.  Hands down, the best Facebook page (and Facebook comments section).  Mustard.  Dude, I am obsessed with mustard lately.  On eggs, on potatoes, on stir-fries… [...]


I’ve been bouncing around grocery stores lately, trying to figure out what combination of the four nearby (ALDI, Costco, Harris Teeter and Trader Joe’s) that I regularly shop out has the best deals.  I’ve been going a bit further to shop at a newer ALDI, and I’m always pleasantly surprised when I walk in.  If [...]


Long Run + Talks of a Half Marathon

Brandi and I crushed an 8 mile run yesterday.  We are just a few weeks out from the triathlon and figured it would be nice to go over the race’s 10K distance.  I wanted us to go slowly and take walking breaks up big hills – the more time on my feet, the better!  I [...]


I <3 This Yogurt Mess

Good morning! We spent another afternoon at the lake with Julie and Britney and all the kids, including one on the outside and ones on the inside! It’s fun to watch a friend near the end of pregnancy, isn’t it?  I admit that I feel like Julie is now a ticking time bomb!  Hah.    [...]


Five CHurch – Five Moms

My girlfriends and I organized ourselves for a night out.  Whoo hoo!  The five of us are in one big and constant text stream – we truly blow each other’s phones up a hundred times a day.  We do a decent amount of play dates, but it’s nice to hang out in real life sans [...]


Breakfast With The Kids

Good Morning! Three Weird Facts About Me (why not?):   I cannot leave the house without sunglasses.  If I were trapped on a deserted island and could only bring a few things, sunglasses would be right up there with a knife and a fire starter. I hate to drink anything without a straw.   A smoothie [...]


So I’m clearly all about the fun caffeine lately!  I’ve been dying to tell you guys about the Dirty Chai since October.  Do you remember when I went on a tour of the Celestial Seasonings factory in Boulder, Colorado?  (By the way, if you’re in that area, you should totally go on this free tour [...]


Sam Smith Saturday

Happy Monday!  How was your weekend?  Mine was GREAT.  Seriously, it was an awesome weekend.  Saturday was particularly memorable! I started things off with dropping Claire’s crib.  Sure, there are those typical milestones like crawling, walking, talking… But I consider the crib drop a big one, too!  I almost shed a tear while I unscrewed [...]



Wahoo! Friday Dance! How was your week?  Mine was busy – but fun. My schedule looked like this: play, work, run, sleep and repeat.    Oh, and eating great food! (That’s tofu, potatoes, and spinach with some sort of wonderful curry sauce that Husband whipped up.) Not so bad of a schedule, huh? My big [...]


DIY Instant Mammoth Coffee Pods

Have you had mammoth (AKA bulletproof) coffee yet?  OMG.  You must.  Okay – I know this is going to sound weird.  But you have to trust me – it’s a combination of butter, coconut oil, and coffee, and it’s truly one of the most delicious ways I’ve ever had coffee.  It’s rich without being sweet, [...]


I love cupcakes… I love color… And what I really love is making colorful icing without artificial colors and with fruit and veggie juices!  Does the spinach juice outweigh the sugar?  Probably not… But less artificial stuff is always something to celebrate, right? I was inspired to do this by the roll-out of the new [...]

Healthy Tipping Point