April 2015

Make Do

Me as a first-time mom:  Amazingly stocked dedicated diaper bag.  Diapers, wipes, first aid kit, extra outfits, toys, pacifiers, medicine, extra socks, back-up bottle, etc.  Never found without everything and anything I could possibly need to parent.   Me as a second-time mom: A couple pairs of diapers and a Ziploc bag of wipes thrown [...]


This post includes a product review from Evenflo! Car seats. Oh, car seats! When you're a new parent and are car seat shopping, it can be SO easy to quickly overwhelmed. What kind do I need? Why? When can I switch styles? Most parents are aware that rear-facing is safer than forward-facing for babies and [...]


Birthday Weekend

This Sunday, I turned 31!  I can’t believe I’ve been writing this since I was 24… My, my – how time flies!  I woke up on my birthday to my toddler crying because I told him it was my birthday (apparently, that was upsetting) and went to bed at midnight while rocking a fussy baby.  [...]


I have the coolest thing to share with you!  It’s the Sprout. No, no – not THAT sprout.  This Sprout! I have owned and loved HP products for a long time, so I was pretty thrilled when I was asked to review the new Sprout computer.  If you are in the market for a new [...]


All the Ways to Plank

You know how I mentioned that I was really, really tired yesterday? Well, Claire and I ended up taking a THREE HOUR NAP (Henry was at school), and it was the most glorious thing ever.  I couldn’t believe we both slept so long.  And it was one of those situations where I didn’t realize how [...]


Going On

We had days and days of downpours.  But yesterday, the sun came out to play!  Wahoo.  I spent last night on the deck with a big glass of wine and a few chocolate Easter eggs to celebrate.   Other things going on: Work from home life = 11:55 AM on the left, 11:58 AM on [...]


Are you doing lots of yard work these days? Man – I feel like that’s ALL we do on the weekends!  But it is all worth it when you get to kick back and enjoy the fruits of your labor, right? I cant’ wait to talk a little bit about our latest backyard transformation, and [...]


Double Workouts and Lots of Pizza

I’m in “double workout” mode.  Multisport workouts are going to be the key to getting in decent triathlon shape before my May and August races. Obviously, my schedule isn’t super flexible with the kids. One of the things that I’ve learned is that is far more efficient and effective to do a handful of doubles [...]


Super Creamy Chia Seed Pudding

Made this yesterday and devoured the entire recipe almost immediately.  Well – I had some help! If my toddler will eat something that looks as ‘weird’ as this, you know it’s good.  Sweet, creamy, and flavorful, this is the best chia seed pudding that I’ve made to date! Super Creamy Chia Seed Pudding   Ingredients [...]


Photos to Get Of Your New Baby

I was deleting pictures off my camera’s memory stick when I stumbled upon a whole block of pictures from Claire’s birth that I had never looked at.  I don’t know how that happened!  But it was fun (and, um, painful) to relieve that awesome moment all over again.  And it inspired this post… Of course, [...]


I can’t believe I’ve never shared this recipe. I love to make sangria – when the weather warms up and we’re spending all day out on the deck, I usually make a big pitcher of this fruity drink for everyone (well, all the adults) to enjoy.  But don’t worry – I have a non-alcoholic version, [...]

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Boot Camp Progress Report: 6 Weeks In

Here's what happens when a former Cardio Queen decides to actually dedicate herself to strength training! So, about 6 weeks ago, I started boot camp at my gym.  I decided to do this for several reasons. The first, and biggest reason, was that I was experiencing horrible back pain and had noticed that many everyday [...]


Week’s Worth of Random Thoughts

First things first, I'm KILLING it with the workouts, despite crushing exhaustion (THE FOUR MONTH SLEEP REGRESSION IS REAL).  I had a good week - boot camp on Monday, a bike/run on Tuesday, and more boot camp on Wednesday. I'm leaving soon to go on a long run. Many people have asked for a "boot camp transformation" [...]


This post is sponsored by Milton’s Craft Bakers. I have a fun recipe that would be perfect for your next backyard party + a review of an awesome brand of certified gluten free and Non-GMO Project Verified baked crackers + a big old giveaway!  Wahoo! First, let's talk crackers. A lot of gluten-free crackers taste [...]

Healthy Tipping Point