I bought Claire a new exersaucer on consignment – she is so pleased.  I’ve never seen a baby love exersaucers and jumpers more than Claire (and Henry was super into them).  She’s been having the time of her life in this new one!


Some days, I feel like I have the motherhood thing down.  I am on schedule and on point.  We do everything we need to do that day and have tons of fun in between.  Other days, I feel like the kids are eating me alive and I can barely function.  Yesterday was one of those days!  Mainly because I’m attempting to potty train Henry.  I swear to God – if I utter the words, “Do you need to go sit on the potty?” one more time, my head will explode. 


I would LOVE potty training tips.  So far, I’m using a bribe and reward system with M&Ms.  Except I keep stress eating all the M&Ms… 


We’re also working to a grand prize of a new toy.  Bribing is my #1 parenting technique (kidding but not really) so… seems to be working so far.


(The sad face was on request by Henry – he got bored with the happy faces and then switched to sad faces, cat faces, and an alligator head.)


Henry’s almost 3 years old (HOW?!) and I’ve kind of been waiting for him to take the lead with potty training – but recently, I realized that he was probably not going to do it anytime soon without a little direction from me.  I also think he regressed a bit overall after Claire’s birth – lots of talk about wanting to be a baby, too.  Anyway – I would really love any advice and tips that you all may have.  It seems so overwhelming to someone who has never done this before!  So far, the best tip that I’ve heard is to keep a little potty in your car – we have definitely used that already!


And apparently, because I like to torture myself, next week, I’ll be sleep training Claire (I think).  I know from sleep training Henry (Part I and Part II) hat it’s no fun for anyone but well worth it in the end.  I would love for us all to sleep through the night again!


Baby Henry – awww!


Enough of the kiddo stuff – I have two race training –related things to share.  First of all, have you seen this video? It’s kind of old, but I keep watching it before my hard workouts.  Super motivating and fun!


And secondly, I posted this question in the Tri-Fecta Facebook group.  What do you think about spray sunscreens mid-race?



Thoughts on all my burning training questions?



  • Kacie May 13, 2015, 7:37 am

    Good luck with sleep training! (And potty training!) My son is 4.5 months and we just started sleep training on Sunday night. I was really stressed about it but it was clear he had gotten to a point where he needed to learn to fall asleep on his own. It was something I hoped I wouldn’t have to do but just a few days into it I’m already so grateful! It was also a good reminder not to judge parents for what they do…we really all are just doing our best and have our kids’ best interest in mind, regardless of how it may appear to others!

  • Erin @ Her Heartland Soul May 13, 2015, 7:56 am

    Good luck with potty training and sleep training! All things I know next to nothing about but will have to know someday when I have kids!

  • Jessica May 13, 2015, 8:35 am

    My son will be three in July and basically shows very little interest in going on the potty. He goes pee in it every night before his bath but beyond that… not much. We have potty books and we encourage/bribe and he still just doesn’t seem super interested. In fact he often says, ‘no I don’t want to!’ when we try to get him to go. The one thing I don’t want to do is push him into it if he isn’t ready or doesn’t want to. That’s one thing all the experts seem to say not to do. However… he’s almost three!!! 😛 I told him when he turns three all the diapers will be gone forever and there wont be any more left haha.
    He just had another verbal explosion and is speaking more grammatically correct and really made a lot of leaps recently in those kind of areas (And has had a lot of control related fits) so I am hoping along with this mental growth spurt will come the readiness for the potty.
    Good luck to you guys. I have an 11 month old daughter so its always fun to read posts about your kids because our family is pretty similar. 🙂

  • Laura May 13, 2015, 8:46 am

    I also wouldn’t be a fan of someone spraying sunblock near me during a race. I hate how it gets on everything and I wouldn’t want it getting in my eyes, etc. I normally put some heavy duty stuff on before a sprint tri and haven’t had any issues with burning. And for 70.3’s and stuff they normally have someone to apply it for you. If you really want some, maybe use the traditional lotion stuff and slap it on your arms/shoulders really quick. You wouldn’t need to rub it in super well.

  • Krista May 13, 2015, 8:47 am

    Ugh, potty training. I read an e-book called Potty Training by Carol Cline. It was incredibly helpful before starting (1.5 months ago) and I still refer to it now for tips. One thing I learned from it was not to ask my kiddo (he’s 2.5) if he has to go, because kids that age love to say no (!), but remind him to “tell mommy when you have to go potty”. Something I learned from my Love & Logic parenting class (best class ever, it’s based on the L & L book) is to give him a choice: Do you want to run to the potty or walk to the potty? He gets to choose how he gets there, but the message is that we are going to the potty. Good luck! I’d take sleep training over potty training any day, haha! Maybe because with extinction it took about three nights, and this potty training is dragging on… granted it’s much better than it was…

  • Lauri May 13, 2015, 8:57 am

    no thoughts on tri training, but we have that exact same exersaucer 🙂 Bought it for my son (who is now 7 1/2!) and have also been using it for our 8 month old. She loves when we hit the button on the bus and the kids giggle 🙂

  • Haley May 13, 2015, 9:15 am

    I used the book “Potty Training 1-2-3” by Gary Ezzo (one of the authors of Baby Wise) and Ann Marie Ezzo for my son. By day 3, no accidents. It’s a quick read, and the concept focuses on staying “clean and dry” and rewarding that, as opposed to just rewarding the act of going potty. After those few days we have never looked back!

  • stephanie May 13, 2015, 9:21 am

    Our daughter had turned 3 and had resisted potty training for months. So one weekend day when the whole family was home we did a potty training boot camp. Any drink she wanted (juice, chocolate milk, whatever she wanted), and cartoons all day long sitting on the potty parked in front of cartoons on TV. No diapers allowed. She literally peed on the potty 14 times! And that was pretty much it. She was so proud of herself that she just kind of stuck with it. Also had something similar to what you have with the bribery. We called it poopy presents:)

  • julie May 13, 2015, 9:21 am

    I did a very extreme but very effective form of potty training. Shortly after my daughter turned 2 I just took away the diapers. I did have to plan to stay at home for several days, but it worked. I kept a little potty in the living room and just watched for cues. We got the hang of it after a few accidents and she was fully trained in the daytime after 3 days. Because I’m crazy I didn’t put a diaper on her for naps or bedtime either…and it took a couple of weeks before we got the routine down to where she wasn’t wetting the bed. But I think it was worth it because she wasn’t able to hold anything until naps or bedtime and just go in her diaper. She never showed any interest in using the potty until I started training her but she was clearly ready. I’m sure such an approach wouldn’t work for everyone but it worked for us. Good luck!

  • Mandy B May 13, 2015, 9:30 am

    Some tips I’ve that stuck with me are 1) Go “all in” – make a big show out of getting rid of diapers, rather than going back and forth (which could send the message that using the toilet is something you can do only sometimes, and that’s a hard thing to unlearn). 2) Start off pantless for a few days and watch them like a hawk, then once they get the hang of that, go commando for awhile so the muscle memory of having a diaper-like thing doesn’t confuse them into going in their pants. 3) Don’t ask in the beginning – prompt. If you ask a toddler if they want to go to the bathroom, of course they will say no (I mean how fun is that?) Instead, say, we are going to the potty. 4) Don’t say “it’s okay” if they have an accident, because toddlers are very literal and will think it’s acceptable. Just say “oops you had an accident, why don’t you go get some towels and let’s clean this up.” Good luck!

  • Gena May 13, 2015, 9:30 am

    I’ve potty trained two kids, but they were both very different. Believe it or not my son was so much easier than my daughter. I saw some potty bootcamp on tv one day – and that’s what I did. I found a weekend where we could stay inside all day and took away the diapers cold turkey (no pull-ups)! Crazy, I know, but I just kept moving the potty chair to whatever room we were in and if he went to the bathroom in his pants, I would remind him to go in the potty.

    In my mind, I think it helped him realize the feeling of needing to go and then where to go. With diapers being so good nowadays, I’m not sure if he just didn’t realize that when he needed to pee. Or that he was able to break the habit of just going to the bathroom wherever he wanted to go and not having to take a time out from life to go to the bathroom. I was also fortunate that both my kids hated poopy diapers and dealing with poopy underwear. After about the third poop accident, I would be less and less helpful in taking the undies off and dealing with it.

    I went diaperless cold turkey with my daughter too. She is more stubborn and also prideful, but by day 3 she gave up the ghost so to speak and realized that if she didn’t want to get wet she would need to go in the potty.

    I know it sounds really messy, but it only took a few days and I was no longer “potty training” – that was worth it to me.

  • Tiffany May 13, 2015, 9:31 am

    I toilet train a lot of students with special needs as part of my job, and also potty trained my own (then) 2.5 year old a few months ago. Once toilet training begins I take a child to the bathroom every 20 mins or so and have them sit for about 3-5 minutes. If they go, huge reward with big smiles, hugs, high fives, m&m, etc. If they do not go, no problem. I remain neutral and simply bring them back next time. Be sure not to scold or express disappointment if/when he has an accident. Stay neutral with a simple reminder that pee pee/poop goes in the potty. Also, I put kids in underwear right away. I find that pull-ups are just expensive diapers, and kids often have no problem going in them. Feel free to keep in him in a diaper or pull-up during naps/bedtime until he is consistently waking up dry. The biggest piece of advice I can give is to keep toilet training positive. When it becomes a negative experience things go south really quickly. Kids sometimes try to seize control by withholding or having accidents, so just remember that you cannot physically make him go. Just set him up for success as best you can and keep it positive!

  • Christine May 13, 2015, 9:35 am

    How often is Claire waking at night?

  • JenP May 13, 2015, 9:37 am

    Every kid is different, of course. My son typically doesn’t like to do something until he already knows how, which can be a problem. He resisted potty training because he didn’t know how. One day when he was 3, we came home early due to snow and I sat him in front of a movie on the potty chair and gave him tons of juice. Everytime he went, I gave rewarded him with m&ms. His poor little bottom had a red ring on it from sitting on the potty for tha tlong, but once he got the feel of going in the potty, he never looked back.

  • Dottie (@crazyfitmommy) May 13, 2015, 9:38 am

    My little girl was so easy with potty training (she just decided one day that she wanted to use the potty and that was it), but now that I have a son that’s almost 2 we’ve been talking a lot about how to start encouraging him to use the toilet. My friend with two boys swears by cheerios — you throw a few cheerios in the toilet, sit him backwards on the toilet so he’s kind of naturally pointed down, and make a game of peeing on the cheerios. I haven’t tried it yet, but it sounds like something that might make going on the potty more fun, especially since my son hates sitting still.

  • Tiffany May 13, 2015, 9:42 am

    Also, I’m not familiar with the book “Potty Training 1-2-3” but I agree that rewarding staying “clean and dry” is very important. I save the big reward, like the m&m, for actually going, which worked very well for my child and most of my students. But definitely give big thumbs up, high fives, etc for staying clean and dry. Good luck!

  • Lindsey May 13, 2015, 10:10 am

    Gook with the potty! What worked for us was to first get a “cool” potty. My son’s car potty had a button on it that made a “vroom” sound when he pushed it. As recommended, we also kept the potty with us AT ALL TIMES. I would often just let him sit on it while he watched cartoons. Usually he would sit there for the whole length of the show. It was a nice surprise to him and a nice way to clap and cheer when he got up and saw pee/poo! I know electronics aren’t everyone’s favorite thing for their kids, but we also let him play on our phones while he sat on the potty. Basically telling him he had to sit there until he peed (which he never minded because he was playing on our phone). We carried that car potty with us in the car. On walks. At the pool. At grandma’s house. On the weekends when we were home with him all day we also sat him on the potty every hour or so. And that leads me to the last and most important thing (in my experience): routine. We started the bedtime potty routine wayyyy before we actually potty trained, so that helped. Just sit him on it – like all the time. He’ll get it.

    The biggest lesson I learned is that he WILL be potty trained. And he WILL pee in his clothes. But we dropped the diapers, kept a lot of extra clothes with us at all times, and just stayed consistent.

    GO HENRY! He’ll get it. And in the meantime – stay sane 🙂

  • Mallory May 13, 2015, 10:11 am

    Caitlin, I hadn’t seen that video. It’s so fun, thanks for sharing.

  • Emily May 13, 2015, 10:20 am

    Wow. You’re one brave mama trying two types of child training and even working on your own tri-training. Go Caitlin!

  • Melissa May 13, 2015, 10:38 am

    I probably traumatized my kids, but I bought undies with their favorite character and reminded them that they wouldn’t want to pee or poo on Thomas, Dora, Hello Kitty, whoever….maybe that’s awful but it worked!

  • Christine May 13, 2015, 10:52 am

    I just found your blog recently and I am loving it! Our kids are very close in age (daughter is 2.5 and son is 5 months) and I am just hoping to jump on the potty training wagon here shortly with my daughter. She shows very little interest; she also has recently begun telling us she is a “baby” and I am hoping our transition into a big girl bed this weekend isn’t super painful. My son isn’t a terrible sleeper (knock on wood) but I look forward to reading your sleep training post soon since we will be jumping on that train as well 😉

  • Meg May 13, 2015, 10:53 am

    My kids are within months of yours so we are in similar stages. I held off as long as I could since we had a baby on the way and I just didn’t think my daughter was ready. When she started talking about it more and talking about kids at preschool that went potty, I got several books that seemed most popular on amazon (the potty book, a potty for me, big girl undies, diapers aren’t forever) and they all REALLY helped. I started to see her sort of take ownership of the potty process and say she was going to wear undies and was excited about picking out her own underwear. Before this, she had never peed on the potty because she would pee in her diaper, say she peed, and then when we’d put her on the potty there was nothing left. So I felt I had to rip off the bandaid and just do the “3-day” method I’m sure you’ve read about. She’s also in school 3 days a week so i knew it was all or nothing with wearing underwear …I couldn’t switch back and forth. So on a Friday night when we knew we could stay home most of the weekend, we put on her undies , gave her a big bottle of water and she peed through them on the floor like 4-5 times in a few hours. We’d rush her to the potty during each time to finish peeing and talk about the feeling of peeing and to tell us before and all of that. We stayed upbeat and positive and she got a jelly bean each time she peed in the potty. Day 2, underwear on when she woke up, no accidents all day and she was telling us each time she had to go instead if us constantly asking her, which seemed to bother her when she didn’t have pee. Day 3… Same thing. She’s essentially been accident free since and I think it’s been about 2 months. After a week or two she stopped asking for jelly beans so the whole reward thing phased out once she was got used to it all. We do diapers for night time sleep (and when she takes the occasional nap) because she’s not physiologically ready to go that long without peeing or waking up to pee which is fine with me. If she’s awake in her bed in a diaper, she won’t pee in it, so she definitely knows the difference of peeing in her pants and she doesn’t want to. This worked for us because she was ready, according to most of the signs, and I didn’t feel like I was forcing anything…just guiding. We followed a 3 day potting training blog post I found and it also recommended separating the sleep peeing because it’s really hard to train when they are sleeping. Hope this helps!

  • Kendra S. May 13, 2015, 10:53 am

    I’m sure many other people have already told you this but I guess it bears repeating… Henry won’t be in diapers forever. He will catch on with the potty training eventually and more often then not, it just clicks one day. Be sure to give yourself a break and if you have a bad day it doesn’t mean you’re failing, both you and Henry are navigating all these milestones for the first time together. Such is the curse of the first born! 😉 Good luck, Godspeed and remember… you’re doing a great job!

  • Bobbie May 13, 2015, 11:22 am

    This is what I did with all three of my girls as far as potty training goes. These are in no particular order.
    1. I waited until I was sure they were ready. I attempted early on with my 1st and it was a disaster and then when I tried again much later it was not nearly as awful.
    2. I chose a week (in the summer always b/c you don’t wear a lot of clothes in the summer). Leading up to that week I told my girls, “You’ve outgrown diapers and they don’t make a next size up.” “We are going to throw all your diapers away on Monday b/c they don’t fit you anymore.”
    3. Come Monday we would go through a whole ceremony of throwing the diapers away and saying, “Good bye diapers, Abbey is too big for you now.” I usually fished the diapers out later b/c I almost always had another one in diapers that would fit them eventually.
    4. I did not use pull ups except for bed. I think they are confusing. I put them in underwear and allowed them to have accidents to see what it feels like to wet your clothes. At bed time I would put them in pull-ups but we called them “overnight underwear.”
    Anyway, all these steps usually led to my girls being trained (except overnight) in 1.5 to 3 days. Usually the first whole day consisted of many accidents and then by the 2nd day just one or two and then by the 3rd none or maybe one and so on…
    I did always carry a potty in the car like you mentioned for after they were trained. But while training we stayed home. I know that is not easy to do but it really helped b/c I didn’t have the additional worry of riding in the car, or being out and having accidents.
    I have all girls and I have heard boys can be a little tougher but I have zero experience with that.
    Lots of detail but I hope it helps.

  • Rachel May 13, 2015, 11:33 am

    I know you’ve already gotten a lot of comments and suggestions about potty training, but I’ll add a few things that worked for us. It took us a few weeks of trying different pottys before we discovered what he was most comfortable with. We tried a little stand-alone potty, a potty seat on top of the regular seat, and eventually discovered that he really prefers standing up and leaning over the toilet while holding onto the flipped-up seat. Once we figured that out, it kind of “clicked.” We didn’t use any reward beyond praise in the beginning, but when he just wouldn’t poop in the potty we realized we needed to up the reward to give him enough motivation. M&Ms mostly did the trick. Now we’re trying to figure out how to stop the M&M thing because he is definitely fully potty-trained at this point. Oh, we also discovered that he would pee and poop in his pants, but if he was naked he wouldn’t go on the floor. So a few days of naked time reinforced the idea that you go on the potty. And we started in the beginning taking him to the toilet every 30 minutes. Then we moved up to every hour. Then every 2 hours. Now he can tell us when he needs to go (that is one of the best milestones ever!). Finally, my advice is to just relax about it. I got waaaay too stressed out when we took him to the bathroom and he didn’t go and then we had to get in the car and what if he pees in his car seat and on and on. Just relax and realize that accidents will happen and eventually he WILL be potty trained.

  • Jeannette May 13, 2015, 11:55 am

    For potty training, buy him some fun new underwear. That is what worked for my daughter – she really wanted to wear her big girl underwear! Just keep giving him opportunities to “try” and he’ll get it!

  • Ashley May 13, 2015, 12:19 pm

    I’m in the midst of potty training, myself! My daughter is 2 years 8 months and so far it’s going well. We started off with giving her little treats when she would go on the potty, but then it turned into us asking, and she would go and squeeze out a tiny drop of pee in order to get her treat. So we started only giving the treat when she would tell us she needed to go, and that encouraged her for awhile. Then we really played up the panties — she loves to wear them, and I just always emphasize that we don’t pee in our panties. I still ask her all the time and am on the lookout for the potty dance. The hardest thing is poop — the girl will NOT poop in the potty! I bought some really fancy lollipops (her favorite) that she only gets if she poops in the potty. So far no luck, but I’m hoping that eventually those will work. Really the biggest thing that helped us was her being in a class at school where most of the other kids are already potty trained. Maybe hanging out with a few older kids that he can see use the potty will help him want to?

    Good luck with Claire! My 8 month old still doesn’t sleep through the night, but I’m too much of a wuss to try to push it. I sleep trained her to fall asleep independently early, like 3 months, when she was showing signs she needed it, so I’m fine with where we are at right now. Not sure how you feel about this, but anything to make it easier — mine loves sleeping with a blanket. I know you aren’t ‘supposed’ to, but she rubs her face all up in that blanket and passes out. So maybe some kind of object like that might work for Claire too, if you have any problems STing! Hope it goes well!

  • Karen B. May 13, 2015, 12:20 pm

    I have raised two boys and I can tell you that if they are ready, then they are ready. If he has gone in the potty at all then just take away the diapers and put him in underpants and insist that he go in the potty or toilet. Very matter-of-fact. One of my boys peed the bed a few times but neither of them every pooped in their underpants or peed during the day in them. It wasn’t up for discussion at all, just “it’s time for you to use the potty every time now, no more diapers.” That’s it, no discussion, ifs ands or buts. If they use the potty once or twice then they get it and know what to do with it.

  • Katalina @ Peas and Peonies May 13, 2015, 12:22 pm

    I am actually waiting for you to potty train Henry so I can start on my baby lol, mine is one year older than Henry, also a June baby and I usually research how you approached specific periods, as my parenting style is very similar to yours!
    Good luck sleep training Claire, your quality of sleep and overall state of mind will change so much!

  • Jill May 13, 2015, 12:50 pm

    I think my little guy was probably and easy potty trainer. At age 2.5, he didn’t ask to go or anything, but it was a cold winter weekend and we just decided to give it a go. We put him in underwear with his favorite characters on it, and just thought we would see what happened. The first day he peed in his underwear every time. He would start peeing, cry, and we would quickly put him on the potty to finish up. The second day, he already got the hang of it and would tell us he had to go before going in his pants. He might have had 1 or 2 accidents on day 2, and then day 3 he had none. He was scared to poop for a few days but eventually got over that, too. We did pullups for a while at bedtime and naps, but even then we noticed he was not wetting them after about a month or 2 so did away with those as well. Good luck!

  • Kate Becker May 13, 2015, 1:07 pm

    We followed Oh Crap, Potty Training (link to the author’s site: http://www.jamieglowacki.com/) and it worked great for our son. We trained him at 28 months (started Thanksgiving weekend) and he was fully day trained within a week or so and night trained by January (we didn’t do it at the same time – I didn’t have it in me :)). Good luck!

  • Beth May 13, 2015, 1:14 pm

    My son won’t be 3 until August, but he recently “woke” up and wanted to wear big boy pants and sit on the potty. I crediti it to a book I found, “The Potty Train”. I know Henry loves trains to so I thought it might help. He also really loves the Daniel Tiger episode about potty’s and the songs help! It is still a journey but most days are accident free! Good Luck!!

  • nancy May 13, 2015, 1:27 pm

    Potty training my girls was relatively easy. My son, not so much. Let’s say he was lacking a bit in motivation. My best piece of advice: Wear closed toed shoes. All the time. Little boys 🙂 I can’t tell you how many times he peed in my sandals.

  • Dominique May 13, 2015, 1:39 pm

    Our almost 3 year old daughter has been mostly potty trained for a while, but that is mostly because she’s in a Montessori school and they encourage it early and she started taking off her own diapers at which point I was done. We also did cloth so the transition to underwear meant less laundry, even with accidents.

    Does Henry like Daniel Tiger? There’s an episode on Netflix about using the potty that has a song that my daughter loves. The other tip I have is to work it into the routine. For example, before lunch we go potty and wash our hands. When we get back from anywhere, we take off our shoes and then go potty. We’ve also started talking about listening to our bodies and how that is important to keep from having accidents, but that might not work since you are just starting.

  • Sarah May 13, 2015, 1:59 pm

    I am about to embark on this with my 2 year old, and I overwhelmingly hear that the 3 day method is the way to go– check out the oh crap potty training site. And apparently pull ups really slow down progress

  • alan May 13, 2015, 2:42 pm

    Re: potty training. I have two boys, 3 years apart. We were eager to have number one get trained before number two was born, and he always was way difficult to change (kicking, tantrums, etc). After fighting him for months, we let him take the lead and one day, he just declared himself ready (before number 2 was born) and that was that.

    For Henry, I’d lay off. Have a potty seat ready to go at his request (or better, a seated potty) and as his friends get trained, he will follow and want to. Maybe have him go in the bathroom when your husband is doing his thing (standing?? Kids like that) and maybe he’ll want to do it like that too. But don’t push it. He will come around. I promise.

  • Katie RoseS May 13, 2015, 2:50 pm

    I don’t have any kids, but I used to teach preschool, and the best advice that I can give is don’t ask, but tell him when it’s time to go potty in the beginning. Not in a forceful way or anything, but if you think he’s ready, then make it like any other time when he “must” do something, like when it’s time to put coats on, take a bath, eat dinner. It’s just part of the day. I had one little boy in my class who hardly ever had accidents, but his parents would send him in diapers every day. According to them, he wouldn’t go to the potty at home. As soon as he came into my classroom each morning, I would tell him to go potty and put on his undies. And 99% of the time he stayed dry for me, he just needed to be reminded to go, because he would get caught up in playtime. Before we went outside, for example, I would tell him, “Okay Ben, it’s time to go potty quick, and then we can go outside!” Sometimes he would complain, but I never got the sense that I was forcing him to go against his will, if that makes sense. It was just one more thing that he needed to be reminded to do, like washing his hands, using his walking feet inside, or playing nicely with his friends. If you need a reminder to remind him, set a timer for every hour or so. Good luck!

  • cameron green May 13, 2015, 2:55 pm

    HELIOCARE!! It’s a natural sun protectant that my dermatologist in Charlotte just told me about. I told her I coach in the sun, and can’t very well put sunscreen on my back every day and she recommended these products for golfers. I believe you take it about an hour before you go in the sun and it protects you for about 4-5 hours. It was recently approved by FDA. I used to be a derm RN too if that helps and very much trust my dermatologists’ opinions.

  • Julie May 13, 2015, 3:29 pm

    My son just turned four and he has a little brother who is a little over a year so a similar age gap between your kids and mine. My mom always said to wait until 3.5 with boys and I didn’t want to listen to her so we started training Eli at 3 and it was VERY hit or miss. He at first was very reluctant with the potty especially #2 and was not dry at night. I didn’t push him too hard and just kept his little potty in the bathroom and if he showed interest I let him use it. As he got closer to that 3.5 mark he seemed to show more interest (M and Ms and a chart worked at this point) and he seemed to train over night.. he went from using pull-ups to wearing undies 24/7. Damn, don’t you hate it when your mom is right?!

  • Anne Weber-Falk May 13, 2015, 4:48 pm

    We really pushed my son at age 2 to PT. Tried all the stuff including the book How to Toilet Train in One Day. It was all just a big frustration for both of us. When we relaxed and let him take the lead decide he was ready it was so much better. Watch for interest when others use the toilet, hiding when pooping, and talking about it all. JC was about 3 1/2 when he started to really get the hang of it. My daughter took a bit longer. She was four when I finally said to her that when the diapers were gone she would have to use the toilet. It worked and she never had wet pants, day or night. Let them take the lead and just know that they will not go to college in diapers.

    • Anne Weber-Falk May 13, 2015, 4:53 pm

      Oh and know that pull-ups are too much like diapers. I hated them. I know that some feel they are convenient and easy (?) for the adults but going with big boy underwear really was best.

  • Amanda May 13, 2015, 5:35 pm

    I love the smell of sunscreen, so I would love it. Also I’m a weirdo.

  • Jennifer M May 13, 2015, 6:30 pm

    My son is 2.5 yrs old so I just started “researching” potty training with dreams of ditching the diapers this summer. I will be reading your blog for any updates and tricks you have come across, for sure. I read one woman’s blog and she said it was when her husband took the lead that her son finally came around. They had a weekend long “potty party.” She also said they tricked him by putting him into a smaller diaper the day they were starting and told him he outgrew his diapers overnight. No more diapers if they don’t fit. Good luck!

  • Jen May 13, 2015, 7:41 pm

    What I learned from potty raining is that the child has to be ready. Is he telling you before or during when he goes in his diaper? Does he complain about a wet diaper? Does he show interest when friends his age use the potty?
    Some folks don’t believe in pul-ups, but we used them as a transition. This gave her independence to be able to pull her pants down to use the potty, and if she didn’t quite make it in tine, it was ok. We would set a timer every hour and encourage her to try to go. While sitting on the potty, we would sing AbC, and if nothing came out, we would try again later. Soon, she was keeping the pull ups dry, and we stitched to underwear. There was one accident in the underwear, and all it took was that one negative reinforcement to motivate her to keep here underwear dry..
    Number two is definitely harder than number one. Took another six months to get number two on the potty.

    Good luck!

  • Laura j May 14, 2015, 12:46 am

    Take the little potty with you when you have the stroller, too. We have a mini baby bjorn & we usually keep it in the trunk or in the stroller basket. Also, tell him it’s time to go potty & he can choose the big (grown-up) or the little potty. It gives a choice, but it’s still time to potty either way. If he’s holding pee for more than an hour, he’s physically ready to day train. At his age, you might want one of those watches that remind the kid to pee at certain intervals the parent can set. They help keep the kid from rebelling against the parent or resenting being told what to do. Good luck!

  • Verna May 14, 2015, 4:47 am

    No bottoms. It’s kind of gross but that’s what worked best with my 2nd. With my oldest, I tried to devote an entire morning to potty training. We spent some time in the bathroom drinking LOTS of fluids and reading stories, the moved to the kitchen after he started getting the hang of it. We checked frequently for dry pants and he was rewarded for keeping his pants dry, not necessarily for going potty. Which I thought was awesome. With my 2nd I didn’t have enough time to devote solely to potty training so she kind of figured it out for herself. I put a beach towel on the couch for her to sit on. 😉 She did really well. Also, if it’s nice outside, and your back yard is private, try taking a little potty outside and let him run around naked. Less cleaning up. 🙂 Good luck!

  • Allison D. May 14, 2015, 7:01 am

    My son did not potty train until 3 years and 3 months. He just was not interested and not ready. “Do you want to go potty?” was always met with “no.” We did not use any bribes, incentives, and when he was FINALLY ready, it was a total non event. He just said yes one day, and we had no accidents, no hard days at home focused solely on the bathroom, etc. My daughter potty trained before age 2, and we did not do anything different – just offered. I think if you wait until the kids are ready, this is really a non-event.

  • Jill May 14, 2015, 8:37 am

    I think your other comments have the potty training thing covered (and our 2+ year old is still in diapers, though my tip would be to not ASK if he needs the potty, just start taking him there and say it’s time to use the potty), so here are my thoughts on sunscreen – use it, try not to spray anyone else. I try to load up with it before a triathlon, and hope it stays on even after being in the water, but I love races where the volunteers slather me with it in transition. When I volunteered at an iron distance race, I was one of the transition crew, and got pretty fast at rubbing sunscreen on the competitors in the 8 seconds or so they’d stand still. It was like being part of a pit crew, and the athletes who wanted it were really appreciative of not having to get their hands all slick.
    Good luck in your race!

  • Duffy May 14, 2015, 9:12 am

    I would say to ask your pediatrician (who knows your son) about potty training. This is the sort of thing that is all about you and your kids, not so much about strangers’ opinions (no offense to anyone else).

  • Laura @ Vegetarianesque.com May 14, 2015, 10:32 am

    The first day of potty training I set a timer on my iPhone to go off every 20 minutes (the day after I went to every 30 – 45 minutes). I had the alarm sound set to a motorcycle (“vroom vroom!”) which my son thought was SO cool. He quickly got that the “vroom vroom” meant it was time to try going potty. We’d sit for a few minutes and read a book, sing songs, maybe watch a two or three minute YouTube video about trucks or something, etc. If he had an accident I’d just calmly say, “Pee pee goes in the potty” and have him help clean up and change clothes. He’d get one sticker for pee and two for poops, and in the early days we’d call Daddy at work or a grandparent so he could tell them and get lots of additional praise. The other thing that helped, I think, was really talking up underwear the night before we started PT and how exciting it was that he’d wear underwear like mommy and daddy. After he fell asleep the night before I got all the diapers out of his room and hid them elsewhere. When he got up I made a big deal about putting on underwear, showed him the diapers were all gone, and talked up how exciting it was that he was going to pee pee on the potty from now on. Even now I find it’s better if I tell him it’s time to go try rather than asking if he needs to go (because going potty isn’t as fun as playing!).

    Also, try having him take off pants and underwear all the way and sit him on the potty so he’s straddling the seat facing the tank. It may help him feel more stable (forwards can makes my son feel like he’s going to fall in), and you don’t have to worry about aiming just yet (though you may have to help him point his penis down so he doesn’t pee all over the seat and lid). Once he gets it down you can work on having him stand on a step stool to pee. He’ll be used to facing that direction, so it makes it a little easier.

  • Samantha May 14, 2015, 2:08 pm

    Potty training – advice from the trenches. Avoid asking “Do you need to go to the potty?” Try something like “It’s time to try the potty now!” That way he can’t answer NO.

  • Heather May 14, 2015, 4:16 pm

    Sleep training is so much easier second time around. I remember sleep training Phoebe being so hard on me emotionally. When the twins came along, Liam didn’t need sleep training. He’d sleep as soon as I laid him down. He still loves to sleep. Tommy on the other hand would cry and want to be held or fed until he fell asleep. He didn’t need to eat, he just liked the comforting. My husband didn’t even have to say anything to me about it being time to sleep train Tommy (which he did with Phoebe). I knew it was time within a few nights, he was fine.

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