Word on the street is that a lot of the country is experiencing less-than-ideal weather. We don’t have any snow, but we sure do have rain.
Fun fact: Rain is my favorite type of weather. This is probably because I was born and raised in Miami; tropical thunderstorms are a daily summer occurrence in my home state. When I moved to Pittsburgh and got less rain (well, at least the windows-thumping-puddles-forming variety), I was so sad! Charlotte seems to strike a balance between the two.
However, it was raining MUCH too hard to actually run in, so I kept delaying my run. And delaying and delaying. Finally it was clear enough out to go! I did 4.0 miles. It was easy-peasy. It’s funny how training for a longer race seriously warps your perspective. Three months ago, I would’ve been dry heaving at the thought of running for forty minutes, but now it’s just my regular weekday training run. Gotta love that! I am, however, still dry heaving with nerves at the thought of running 13.1 miles on race day.
My other workout of the holiday week included a swim on Monday. Remember how, a few weeks ago, a guy refused to lane share with me? And how I said that in all my years of swimming, that had never, ever happened before? Well, it happened AGAIN on Monday! I couldn’t believe it. I’ve decided that this must have something to do with my current gym. I used to swim at the aquatic center, so there were loads of triathletes and other die-hard swimmers who knew the rules (you must lane share if asked). I guess people at my current pool just don’t see all the signs posted everywhere that swimmers must share?! Hummmmph. Regardless, I did my usual M.O. – I smiled, acted like I didn’t hear the insanely awkward refusal to share, and just got in the water anyway. So strange… Now I’m all nervous to go back to the pool in case I encounter another poor non-sharer!
So. Yes. A mish-mash of a post, but that’s what I’ve been up to, fitness-wise. Running in dreary weather and getting told off by senior citizens because I dare desire to share a pool lane. Saaaa-weet. What’s new with you guys?
How awkward! I’m not a swimmer, but etiquette is etiquette, no matter who you are! Yikes. And you are right–the weather has been BAD up north…I live in Baltimore and today was brutal.