3 Things About This Weekend

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Three fun things about this weekend:


#1 – I got through half of this week’s Book a Week.  I am reading about The Five Love Languages for Children.


If you’re never heard of the love languages, check out their website. The love languages (how you express and receive love) are: physical touch, quality time, acts of service, gifts, and words of affirmation. Love languages were originally for adult relationships, but they can apply to parent-child relationships, too.  You can’t tell your child’s love language until age 5, and love languages change over time, but I think this is really interesting. The most insightful thing I read so far that love expressed in your child’s love language is most well-received, and parental disappointment/anger expressed in their love language is the worst thing of all.  So if your kid’s love language is quality  time, and you punish them by withdrawing that, it wounds them very deeply.  Made me think a lot about discipline in our household.  That is a really powerful concept, huh?


#2 – We dressed up for Halloween!  The Husband and I went out to a costume party and had so much fun.


My Catwoman costume was pretty simple and inexpensive.  All I had to buy were ears and a mask!


#3 – I tried a new-to-Charlotte service called Shipt.   Shipt is a grocery delivery service that works with Publix.  It’s available in a few select metro areas, like Phoenix, Dallas, Nashville, Birmingham, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, Sarasota, and throughout South Florida.  If you sign up with my affiliate link, you get $10 towards your order!


I saw an ad for Shipt on Facebook and knew that I immediately wanted to give it a go!  For $14 a month (or $99 a year), you can get UNLIMITED grocery deliveries right to your door.  There is a mark-up on groceries (about $5 extra for every $35), but you can seriously order anything you want from your phone.  The clincher for me was when I saw that there was an entire section for organic produce.


You can also make special requests – like I asked for a box of fun kid Band-Aids to be added to our order.  I’ve found that may things are in the drop-down menus, but you have to also add in special requests for many things.  Each time, I got groceries at my door in just 2 hours!  It was totally cool.


3 Questions for You!


What’s your love language?   

What’s your Halloween costume?

If you could have any service automated, what about it be? 



  • Katie D. October 26, 2015, 11:48 am

    I’m quality time and acts of service and hubby is gifts and words of affirmation. We have found that in our relationship, the love languages that are hardest for us to give, are the ones that each other needs the most. And the ones we give easily and freely are the ones we need. I’m not a random gift buyer at all and I have a hard time speaking words of affirmation, which is what Hubby needs. I pack him a lunch every day (act of service) but that barely registers on his love radar. Hubby buys me gifts and speaks affirmatively to me and it makes me uncomfortable, LOL! Always a work in progress!

  • Amanda October 26, 2015, 11:53 am

    You look awesome!!! I wish I lived in an area that offered grocery delivery… what a time saver!

  • Sagan October 26, 2015, 1:07 pm

    Love your costume!

    I like that the love languages can apply to us as adults, too. We can learn so much about ourselves and the way we interact with the world when we know what our own love language is.

    <3 grocery delivery. Now if I can get wine delivery, I'd be all set… 😉

  • Samantha T. October 26, 2015, 2:04 pm

    I always feel really guilty about this, but my strongest love language is gifts followed closely by acts of service. They tie in with each other for me. I wish I didn’t need the affirmation in the form of receiving gifts, but it really does affect me the most! I think it goes back to my grandma, who I was extremely close with, buying me gifts literally everyday as a kid! That was how she showed affection and I’m so much like her. Very interesting! I love the five love languages 🙂 My halloween costume will be scrubs because I’ll be working night shift as a nurse on halloween lol. I would definitely have car maintenance automated. Like someone comes to your house and changes your oil, rotates your tires, etc! Although now my husband does that for me at our house so that works too 😉

    • Kristi October 27, 2015, 9:24 pm

      Automated car service? You are a genius! 🙂

  • Elle October 26, 2015, 3:30 pm

    Quality time is what I want. I tend to show love with acts of service & gifts (usually in the form of cooking for people)
    No costume.
    And delivery of groceries for me too! I love that our Whole Foods delivers.

  • Katie @ Talk Less, Say More October 26, 2015, 4:42 pm

    I’m not a big Halloween fan, at least not when it comes to dressing up as an adult. So many female costumes are provocative which is totally not my style, but I love seeing all the little kids dressed up! You guys picked some great costumes though and if/when I do dress up, I’m all about the easy to pull together but still look great costumes!

  • Leatitia October 26, 2015, 4:45 pm

    I just did the test on the love languages website and I got ; Act of Services, which is pretty much my love language. Do the dishes or help me with a project? How to tell me you love me!

    My 4 yo son love language is probably Quality time and Act of Services. I’ll question him tonight though! So interesting!

    My costume this year, is the same as last year, a pirate. Trying to get a bigger ROI from my $15 walmart costume. 😉 My son is Ant Man this year!

    Grocery delivered to my door is really something I’d like to be automated!

  • Katie October 26, 2015, 6:58 pm

    I haven’t done love languages yet, but I hope to in my next relationship! As for delivery groceries, it just doesn’t work for me yet. But if/when I have kiddos I’ll be splurging for sure!

  • Cecily October 26, 2015, 9:14 pm

    So happy that you’re talking love languages on the blog! My roommate introduced me to them, and it’s been so helpful! I, in turn, had my fiance take the quiz too. We share the same love language- quality time. I think that makes it much easier to communicate our needs! (However, it also makes doing long distance for a year incredibly difficult!) Thanks for bringing these up- everyone should take that quiz! 🙂

  • Liz October 27, 2015, 8:20 am

    I seriously almost spit my coffee out when I saw how expensive those groceries are!! Maybe it’s because we live in the Midwest? I don’t typically buy organic, and I mostly shop at Aldi. Nearly everything pictured I would pay about 1/3 for…so maybe 1/2 for organic? Anyway, it’s cool that you can get groceries delivered! Your weekly grocery bills must be absolutely insane though at those prices.
    I would say my love language is probably physical touch or acts of service. That book sounds like a really interesting read!

  • leatitia October 27, 2015, 8:53 am

    I questioned my 4 yo last night:
    -How do you know a mommy loves his child?
    -When they hug them or give kisses. (physical touch!)
    -What do you do when you want to tell someone you love them?
    -I play with them. (quality time)
    So fun! 🙂

  • Julie October 27, 2015, 10:43 am

    My fiance & I read the adult version of that book together while on vacation this summer, & I highly recommend. I knew before even cracking the spine that his love language would be physical touch because he’s always touching me – holding my hand, rubbing my back or leg, wrapping his arms around me (which I don’t hate!). 🙂 It’s interesting how we tend to show love in OUR love language because in our minds that’s the most effective way to show it, but if the other person’s love language is different from ours, they may not be appreciative or can misinterpret our signs. Very interesting & helpful for all relationships! I had 2 love languages – I told my fiance that should make it easier for him; he had 2 options! 😉 Mine were words of affirmation & quality time, but physical touch was a close runner up so it’s all good. 🙂

  • Amanda October 27, 2015, 1:04 pm

    Your mid-west readers need to know that HyVee offers online ordering and delivery of groceries with no membership fees or up charges. They even save things you purchase to make your next online shopping a breeze or you can set items to be reoccurring. If you spend over $100 (which, how easy is that to do?!) there is no fee at all and less that $5 fee if under $100. You can pick up in store or have it delivered.

  • Jennifer October 27, 2015, 9:01 pm

    I had my 10 year old son take the on-line quiz and he was tied with quality time and words of affirmation. Physical touch was last on the list and this is soooo him! Seems pretty accurate! I’m going to have my 7 year old do it in the morning. I’m also going to get the book because it sounds very interesting. Need to do this with the hubby too!

  • Sana October 27, 2015, 9:37 pm

    What’s your love language?
    Communication. Just talk with me for hours.

    What’s your Halloween costume?
    A witch.

    If you could have any service automated, what about it be?

Healthy Tipping Point