I wish I could accurately express how EXCITED I am for my race – two weeks to go! It’s consuming approximately 30% of my thoughts right now, which is actually a very high percentage for something that is just a hobby.
There’s something else to be really, really excited about. I just finished my last long run, which means that I am officially in TAPER MODE. Oh sweet Baby Jesus, I needed this mental and physical break so much. I can’t wait to rest up and use the extra time to read over the race website, familiarize myself with the course maps, and organize my gear.
I capped things off with a 30 minute bike ride + a 10 mile run. The weather was PERFECT. I ran to my Dad’s house, where a water bottle was waiting for me (he was out to lunch). What a nice water stop.
I fueled with a combo of Shot Bloks and HEED, which I’ll be doing on race day.
This was a really slow run, but that’s okay with me. Coach Marni wanted me to walk every mile for 60 – 90 seconds to simulate the water stops on the race course. Oh, Marni, you don’t have to tell me twice to walk.
Here’s Last Week’s Workouts:
Monday – 3 mile run
Tuesday – 2000 yard swim + 1 hour bike (I think – I forgot to write it down but I’m pretty sure I followed my plan)
Wednesday – 1:45 hour bike
Thursday – 1 hour run
Friday – 1 hour bike
Saturday – 3:30 hour bike + 15 minute run
Sunday – 30 minute bike + 10 mile run
Totals: 20.5 miles of running, 2000 yards of swimming, 7:45 hours of biking (woah)
Low on the swim side of things (I missed only one workout this week, a 2700 yard swim), but that’s okay. I’m a lot less worried about the physical aspect of the swim as I am about the mental aspect. This was my fullest week yet – nearly 12.5 hours of exercise… like a part-time job! No wonder my house is in shambles, and my email box is full.
How was your workout week?
Wow — way to go! You’ve certainly set yourself up for success on race day! 🙂