February 2013

Negative Into Positive

When I speak to younger kids, I understand that I’ve got to keep ‘em interested or I will lose them to a flurry of whispers and giggles.  One way to hold the attention is to keep them engaged.  I pass out index cards and have them write one positive thought and one negative thought that [...]


What the What

What I’m Doing Later:  Speaking to a group of 250 5th to 7th graders about Operation Beautiful and my new book.  I’m so excited!  I usually talk to college students (nearly 50 events over the last 3 years!), which is always fun, but like talking to teens the most.  What I’m Doing Now: Blogging, but [...]


Super Sunday

Can you tell that it’s laundry day? A short run – but a good one.  And a warm one, thanks to the socks pulled up to my only pair of clean capris.  The whole family went for a run this afternoon.  We piled into the car and drove to the fancy neighborhood so we could [...]


Scenes from Saturday

Pumped-up pancakes (with chia seeds and sunflower seeds mixed in) with brown rice syrup and blueberries.  Followed by a trip to…. (The nature museum’s animals are mostly rescues – the owl, for example, was hit by a car and has wing and brain damage.)   It never ceases to amaze me how interested Henry is [...]


The Best Darn Black Bean Burger

So.  I have almost completely fallen off the running bandwagon since my half marathon.  I say ‘almost’ because the wagon is still rolling along at a snail’s pace, and I’m mercilessly being dragged behind it.    We’ve been walking in lieu of many of my normal runs. Since the 19th, I have pounded the pavement [...]


Sweet Clean

Happy Friday! I am so glad that it’s the weekend.  I really need a Saturday and Sunday in my life – know what I mean?   And my mom is coming to visit.  She hasn’t been here since Thanksgiving, so I’m excited for Henry and her to hang out.  He can show her all his [...]

Healthy Tipping Point