While on our run yesterday, brother-in-law Nick and I had a rather powerful conversation about failure. We were discussing the thought processes behind achieving professional or fitness goals, and we both admitted to being very fearful of failure. I try to use the fear of failing as a motivator (I talk about this a lot in the HTP book), but sometimes, the fear of failing holds me back from trying something or makes me quit too soon.
That’s when I realized: we decide when we’ve failed. We decide when we’re ready to give up; we decide when we haven’t reached our goal and should just quit. How powerful would it be to think, “It’s not that I’ve failed… it’s just that I haven’t succeeded yet.†Yet. I love this idea of the ‘yet.’ You aren’t a failure. You’re just not a success yet.
Goals of the week: Eat regular meals at mealtime (been struggling with this lately because of the bebe), run a total of 18 miles (one more than last week!), sign the lease on our new clinic space, wrap up some other contracts that I’m working on, write another 3,000 words for my novel, and be light in the heart (that’s a vague goal, but a worthy one, right?).
Lunch courtesy of the hubby:
Fruit, veg, tofu, and toast. Complemented well by my coffee and chocolate. A bit small, though, so I’m sure I’ll be scrounging up more food very soon.
What are you working towards?
New favourite Henry picture, aww.
Enjoy your successes this week!