
Oh so true, Ironman.  Oh so true.


How’s Ironman March going for everyone?  Keeping up with the program?  I sure hope so!  I’m doing really well with the swimming and running (I only have a mile to go and I’m done with  my runs for the month!), but it’s hard to stay focused on the bike.  Story of my triathlon life, though.  Nothing new…


Last night, I was so grateful that I arranged a workout date with my friend Brandi. I definitely would’ve blown off my swim otherwise. Brandi is faster than I am in the water, and she definitely motivates me to keep up (because, you know, if we are swimming next to each other, we are definitely racing).  After our workout (we did 1000 yards), we headed over to the gym’s childcare, grabbed our kiddos, and went back to the pool for some more relaxed splashing time.  Henry loved it.  <3


So, speaking of Ironman March, here are two workouts inspired by the month-long ‘race.’  The treadmill workout is designed for intermediate runners who can comfortably maintain a 10-minute/mile pace – but you can always switch up the speeds to make it more your pace. 


And the swim workout below is 500 yards, but you can always repeat the three intervals to make it a grand total of 800.

ironman march swim

Happy Training!



  • Aerevyn March 18, 2014, 3:39 pm

    The running is fine, and I’m having a lot of fun with the biking. Starting doing spinning and that has been a lot of fun. I can find someone who goes a LITTLE bit harder then me and try beating them. Using muscles I didn’t expect to use, and that’s great. And I love that I can throw my outfit on and head out the door and run into the spinning studio and then run back home. EZ.

    Swimming is the thing that’s getting me, and it’s the prep and towels and wet hair and alla that …

  • Sara @ LovingOnTheRun March 18, 2014, 3:54 pm

    I have to say I have never done a triathlon though I’ve always thought about doing one and hope to one day! I think I could get the biking but the swimming would be the hardest part. I’ve swam off and on as cross training but it is always so hard to get myself to do!

  • Elizabeth {Positively Healthy} March 18, 2014, 3:54 pm

    The biking and running are going awesome because those are the things I typically do. It is the swimming! Ugg! I just really need to dedicate myself to it more!

  • Katie March 18, 2014, 4:34 pm

    I was planning on running tomorrow! Thanks Will be using this workout 🙂

  • RunEatRepeat March 18, 2014, 6:03 pm

    This looks challenging and awesome at the same time!!

  • Chantal March 18, 2014, 6:10 pm

    I’m behind on the biking because it’s still so cold around here – I’ve bundled up and gone out a few times, but it’s hard to get in all those miles. I’m right on track for running and almost completed the swimming. Love this challenge!

  • Nancy March 18, 2014, 6:20 pm

    Kinda want to try out that treadmill workout of yours. I’ve been going on blogs like mad, grabbing all the HIIT images they’ve created. I love to keep my my workouts challenging and different on the treadmill, or I’d get SOOO bored.

  • Steph @ A Life without Ice Cream March 19, 2014, 7:36 am

    I think I’m like you, struggling on the bike! But I have learned to love swimming again!! That’s a habit that will be kept when the challenge is over.

    I posted a mid-month update: http://alifewithouticecream.blogspot.ca/2014/03/ironman-march-update-training.html

  • Stephanie @ Whole Health Dork March 19, 2014, 7:46 am

    Thanks for the swim workout! I never know what to do in the pool! I think I’ll need to laminate that so I don’t get it soaked!

  • Jill March 19, 2014, 8:16 am

    The running is going great! The biking…we keep our trainer in the basement and I’m too lazy to lug it upstairs, yet too wimpy to bike in the cold basement, even though I always warm up. The swim is going to kick my butt. I’ve been swimming in our local, very short pool (18 yds), and went for a training workout with a coach in a 25 yd pool. Yikes. They’d moved the bulkhead to make more lanes, it’s normally a 50-yard pool (which would have kicked my butt even more!) I think I need to relax my running a little and get back in the pool more often. I’m sticking to sprints this summer, but you’re right! They aren’t going to train for themselves!

  • Katie March 19, 2014, 10:24 am

    My “check-in” post will go up wednesday next week, but so far the bike is where I’ve been struggling. The roads in MN aren’t safe enough for outdoor rides, and the spin class that works for me is only once a week, so 12 miles hasn’t been cutting it. But I’m pretty darn determined to get it done!

  • Jenny March 19, 2014, 11:34 pm

    This challenge has been the perfect motivation for a month that I typically lose my motivation. We’re heading out on vacation for the last week of March so I’ve been trying to fit it all in as a 3 week challenge. I finished the swimming portion over the weekend and tonight’s 4 mile run finished the run portion. The bike riding is where I’m falling behind – I know that I’m going to have to spend lots of time on the trainer this week to finish!

  • Lisa Basset March 21, 2014, 2:38 pm

    But it’s hard to get in all those miles. I’m right on track for running and almost completed the swimming.

  • Healanyone March 21, 2014, 3:00 pm

    I think I could get the biking but the swimming would be the hardest part.

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