I took a work ‘break’ to go to IKEA. I use the term ‘break’ loosely because, while I love assembling IKEA furniture, I hate actually going to IKEA. It’s so overwhelming. And I always end up spending half the day there – it’s a vortex of Swedish goodies.
We bought a new bed for the guest room. My BFF Lauren is coming to visit me (from Singapore!) this weekend and, since our air mattress went kaput, needs a place to sleep. One day, this will be Henry’s big boy bed. So now you know what I’ll be doing tonight… building a bed.
And eating chocolate. For some reason, I was possessed at the check-out counter and grabbed five IKEA chocolate bars. These are the best.
Now I must hide them from myself.
Lunch was leftovers from last night – quinoa, steamed cabbage, onions, and asparagus, and cast iron tofu. With a glob of Earth Balance.
Now that my IKEA break is over, I’m attempting to get some work done, and then I’m going for a run. My energy is kind of waning, so I’m trying to build this workout up in my mind… this is truly the key to staying motivated for evening workouts. I tell myself all day long that my run will be awesome and that I’ll feel SO good when it’s over. And when I catch myself ‘checking out’ (you know… “Oh, maybe I’ll just do it tomorrow…â€), I nip that thinking in the bud. TONIGHT! Not tomorrow!
Hold me to it – 3 miles or bust.
I feel the same way today… 3 miles or bust!!! Tonight, not tomorrow!