This weekend was different – it was just Henry and me. The Husband was out of town visiting his best friend. It was a little lonely at home, but Henry and I stayed really busy, tackling projects, seeing friends, and – most notably – getting H switched over to his new bedroom! More on that below.
But first – an awesome workout. I really cannot believe that I’m still running so close to my third trimester. It rocks.
I L-O-V-E breaking up run workouts with a destination – have you ever done this? Run to the store, a friend’s house, or the park? It’s so fun and keeps the workout from feeling monotonous. It’s probably not the best idea if you’re training for a race, but it’s awesome for the everyday workout.
I was super dehydrated afterwards. I dug this electrolyte powder out of my training drawer – the flavor is kind of weird, but it sure does the trick in terms of hydration.
My Sunday workout involved mowing the lawn. Mowing is no joke, even with a powered mower. Our hills kill me.
And, of course, as with any weekend, there was lots of eating. I made a HUGE batch of mashed potatoes (with carrots and spinach mixed in), and we ate it for nearly every meal.
Sneaking in those veggies, one starch at a time.
I pulled off my pajamas bottoms, put on real people clothing, and went out for epic sushi with Julie and BFF Nicole.
I picked up this ice cream at Whole Foods. I mostly bought it because I have NEVER seen gluten-free cookie dough before.
I haven’t tried it yet – here’s to hoping it is good! I bet the ice-cream-to-cookie-dough ratio isn’t high enough (isn’t that nearly ALWAYS true with cookie dough ice cream?!)
H and I went to two parties on Sunday. One was a meet-and-greet at Henry’s new school, and the other was a friend’s son’s first birthday. I snagged a bite of Henry’s GF cupcake.
I probably would’ve had more but he looked like he was going to murder me for taking a single nibble…
After the parties, Henry looked like this:
Clearly, it was naptime.
Speaking of naptime, I transitioned him to the big kid room! And the switch was ACTUALLY successful. Hallelujah!
Remember when I tried to get him out of the crib about 7 weeks ago, and he lost his little mind? Like, he truly freaked out. Stage 5 toddler meltdown. Well, at the time, I decided that instead of forcing him out of the crib, I would just give him more time. We did a few other things to help ease the transition – I’ll post about it tomorrow – but basically, the switch was a breeze. Given his initial reaction, I cannot believe how easy it was!
I have this giant list of To Do items before the next baby comes, and almost all of the projects are super involved and time-consuming, so it was really nice to be able to check one item – probably the biggest and most important! – off the list.
So – that was my weekend in a nutshell. How was yours?
Loved our hot date on Saturday night! And it was so great to finally meet Nicole!! Can’t wait to hang out again soon. 🙂