
Book a Week + Everything in My Kindle

This week’s Book a Week was an important one for me. I read How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk.  I actually started this book last year but only got through two chapters before I set it aside.  The introduction recommends reading it sloooowly so you have time to [...]


Scroll down for the giveaway!   I’m starting to focus on getting faster.  I use the term “faster” loosely because I’ve never been a fast runner – but I’d like to speed up my normal in preparation for the Publix Savannah Women’s Half and 5K on March 29.  (I’m race ambassador and am doing the [...]


Wednesday Morning

Are you having a nice day?  So far – mine is pretty good!  I absolutely love our morning routine right now.  I wake up with Claire and feed her, and then I go into the bathroom to pump.  Henry always hears us moving around and comes sprinting up the stairs to hug his little sister.  [...]


Best Sports Bra Ever

So I was digging through my exercise clothing drawer (okay – it’s actually four drawers!) and trying to organize things.  I’ve weighed between 125 – 165 pounds in the last year, and I own a ton of gear in a wide range of sizes.  Every time I get dressed for a workout, I end up [...]


Valentine’s Day Weekend

Did you have a good weekend?  We certainly did.  I feel like we jammed a lot in – you’ll see!   First of all, I had three awesome workouts.  I was feeling pretty sluggish during the week because Claire reverted back to waking up every 2 – 3 hours.  It was painful.  Must have been [...]


(True story) 1. Decide to go to the playground.  Begin process of leaving the house.   2. Tell toddler he’s got to get dressed.  Go upstairs.  Get clothes.  Come downstairs to dress toddler.  Where is toddler?  Toddler is hiding.   3. Search for toddler.   4. Find toddler behind the bathroom door.  Chase toddler into [...]


The Worst Hair Cut Ever + Book a Week

Last week, Henry was going through a “moment” and was being a stubborn little man.  I think it actually coordinated with a mental leap because I’ve noticed a lot of new cognitive developments (like he suddenly figured out how to actually hide and be quiet during Hide and Seek – not doing this <— gosh, [...]


How to: Toy Rotation

My friend posted a link to an article about an easy toy rotation method in our Mom’s Group, and since then, several of my friends have tried it out with great success.  I decided to also do it after I realized that Henry doesn’t play with 80% of his toys – and he really doesn’t [...]


Oreo Rice Krispy Treats

Happy almost Valentine’s Day! Do you have fun plans?  We’re hosting a fun couples potluck on Saturday night, and I am really looking forward to it.  It’s also pretty amusing to try and explain the holiday to Henry.  He currently thinks that Valentine’s Day is all about eating chocolate and Daddy giving Mommy a pretty [...]


Getting Back to Fit

Did you have a good weekend?  We had an awesome weekend!   I started things off on a healthy note with a Barre class at FlyWheel.  BFF Nicole had convinced me to sign-up for a free class.  Barre struck me as a lovely, sweaty combination of ballet and torture… I kept shooting death glares to [...]


Nutrition for Runners

Question:  What are your favorite foods for before, during, and after a run?    I am a fan of the peanut butter and banana sandwich before a run, love Gels during, and always want a BIG smoothie afterwards.  Although I am also a fan of the M&Ms and Swedish Fish candies that you often see [...]


Life Lately on {Instagram}

If you don’t follow me on Instagram, well – you’re missing out on what’s basically a ton of cute baby and animal pictures.  Here’s what our life looks like when a stylish Instagram filter is applied: Big Grey. A photo posted by caitlinhtp (@caitlinhtp) on Feb 1, 2015 at 7:39pm PST Night night. A photo [...]


Workouts + Goodreads

Last week, I broke out my indoor bike trainer so I could start riding the bike again!  Wahoo!  I haven’t been on my bike in forever, so it felt really good – minus my sore butt - to clock not one, not two, but THREE indoor rides.  (I don’t have a real block to prop [...]


How to Cook Tofu

… That you actually want to eat! A reader asked me a week or so ago to do a post on cooking tofu.  Tofu is definitely one of my favorite foods, but it’s also the type of dish that can go really, really wrong if you don’t follow some basic principles.   There are two [...]

Healthy Tipping Point