Nay: Not only was I stuck in the middle seat for both of my flights, but on flight #1, I sat next to a Stage 5 talker (you know – the kind that ignores subtle and not-so-subtle hints that you want to be left alone), and on flight #2, I was stuck next to a serious snorer. And I was sans-coffee. So. That was fun.
Yay: I am home! For 22 awesome hours, but still. HOME.
Nay: I was so excited to see Henry – I picked him up from the clinic – but he kind of gave me the cold shoulder. It hurt my feelings so much that I cried. I wanted him to be all, “Momma! Momma!†and he was more like, “Hey, there are car keys in your hand – saaaaaweet.†I texted a bunch of momma friends and DadHTP and everyone assured me it’s normal but… it still sucked.
Yay: However, once we got home and were in a quieter environment, Henry gave me the X’s and O’s that I was searching for. We played, played, played all afternoon. It was lovely. I missed him a lot.
Nay: I tried to make homemade stuffed grape leaves this afternoon. I LOVE stuffed grape leaves. One of my favorite foods. I’ve had a jar of grape leaves in the pantry for a few months, and after browsing recipes online, decided to try my hand at rolling the tasty little treats.
They weren’t very good… They opened up a bit (too much space in the pan?) and were tough. I think grape leaves are one of those foods that just taste better when someone else prepares it.
Any ideas for what to do with all the leftovers? Should I try again or make something else? Is there anything else you can create with grape leaves?!
Yay: While unpacking the diaper bag, I discovered that Maggie is a size 6 Months in baby clothes. I thought Maggie and Henry looked like they were finally exactly the same size! Now I know for sure that they are. As a result, Maggie has a new vest. Lookin’ fly, girlfriend!
Nay: Trying to walk two unruly dogs + navigate the streets with a jogging stroller = Disaster.
I was so exhausted by the time I got home from our two-block stroll that I blew off my run. Seriously – that was enough action for one day.
Yay: Since I’m heading out tomorrow, I simply dumped all the contents of my suitcase into the wash and repacked it when it was dry. Easy peasy.
What was your yay or nay for the day?
I love that you put Henry’s clothes on Maggie…we joke that our pup is the official baby product tester while we wait for bebe….she’s not so thrilled about it, but it makes for cute pictures. Maybe we will make a small book with them? (And yes I realize how nutty that makes me sound!)