
Campers Have ‘Smore Fun

"Look at this Instagram account," I said, shoving the phone under The Husband's nose. "They have an RV, they travel around the country, see all these cool places, and homeschool their kids." This was towards the end of May 2020, and we were just coming out of the shutdown. We thought we had the next [...]


It’s Been Six Years

Hello, world! It's been six years. Tonight, I was out with friends, and much to my chagrin, a dear friend told the entire table that I used to be a "famous blogger" (and I use that term extremely loosely). Whenever it comes up in conversation, the other person squints at me and says, "You? You [...]


The End

When I was 24 years old, I wrote my very first post.  I said hello, uploaded a picture of my dog, and said I wanted to share things that I was passionate about.   And for 7.5 years, I did – and it was so good for me.  This blog challenged me to figure out who [...]


My Favorite Pregnancy, Baby, + Toddler Posts

How I Stop Temper Tantrums (this trick still works very, very often!) Post-Birth Review of Bradley Method Natural Birth Classes The Case for Waiting (to find out the baby's sex) Henry’s Birth Story, Part I and Part II Claire’s Birth Story Why I’m Stopping Breastfeeding Henry, Stopping Exclusively Pumping, Part I, and Stopping EP, Part II Breastfeeding Claire [...]


I <3 Frozen Veggies

I have gotten SO into frozen veggies.  They are so quick and easy (no chopping, no mess) and way cheaper than buying the organic fresh produce. Plus - they help make awesome omelets... or messy eggs when I forget to mix the eggs before pouring them into the pan.  Ha!  When I have two kids [...]


10 More Things I Want to Do in 2015

Can you believe it’s November 4?  I can’t.  Where is the year going?!  Here are 10 things I want to do before 2015 is just a memory.   Finish all the books on my side table.  I started off very strong with Book a Week but am definitely not going to finish 52 books this [...]


Should I get a Treadmill?

Did you have a great Halloween?  We sure did! Halloween is shaping up to be one of my favorite kiddo holidays.  I absolutely love going trick or treating with everyone!  Claire enjoyed sitting in the stroller and waving “hi!” to everyone.  And Henry LOVED going door to door with his friends.  A bunch of our [...]


Peanut Butter Cup Mousse

This recipe is a HUGE hit in my house. I kept meaning to share but forgot over and over - probably because I'm too busy licking a spoon. It turns out that, if you mix peanut butter and Greek yogurt, this wonderfully fluffy "mousse" is created! Add in a little cocoa powder, a splash of [...]


Fun Stuff {Minus a Cold}

Good morning!  It was an early one in the Boyle household (but, then again, it usually is!). It’s so weird to see Claire standing all the time now… Or zombie-style walking towards me (know what I mean? That early baby walk always reminds me of a zombie). Speaking of Claire, do you like our pumpkin?  [...]


3 Things About This Weekend

Three fun things about this weekend:   #1 - I got through half of this week's Book a Week.  I am reading about The Five Love Languages for Children. If you're never heard of the love languages, check out their website. The love languages (how you express and receive love) are: physical touch, quality time, [...]


Grain-Free Apple Crisp

Remember when we went apple picking with our friends? Well, we ended up with a ton of apples - of course!  And after eating a few whole, I knew that I needed to get creative in the kitchen before they all went off.  I wanted a yummy snack with only a few ingredients - something [...]


This post is sponsored by Gallery Direct. So a few months ago, I saw a post on Kath Eats about Gallery Direct, which makes beautiful canvas prints right from your photos.  I immediately hopped on over to the site to order a ‘test’ print of Claire. You see, I had been desperately wanting to transform [...]


The post title says it all! This morning, the Husband and I searched for TWO HOURS (I am not exaggerating) for his car keys.  I had them last, but we’re pretty sure a kiddo picked them up and hide them… somewhere?  Hopefully not down that AC vent, which is where I was convinced they were [...]


Sunny Sunday

Did you have an awesome weekend?  Ours was busy but great. We actually spent a lot of time just hanging out in our backyard.  A chill is definitely in the air – you can tell that winter is coming!  I felt like we were all trying to soak up the last bits of sun and [...]

Healthy Tipping Point