October 2012

Winter Salad

Are trick or treaters ringing your doorbell?  I did the whole ‘put a bowl of candy on the stoop’ move – here’s to hoping the first set of kiddos didn’t just clean me out. My candy for the night?  A nice glass of sweet Moscato.  In bed.  While listening to the Snow Patrol station on [...]


4.5 Months Old: Baby Gear We Love

This is a follow-up to my first post in the Baby Gear series:  Newborn Baby Gear.  Here’s what Henry (and I) are obsessed with as of 4.5 months.   Rainforest Jumperoo:  Henry LOVES his jumper.  When I walk by it with him in my arms, he makes motions like, “Put me in! Put me in!”  [...]


Post-Bump 10K

I got sucked into a vortex of Henry and am just now emerging – with circles under my eyes, a frazzled expression, and a messy house.  At least he’s super cute!   Amidst the drama, I managed to go on a 10K run.  I was pretty pleased – I wasn’t super speedy but I maintained [...]


168 Hours: One Hundred Dreams

The second major exercise in the 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think book is to create your “List of 100 Dreams.”  (Post 1 in this series:  168  Hours: Where Does the Time Go?) Vanderkam notes that your list can be “as simple as ten places you want to visit, ten books you [...]


Ready, Set, Run

It’s been a lazy morning over here… But I’m hoping to pump things up with a 10K run in an hour or so.  This will be the furthest I’ve run since Henry; crossing my fingers that I survive.  It’s definitely time that I step up my distances – I’ve got a half marathon in 2.5 [...]


Hunker Down

We’re currently getting the tail end of Hurricane Sandy – the morning started off like a typical autumn day, but the day quickly turned chilly and windy.  But our weather is nothing like the northerners will experience soon. If you’re in the area, please be safe and stay dry! We spent the morning comfy and [...]


168 Hours: Where Does The Time Go?

All week, I’ll be blogging about my new favorite book, 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think.  It’s essentially a time management guide that challenged the way I think about my time and has helped me find a few ‘extra’ hours a week. The basic premises of the book is this:  when you [...]


Halloween Bash

Our Halloween party was a smashing success!  We started things off pretty early – most of our friends have kiddos – but there was a second wind around 10 PM, and I didn’t go to bed until 1 AM.  After two straight hours of karaoking.  My feet are killing me, I lost my voice, but [...]


Something Spooky This Way Comes

BOO! We stayed up far too late last night decorating the house for our big Halloween bash.  We are going all out – I even made candy corn Jello shots (which are too cute).  But my favorite part is the pumpkin beer tasting bar.  I don’t think we’ve ever done up holiday decor quite so [...]


Baby’s First Pumpkin

I have such fond memories of pumpkin-carving with my parents.  It’s a tradition that I can’t wait to continue with Henry.  I’m super excited for next year when he wants to put his hands inside and pull out of the gooey stuff.  Today we carved his first pumpkin.  I took a cue from Young House [...]



For two months after Henry was born, I suffered with ‘phantom baby syndrome.’  This involves being ripped from sleep in a panic, gasping into a sitting position, and searching for my baby in my bed (because surely I had pulled  him into bed with me while sleeping).  He was always snoozing peacefully in his bassinet.  [...]


Halloween Help

So.  This Saturday, I am hosting a Halloween blow-out.  We’re talking 40+ people.  Maybe 50, depending on how many people bring dates.  I’m excited, but I’m also feeling a bit panicky, because all I’ve done to prepare is borrow my in-laws’ box of Halloween decorations (I am so not the woman who keeps boxes of [...]


Book Release: Two Months to Go!

I can’t even believe it, but December is right around the corner, and that means that my third book, Operation Beautiful:  One Note at a Time, will be released very soon. Wondering about the snazzy new cover and title?  Check out this post for more info: “Getting a Book to Print”   If you don’t [...]



Thai takeout for dinner.  It doesn’t get any better than that. Or does it?  What’s your favorite takeout?

Healthy Tipping Point