This is my favorite meal lately – it’s awesome for lunch or dinner. It’s a mix of red kidney beans (drained and rinsed), roasted Brussel sprouts, roasted carrots, and sprouts. Sometimes I add in sliced cherry tomatoes, too. Cover it all in a drizzle of BBQ sauce and mix it up.
I had a great day yesterday because… I woke up an hour before the kids. This is truly the key to a good day for me. It gives me time to pull my life together before tiny humans start clawing at me for food and entertainment. Hah. I managed to get so much done, in fact, that I had time to pull together this fun activity for Henry:
We headed to a local greenway with a ‘treasure hunt’ sheet that I printed off my computer. I used Google Image Search to find pictures of stuff I knew we could locate (a bench, a trashcan, a Y-shaped stick, a dog, a leaf, a flower, a bike) and then we searched. I think we walked 1.5 miles. Guess who had a great nap after all of this? Hint – not me, but I wish.
The treasure hunt eventually devolved into a rock hunt. The stroller is an excellent holder for lots and lots and lots of rocks, which were eventually thrown into the river.
Check out what we found at the end of the trail! A bike service station. I’ve never seen one of these before. On one side was a bike pump…
… And the other side had a bunch of handy tools, like Allen keys and wrenches. Neat, huh?
Henry was SOOOOOOO dirty by the end of our walk that I stripped him nekkid in the parking lot and drove him home in his diaper. And then he went straight to the tub!
I got my sweaty workout on, too.
It was cardio day. I’m super excited for the upcoming Publix Savannah Women’s Half and 5K on March 29 – I’m doing the 5K. (PSSST – If you’re in the area, join me! Use coupon code HTPSAV10 for $10 off!) So I figured a 5K on the dreadmill treadmill was a good idea – except I got bored within .25 mile and had to switch to the indoor track. That’s a LOT of laps!
Thought of the Day:
What is Henry’s sleeping/napping like these days? I know that some kids at this age start to give up their naps?