This week, I’m running a fun series of workout debates. First up: Do you acknowledge strangers when exercising outdoors? General consensus was that most people give a smile, wave, or head nod just to be nice; a few people said they make a point to be friendly as a safety mechanism.
Today’s debate topic is one of my favorite running issues to ponder!
When running outdoors, what do you do when you approach an intersection? Do you stop and wait patiently? Or do you jog in place? Run in circles? Do a little dance?
I think this is a pretty divisive topics – I’ve been with some runners who insist on dancin’ in place and others who protest that jogging in circles makes you look like a straight-up idiot. A side issue, of course, is whether you stop your watch at intersections or does the break count towards your total time?
Haven’t seen a distance or total time that high on my Garmin 305 in a long, long time!
Personally, I usually like to jog in place at stoplight and I stop my watch. One of the hardest things about running is coming to a full stop and getting started again. I feel like I lose momentum if I stand still at intersections; the run generally feels easier if I don’t stop moving. However, sometimes I need a break and welcome excuse to take an intersection rest. In that scenario, Instead of standing completely still while I wait for the light to change, I stretch. Otherwise I cramp up!
Whether I’m dancin’ or stretchin’, I always have to wonder: Do the drivers think I’m totally insane? Probably!
So – what do you think? Is stoplight dancin’ necessary or just plain crazy?
Fun topic! I’m a jog in place or run in small circles person, but I’m with you on not being able to stop because I feel like I lose my momentum to keep moving forward. I use the Nike+ GPS app on my phone and I don’t stop it, just because it’s easier not to touch it, but I’m also not usually looking for the numbers at the end as my goal.