In the battle of IKEA Furniture v. Me, I think the side table is winning.
I put about 15 minutes of valiant effort in last night and didn’t get very far at all. But tonight… tonight, I shall succeed.
Second win of the day was a win on my behalf – this dinner. The combination sounds strange, but it’s really tasty and fast.
Baked sweet potato
Baked beans
Sunflower seeds
Third win involved getting out and going for a run. It was the middle of the day, so it was sticky and humid. But I was not going to miss my one chance to run – my mother-in-law had stopped by to play with Henry, and since I’m getting more comfortable with babysitters, I went for it. I did another Couch to 5K workout. I’m up to over 2.5 miles now! Not far off from a 5K at all.
During my run, I was thinking about how I never feel like exercise is a chore anymore. Since Henry was born, I really see exercise as truly ‘my time’ – it always was my time, but now more so than ever. It’s so much easier to motivate myself to workout when this attitude. The other day, I ended up going to the gym at 8:15 PM at night because the baby was sleeping, Kristien was home from work, and I had some free time. I did a 30 minute speedwork session in the pool and felt so accomplished. Thirty minutes or so of free time are so rare these day; if I have the opportunity to sweat, I will take it – no matter what the time of day or weather conditions!
Now… motivating myself cleaning the house is another story. There are only so many things I can prioritize. Dishes and IKEA furniture are loooow on the list. Hah.
And last, but not least… Win #4 of the night:
We are starting an official bedtime routine for the baby. He’s still going to sleep in his bassinet in our room at night for a long, long time, but we’d like him to sleep from 8 PM to 11 PM or so in his own room (interrupted with a feeding or two, of course). Tonight we had a bath, dinner, story time, and then it was crib time. So far, there is minimal fussin’…. let’s see if this win remains a win or if I crumble under the baby pressure!
I love his nursery so much!! 🙂