August 2012


Definition:  The act of tweeting while jogging.  Because you have no running buddy and need to complain and / or boast to someone. And because you need something to do on your walking breaks. Really.  I did puke in my mouth.  Twice.  It was disgusting.  But I deserved it for running at 5 PM in [...]


I am really excited to publish this guest post from Gabby, who was inspired to write about “how our society positions athleticism and femininity as two sides of a spectrum (or even two opposite constructs) when, in [her] opinion, is a completely false dichotomy.” I recently came across an article discussing how the female athlete [...]


Makin’ Waves

My Tsunami suit has arrived!   I bought this suit from Splish and was so pumped when it arrived in the mail.  It’s a nice quality (thick lining and the stitching is sturdy).  I wasn’t sure what size to get based on their size chart so I ordered two suits – one in a 34 [...]


Creating Positive Race Goals

“How fast did you finish?” “Did you beat your personal record?” “Man, my mile splits were so much slower than normal!” Look, it’s pretty easy to get wrapped up in time-based race goals.  Time is quantifiable and simple to compare. And it’s really, really fun when your times go down!  I’ll never forget how great [...]


Train like a Mother {Review}

Problem with eating meals on the kitchen floor – thieves try to steal your carrots!  Gasp! I had a not-so-fun doctor’s appointment really early this morning (to do this; will blog more about it down the road), ran some errands, and came home to crash.  Henry and I napped for a good three hours.  It [...]


GymPact for Android {Giveaway}

I’m thinking about restarting my GymPact membership – I turned it off the last week of my pregnancy but, since I’m hitting up the gym regularly again, it’s time to ‘pact again.  After all, when I was checking in with GymPact every week, I earned about $40 over a few months.  Sweeeeet. As I wrote [...]


Aww Sticks

SOOOOO thankful I just backed up my iPhone.  Because I found it in the bottom of the dryer.  Whoops. At least it’s really, really clean now.  And smells really, really good.   On a brighter note, I was browsing blogs this morning (on my iPhone… when it still worked) and found this delicious recipe from [...]



Just a minute to chat before H wakes up from his nap and wants to play.   Lunch! I’m lovin’ the combo of Dr. Praeger’s veggie burger and BBQ sauce.   Balance – chips 'n kale. So, for some reason, I end up eating many of my meals on my kitchen floor.  Too lazy to [...]


Dog Shaming

So, just about a hundred people have sent me a link to the hysterical site called Dog Shaming.  And every email said, ‘Maggie needs to be on this site.’  Oh, she does.  But truthfully, so does James – he just flies under the radar of general ridiculousness while M soars above it.    So if [...]



Featuring…. raw baby zucchini.  Yum. As well as cast iron tofu, sunflower seeds, corn, carrots, and greens. It a windy and cool night.  I think this calls for some serious couch time. Good night, sleep tight!


Can Exercise Make You Sick?

After Saturday’s triathlon, I was riding high.  I was SO ridiculously proud of myself and felt on top of the world.  My plan was to come home, eat a hearty lunch, and take a long nap.  Unfortunately, sleep never really happened.  The Husband needed to run some errands, and Henry wanted to play.  I didn’t [...]


Greens and Copper

Did you catch my sprint triathlon recap?  Here you go!   I’m alive.  Barely.  I’m feeling a bit under the weather, unfortunately.  The Hus took over almost all the babycare duties last night so I could get as much shut-eye as possible (I firmly believe that sleep can cure – or at least alleviate – [...]


Whole Foods Charlotte

I’ll make fun of myself before anyone else can – I participated in the yuppiest of all yuppie activities tonight.  I went on a pre-opening tour of the new Whole Foods Charlotte.  The tours ran all weekend and were open to the general public.  All that was required was a $5 donation to a wonderful [...]


Sore Sunday

I hope everyone is having a nice Sunday!  My Sunday is… sore.  My legs are killin’ me after yesterday’s triathlon (thanks for all the supportive comments; you sure know how to make a woman smile).  After the race, I tried to sneak in a nap when Henry slept, but I could only squeeze in two [...]

Healthy Tipping Point