When I told Coach Marni how much I’d be traveling the week before my big race (I’m in four cities and on 6 flights), she told me that my goals should be:
1) Hydrate;
2) Eat healthy;
3) Do 45 minutes of cardio everyday if I can’t squeeze in the prescribed workouts.
4) Sleep.
I was relieved when she gave me these instructions because I felt like it was very manageable. From race experience, I also know that, at this point, what’s done is done in terms of fitness. I can’t possibly make myself noticeably stronger with last-minute hardcore workouts, but I can burn myself out, dehydrate, or injure myself. So – that’s kind of the plans for these next few days. Play it safe, keep it healthy, and try to relax.
Oh – and stay away from the booze!
I like to have a glass or two of wine or cider when I travel (nervous flyer) but not this trip. No way. No how.
Instead, I’ve been searching for healthy vegetarian options (which is quite challenging in airports and hotels – but can be done!).
(I lost my lens cap so I use a sock as a cover… oh yeah.)
And hydrating. I found a basket of free water bottles in my hotel room and jumped for joy! Then I rode the stationary bike for 45 minutes.
Let’s see… what else. Oh, I got a massage at the airport. My back is still hurting. The guy said my lower back is a little swollen and recommended that I take a few hot showers and do gentle stretches. I’m lovin’ how the universe is basically forcing me to relax, take care of myself, nap, drink water, and eat well. Nice, right? Life has been pretty crazy lately (in a good way, but still – nuts), and traveling the week before the race is actually a happy accident. It gives me some hotel-imposed down time.
Quirks Winner
The winner of the Three Quirks giveaway is… Autumn. She listed her quirks as, “I agree with Henry. Bread is simply a vehicle for butter. I use Kerrygold and it’s delicious. Sometimes I can’t help putting an extra dollop on the knife just to eat it plain. And I always count steps. I can’t help it. If I’m climbing steps, I’m counting steps.†:) Congrats, Autumn!
Book Club?
Would anyone be interested in doing an online book club? I just read The Circle, and it was SO good and totally worthy of a book club discussion. Anyone up for it? If you like dystopian novels, you will looooove The Circle.
And speaking of books – the last Divergent book is out! I’m about halfway through and love it so far. Unfortunately, I saw the exceedingly low marks on Amazon and read a few reviews to figure out why… and the ending has been spoiled. Don’t read the reviews if you don’t want to be spoiled! I’m not having the same visceral reaction other Divergent fans are experiencing to the end, but I’m not there yet, so… we’ll see.
I’d love to do an online book club! I’m in a real-life one, but can always add another book to the calendar