Local Flavors

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Is the weekend already over? Waaaaah. I’m not ready for Monday!  After a long week and an even longer Friday (we traveled to and from Raleigh for work), I was so anticipating a wonderful weekend.  I feel like we crammed a lot in… but I am still not satisfied!  Ah well.  That’s the thing about weekends, right?  Never enough, but at least there’s always another one just around the corner!


Highlight of the weekend #1 – a trip to NoDa district

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NoDa is an offbeat, young, and transitioning neighborhood of Charlotte.  It’s fun to walk around – I only wish there were more stores and shops.  There are, however, a ton of amazing restaurants.




We weren’t there for dinner.  We were there for POPSICLES!


King of Pops is a popsicle cart company in Charlotte, Athens, Atlanta, Charleston, Chattanooga, and Richmond (here’s their backstory – it’s pretty interesting). A guy I know opened the Charlotte stand this year, so I love to check their Facebook page, find out where the cart is located that day, and head on over for a icy cold treat.  King of Pops popsicles are really, really amazing and definitely worth the drive!


The family shared the Cucumber Mint (yum) and Raspberry Lime (double yum).  Henry was a big fan of the Raspberry Lime. 


I liked how you could see real mint leaves in the cucumber pop…. so delicious. 


Highlight of the weekend #2 – a trip to Cloister Honey with Queen City Blogs


QCB is a group of local bloggers that my brother-in-law Nick and I organized.  We’re just starting to real-life meet-ups.  It’s nice to get offline and interact with blog friends in person.


Some members of QCB took a tour of local honey maker Cloister Honey.  Cloister has some of the yummiest plain and whipped honey around – but it’s their ‘infused’ honeys that really knock it out of the park.  We’re talking gems like vanilla honey, bourbon honey, and ghost pepper honey.  Oh – and pumpkin spice honey!


Cloister is another inspiring small business story.  The wife bought her husband a bee hive as a Christmas gift – “I couldn’t think of anything else to buy him!” – and the hobby turned into a massive business.  They both quit their corporate jobs to devote themselves full-time to honey-making.  You can buy Cloister honey online, all over the region in stores like Whole Foods, and even as far away as Napa in fine wineries!


HONEY!  So much honey.  They have dozens upon dozens of hives in their backyard, on top of skyscrapers in Uptown, and in the mountains.

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We watched them ‘extract’ the honey from the panels of honeycombs.  Twenty panels make a LOT of honey!





All in all – it was a great weekend.  It just felt too short!  Time does fly when you’re having fun…


Any small business owners (or patrons of small businesses) want to share other inspiring start-up stories?  Feel free to link to the online stores in the comments section, too!



  • Lee June 23, 2013, 9:38 pm

    King of Pops is pretty much at every Atlanta festival. It’s so good. I had strawberry lemonade last weekend, but I think key lime pie and chocolate sea salt are my all-time favorites. Now I want a popsicle!

  • Lisa June 23, 2013, 9:40 pm

    That’s so cool how you can actually see the mint in those popsicles – I’m a fan whenever you can actually see the ingredients in something like that.
    Sounds like such an interesting weekend!
    Not going to lie, all those bees would freak me out a tad, but I bet it would be really cool to view at the same time.

  • Rachael C June 23, 2013, 10:02 pm

    It looks like you had quite a weekend. The popsicles sound amazing! I would love to try the chocolate sea salt one. Mmmmm…

  • Anna June 23, 2013, 10:12 pm

    Half of my friends work for King of Pops!!
    So wait…you know Neil?? Emory Swimming woo!!

  • Lauren @ The Highlands Life June 23, 2013, 10:25 pm

    What an exciting, fun weekend. There is a popsicle store in Nashville, TN calls Los Poillitos with some delicious flavors!

  • Nelly June 24, 2013, 4:03 am

    I am starting up a moms fitness and health training…cateed to all stages of motherhood!

  • Karen @ Runner Girl Eats June 24, 2013, 8:12 am

    I am kind of sorta obsessed with the idea of honey making. No joke. I tell my fiance alllll the time that my retirement plan is to be a beekeeper and sell honey. I have even asked for bees for birthdays/Christmas/etc!

  • Christy June 24, 2013, 8:57 am

    I never guessed that when I opened your website today I would see that you visited a beekeeper! Seriously, so exciting! I started beekeeping this year. Everyone thought I was crazy, but it is fun, relaxing, and stressful all at the same time. I have two little boys, 2 and 5, and they’re both obsessed with honeybees. They are FEARLESS! We love watching the bees come and go from the hive. The boys run to the backyard every day after school to check on them. My 5 year old just started asking if he can help do the hive inspections. I’m going to order him a little bee suit of his own. We live in a suburban area and the bees are very well behaved. I love our little pets.

  • Ashley June 24, 2013, 9:35 am

    I love that she bought him a hive because she just didn’t know what else to get him- so awesome!

    Also, I definitely need to get my hands on one of those cucumber mint popsicles- they look amazing

  • FitBritt@MyOwnBalance June 24, 2013, 10:07 am

    Those pops look amazing! I wish I could get some!

    I love hearing about small business/start-ups as I would love to have my own business in the future. We shall see! 🙂

    Weekends always go by way.too.fast!

  • Erica June 24, 2013, 9:09 pm

    Good stuff!! I still haven’t tried King of Pops- but I hear great things

  • Meghan June 25, 2013, 8:43 pm

    We LOVE King of Pops here in Atlanta!

  • Melanie Chisnall July 4, 2013, 6:35 am

    Those popsicles look amazing! I don’t think we have any of those kinds of flavours here in South Africa. In fact, we’re way behind on a lot of health food things here. Hopefully it picks up soon! I like the sound of real-life bloggers meet ups, great idea!

  • Melissa July 9, 2013, 2:00 pm

    Ah! I am terrrrrrrified of bees. More power to them and all, but I think I’ll enjoy their honey from the safety of my bee-free home, thankyouverymuch.

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