
Cloudless in St. Cloud

Hi from St. Cloud, Minnesota! It is absolutely PERFECT in St. Cloud right now.  Warm and sunny but just breezy enough… And everyone here is SO nice.  I can’t get over how nice people are in Minnesota!   Normally, for Operation Beautiful events, I pop in and out over 24 hours, but I have two [...]


This post is sponsored by Musselman’s applesauce. I was challenged by Musselman’s applesauce to create a healthy back-to-school snack and immediately knew that I wanted to make cookies.  Because – let’s be real – kids and adults alike will eat pretty much anything if it comes in cookie form.   These moist cookies are tasty [...]


Little One: 30 Weeks

30 weeks.  Holy hell!  I gave birth to Henry in Week 39.  Assuming I follow the same pattern, that means that we’re in single digit week countdown mode.  <—If you could see my face right now, it’d be an combination of sheer panic and utter joy. I feel the blog has been rather baby and [...]



Did you know that Domino's makes gluten-free pizza?  I didn’t either!  DadHTP ordered a few pies for dinner – my MIL was over, too, so it was fun little pizza party. Verdict:  Pretty good, as far as gluten-free pizzas go.  Obviously never going to taste as good as the real thing.  But to have pizza [...]


Gardening Extravaganza + 123 Magic

How was your weekend? Ours was good… but exhausting.  Over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, we tackled our front yard, which was a nasty, embarrassing mess.  If neighborhoods gave away awards for Worst Front Yard, ours surely would’ve won.  We’d been kind of ignoring the space because to REALLY rectify the problem, we’d have to put [...]


How I Stop Temper Tantrums

When parenting is fun and lighthearted, it is easy, fulfilling, and wonderful.  And truly – it’s like that more often than not.  But on a daily basis, parenting can also be hard.  I’m talking about the cranky meltdowns, the temper tantrums, and the complicated behavioral stuff, plus your own constant self-doubt and fear that you’re [...]


Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream

I have another fun use for my DIY Pumpkin Spice… Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream! (You’ve got to try Pumpkin Spice Tofu!)   Here’s the cool thing about this ice cream – it’s actually vegan.  Yup, entirely dairy-free.  It’s based on the infamous Banana Soft Serve and is super simple to make.  All you need is [...]


Simple Tips for A Cleaner House

Howdy!  How goes your Tuesday?  Mine is going very well, indeed.  Started things off right with a swim workout.  I did about 500 yards, which is way less than what I usually shoot for – I was pretty tired following four nighttime wake-ups (two Henrys + one pee break + one dog shake).  Didn’t want [...]


Racing with Your Period

There have been many, many discussions on the Tri-Fecta Facebook group (which, by the way, is absolutely my favorite triathlon-related group!) about racing with your period. It comes up so often that I thought it’d be worth a post of round-up tips from yours truly. When I’ve had my period on race day, there have [...]


Weekend Snapshots

The weather took a turn for the cooler this weekend.  I loved it!   This weekend, we made an epic train track… Blew out birthday candles at 7:00 AM for no reason… Slept. A lot… And ate really awesome food, like these enchiladas… This corn, spinach, and egg scramble… Squash delicata, which I made in [...]


Day in the Life

I was hoping to do a really involved “Day in the Life” post yesterday.  But that entails: 1) writing down what you’re doing and when; and 2) taking a lot of photos.  I was pretty disappointed when I sat down at my desk and realized I snapped a grand total of three photos yesterday – [...]


Panic-Free Pregnancy: Round Two

I was reading through some of my old pregnancy posts and came across my 31 Week Update with Henry, which is when I wrote about having a panic-free pregnancy. I’d made a list of all the things that I had chosen not to stress out over (because there are a LOT during pregnancy) and the [...]


Honestly Great

This post is sponsored by The Honest Company. I was thrilled to have the chance to review three awesome products from The Honest Company, a one-stop shop for families who care about the quality of their bath, body, and baby products.   I have a ton of friends who use Honest diapers because they are [...]


3-Ingredient Sunflower Butter Treats

Henry and I got sucked into awesome park action this morning – it’s cloudy and breezy and I don’t feel like my face is melting off the moment I step outside! – and we ended up missing my gym window.  Drat.   So to make up for a lost swim, I replaced the effort with [...]

Healthy Tipping Point