All the Ways to Plank

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You know how I mentioned that I was really, really tired yesterday? Well, Claire and I ended up taking a THREE HOUR NAP (Henry was at school), and it was the most glorious thing ever.  I couldn’t believe we both slept so long.  And it was one of those situations where I didn’t realize how the lack of sleep was impacting me until I woke up tooootally refreshed.  It feels like I’ve been functioning at 50% brainpower for the last four months and I can suddenly THINK again. 


Hit the gym in the evening!

swim workout

I did a modified version of the workout above – I swam a grand total of 750 yards.  Then I hopped on the treadmill and ran a fast 8-minute mile.  And then I headed to the mats to do a little ab action.


Sweaty plank hold concentration lines!  Hah.


I am super excited to tell you about the Peanut Butter Runner’s new book!  Ultimate Plank Fitness by Jen DeCurtins is available wherever books and ebooks are sold.  It’s pretty awesome.  I like it so much, in fact, that I asked her if I could share some pages from the book so y’all could take a peek inside.


Here are four moves from Jen’s book!





Good stuff, huh?  I like that it incorporates a variety of body weight-style planks, as well as planks using dumbbells and stability balls.  If you’re bored with regular planks, this book may be the perfect way to spice up your ab moves.


Happy Planking!



  • Erin @ Her Heartland Soul April 23, 2015, 11:12 am

    I like side planks and forearm planks. Yay for naps!

  • Dottie (@crazyfitmommy) April 23, 2015, 11:40 am

    I love planks! When I was a personal trainer I used to do a weekly ab class, and because of a few competitive members we started ending every class with a plank contest to see who the last to drop was. Now that I just had a baby planking is WAY harder, but I love how strong it makes me feel to use my abs like that again! 🙂

  • Kelsey Y. April 23, 2015, 11:47 am

    Sleep is so weird – you can run on the weird hours for oh so long until your body protests! After work yesterday, we shopped for groceries, went home, put them away, made dinner…and then I passed out for the rest of the night on the couch. And woke up EXHAUSTED. I need to get better focus on my sleep from here on out! That photo of Henry and Claire is just precious!

  • Katalina @ Peas and Peonies April 23, 2015, 11:58 am

    I have a love hate relationship with planks, I know they are good for me, especially since I have two herniated disks I have to strengthen my abs and lower back muscles, but I get bored, and the seconds just keep dragging. A one minute plank feels like an 8 hour work day!

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