January 2013

Almost There

And it’s time to taper. I did about 4.5 miles today, up lots and lots of hills (accidental – not planned at all).  My race in on Saturday, and I intend to take off Thursday and Friday from running.  I may swim or yoga before the race, just to feel loose, but no more running. [...]


Back At It

So excited to be home!  So, so, so pumped to be back.  I was excited to sleep in my own bed, drink my own coffee, watch my own TV.  Henry was pumped to play with his own toys.  And the spatulas.  Home is just… nice.   I was REALLY excited to get back to my [...]


Workout Clothes to Live In

My friends and I have a private group on Facebook so we can easily organize mommy meet-ups (I highly recommend this as a fun and easy way to stay in touch with groups – so convenient!).  The other day, my friend Lindsay posted this status. How many of you rock workout clothes as ‘regular’ clothes, [...]



Another foggy day by the Mississippi! We pulled ourselves together this morning for a lovely breakfast at a cute café (The Red Slipper – highly recommend), and then we made our way to the infamous Bourbon Street. I felt naughty bringing Henry there!  It seemed rather wild and crazy, even at 9:30 AM.  The bars [...]


Getting too big to hold like this! I can’t believe Henry is seven months old.  Here are the comparison pictures!         Time flies, babies grow, hairstyles change.   I’m writing this from my hotel room in New Orleans, so I’m going to make this update a ‘brain dump’ kind of post.  Plus, [...]


Carmo at New Orleans

Unfortunately, the New Orleans weather took a turn for the winter worse today. It’s cold and dreary, and we simply aren’t prepared with the right clothes and baby gear (the forecast called for better weather, I swear). And the museums we wanted to check out are closed on Mondays!  So our day has turned into [...]


Operation New Orleans

Hello from New Orleans!  We’re so excited to be here for the Girls on the Run annual conference and for our first real family vacation.  Obviously, we survived our seven month old’s plane flight, so that means the trip is already a success.  Maybe I’ll do a post about the details of flying with a [...]


This and That

I think we are ready for our trip.  Think is the operative word.  To be honest, I am terrified to fly on an airplane with Henry. I don’t get nervous about too many things, but this experience is up there on the list. This is our first flight together, and as someone who flies frequently [...]


More January Joiners 2013

A JJ is someone who joins the gym in January, and while some regular gym rats hate the influx of newbies, it’s been nice to read that many of you make an effort to include them.  After all, some of them do stick around!  Some people are even leaving the JJs Operation Beautiful notes in [...]


Headbands of Hope Twitter Giveaway

Henry’s cold has progressed to full-blown miserableness.  When he’s sick like this, he just wants to be held (don’t we all?!) so H and I shared the guest bed last night.  I don’t know how you cosleepers sleep well (but I know you do, so please share your secret) – my arms always feel stiff [...]


Pets Make It Better

All through the day, I turn a corner and practically trip over a dog or a cat.  My pets like to hang out in the sunny spots, but those spots are always right underfoot.  Gotta pay attention, lest I make a Maggie pancake! James looks like a doggie model in that pic, huh?   In [...]



I’m having such a good day. I’ve really embraced a new life philosophy.  Basically, it’s ‘don’t stress out so much.’  Sounds simple, right?  But man… it’s taken me a while to figure out how to do this, exactly.  But now that I have figured it out, I feel so free!    My daily goal is [...]


Get Outta Here

Rough night in babyland. I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m pretty sure I have Henry ESP.  Around 3 AM, I woke up for no reason, checked the monitor, and saw Henry sitting up silently in his crib.  Then, he pulled himself up on the railing and spent 30 minutes trying to hitch his leg up [...]


Kids + Body Image

Whoa.  I don’t know what came over me today!  I set out on a three miler and ended up doing six.  That never, ever happens!  In fact, it’s usually the reverse.  Hah. I think the weather was the cause.  It was gloriously warm out.  I stepped outside in a jacket and went back into the [...]

Healthy Tipping Point