
Flashback post: Stuffed Potato Skin Shells

I’m reposting some oldies but goodies this week.  Hope you enjoy! ------------------------------- Oh my.  Oh my.  Quick – get thee to a kitchen! In my opinion, potato skins and stuffed shells are two of the most delicious foods on the planet.  Last Sunday, I was drivin’ around in my car when I suddenly had an [...]


This post is sponsored by French’s Yellow Mustard. I’m an equal condiment opportunist – I love them all!  But of the big three – ketchup, mayo, and mustard – the yellow stuff is my current favorite for its versatility.  While I’m always happy to smear mayo on my burgers or dip my potatoes in ketchup, [...]


I’m reposting some oldies but goodies this week.  Hope you enjoy! ——————————- Very often, the media makes something seem like a bigger deal than it actually is.  And sometimes, because the media makes something seem important, it actually becomes a real-life battle.  Quite the vicious cycle.  In my eyes, that’s how the so-called Mommy Wars [...]


I’m reposting some oldies but goodies this week.  Hope you enjoy! ------------------------------- Recently, I got an interesting email from a reader that prompted an even more intriguing Google hunt and conversation with DadHTP. Sharon emailed me to say, “While researching some upcoming races I discovered that one had a Clydesdale/Athena category. I had heard of [...]


Doin’ In On My Own

So, I haven’t been doing much running.  I think I did a run/walk last week, but this week, it’s been all about the walk.  Kristien and I have been doing a 1.5-mile stroll each morning while he pushes Henry in the jogging stroller.  Each time we go, I dress like I could be going for [...]


Lately on Instagram

I LOVE INSTAGRAM.  But I know that not everyone uses it, so I thought I’d share some of my favorite filtered photos on the blog, too. Are you on Instagram?  Let’s be friends – leave your profile link in the comments section!  I’m CaitlinHTP.


This post is sponsored by Silk Almond Blends. Is it hot where you are? It's July. I live in North Carolina. That means that it's basically scorching every single day. But I'm not complaining because I love the heat and loathe the winter. Bring on the sweat!   Every single day, we fill up the [...]


Our {Very Belated} Wedding Recap

Just for fun – I thought I’d write my Wedding Recap.  Yes, it was five and a half years ago, but I don’t think I ever wrote a recap (I know that Meghann posted one for me while I was on my honeymoon).  Can I just say that I am SO grateful that I did [...]


Commercials Serve a Purpose

I am losing my lap.  I think I only have a week or so left! Sorry, Maggie.  Sorry, Henry.  This baby bump is taking over!   How’s your Tuesday shaping up?  I am super tired – not going to lie.  One night’s sleep can make or break me.  A tossin’ and turnin’ night left me [...]


Weekend Roundup

While it appears via social media that everyone I know was BBQing, lake swimming, and watching fireworks this weekend, I was… not.  I had a fun and productive weekend, but it wasn’t very holiday-ish.  We have a BIG BEACH TRIP planned for next week, so we’re saving our energy (and dollars) for that.  Instead, I [...]


What’s Up Lately

Happy Fourth of July!  The long weekend is almost here.  Wahoo.  We don’t really have any firm plans, but I admit – I’m looking forward to doing a whole lot of nothing.   Fitness Lately Meh.  It’s going okay.  I’m trying really hard to stay active through this pregnancy, as I did with Henry, but [...]


What Type of Pins Inspire You?

A few months ago, I read an awesome piece about so-called ‘inspirational’ fitness posts on Pinterest; unfortunately, I can’t relocate the blog post.  But the author wrote that instead of feeling inspired by certain images, she thought they were promoting restrictive/compulsive/unhealthy behaviors under the guide of ‘being your best’ (does anyone know what blog post [...]


This post is sponsored by SweetLeaf. Did you know…   A 20-ounce soda has 16 teaspoons of sugar? The average American consumes 39 pounds of sugar in sugared drinks – like soda – each year?  Sugar drinks are the biggest source of added sugar in Americans’ diets? Sugar drinks increases your risk for obesity, diabetes [...]


Fresh, Frozen, Canned

What foods do you buy fresh?  Frozen?  Canned?  This meal includes all three! Canned corn and canned black beans stir-fried with fresh carrots and frozen spinach.  Topped with fresh tomatoes.  With a side of (super small, super cute) organic slow-cooked sweet potatoes. Frozen   Spinach (this is a new thing for us and a HUGE [...]

Healthy Tipping Point