
Last Chance! + Cookie Recipes

Today (Sunday) is the last day to send in your Sweet Santa + Scary Santa entries.  You can read the official rules on this post.  I can’t wait to see your kiddos! While you’re waiting for the awesomeness that will be the Santa posts, here are some yummy cookie recipes to keep you busy in [...]


Your Choices Add Up

The tagline of Healthy Tipping Point is “When everyday decisions add up to something amazing.”  For years, I struggled with being healthy because I thought healthy = perfection.  If I wasn’t perfect (um, and who is?), I had “blown it.”  And then all hell broke loose.   Now, I realize that being healthy is about [...]


Get Organized

Good morning! Today’s goal is to organize my bedroom so it doesn’t look like a baby bomb went off.  I think if I just corral the dirty clothes, I’ll be light years ahead of the game…   I need to pull things together because my mom is leaving in the next few days – I [...]


Walk My Way Back

Over the weekend, I hit the stir-crazy point. I was SO sick of being in the house and on the couch – since leaving the hospital, I’ve only really left the house to drive Henry to school and take Claire to the doctor’s.  I truly thought I was going to lose my mind if I [...]


Cheesy Potato Frittata

The quest for healthy post-partum eats continues!  I don’t know how we’ve managed to swing it, but I swear that we’ve all been eating better in the two weeks since Claire was born than in the months before.  Too bad I can’t say the same for sleep…  One battle at a time, right? Over the [...]


Mind & Body After Baby: 9 Days

Last time, after giving birth to Henry, I wrote a Mind & Body After Baby series.  It seems like everyone really liked the balance between mental and physical health.  I’m so glad that you all liked the split between mental and physical health because, to me, that’s what being truly healthy is all about. I [...]



Hi, friends!  How are you?  Well, I’m having my first painfully sleepy day.  I am not really complaining because, well, I could’ve been painfully sleepy this whole time!  But Claire is proving to be a pretty great newborn sleeper, capable of a few long stretches at night.  We’re still working to sort out some of [...]


Claire was born on Tuesday, but her birth story started on Sunday. I woke up with spotting, and some Googling revealed it was probably my bloody show (which I never had with Henry). I always thought a “bloody show” was a one-time, dramatic thing, but mine was slow and light and lasted until Monday afternoon [...]


This is a sponsored post. Although we don’t live in a climate that guarantees we’ll be stuck indoors all winter, there are definitely more days than not that it’s too cold to venture outside – especially with new baby Claire!  It can be challenging to think of new games and activities for a busy toddler. [...]


What’s We’re Up To

Claire is four days old, and the entire family is adjusting to this new and awesome (and exhausting!) version of life. We spent two nights in the hospital (I can’t wait to share our birth story sometime early next week – spoiler alert: it’s a super short story!) and came home on Thursday afternoon.  Henry [...]



Welcome to the world, Claire Joy Boyle. Born December 2, 2014 at 2:30 PM after a fast 4.5-hour labor 7 pound, 12 ounces 19 inches long Everyone is happy and healthy.  <3 <3 <3


Scary Santa / Sweet Santa 2014

What began as a bit of a joke in 2012 is now officially an HTP tradition – it’s the Scary Santa / Sweet Santa Contest. Ho, ho, ho!  It’s that time of the year again.  Wear your holiday best and smile your sweetest smiles!  Or… Wipe the sweat off your brow as you hold on [...]


This post is sponsored by Celestial Seasonings. There is so much awesomeness packed into this post that I don’t know where to start.  Obviously, tea-infused cupcakes would be a good place, but let’s talk about this cupcake stand for just a moment. Would you believe that this stand is actually a charger, two upside-down plates, [...]


‘Black Friday’ Find and The Four Survey

I bet you were hoping for a baby photo. So was I!  Hah.  Will you be satisfied with a breakfast photo?   Yeah… Me neither. Regardless, we are having a fabulous Friday over here. I love how quiet the day after Thanksgiving is!  We’ve been lounging around, eating our weight in Rice Krispy Treats, and [...]

Healthy Tipping Point