Read On

in For Your Reading Pleasure

First of all, here is a gratuitously cute photograph of Henry from our newborn shoot.


Second of all, here is my delicious breakfast!


In the mix:


Raw oats


Greek yogurt



I tried this brand of Greek yogurt today.  Honestly, I picked it up because it was only a buck (on sale).  I wasn’t crazy about the flavor – honey/vanilla, I prefer plain vanilla – but the texture was nice.


The Husband and I shared a watermelon wheel.




For Your Reading Pleasure


How is it already Friday again!? Didn’t this week seem to go by so quickly?  It must’ve been the holiday.  Anyway, here are a few interesting articles that I saw on the Interwebs this week:


Nature Is Cruel: Women Who Are Afraid of Giving Birth Have Longer Labors


You manifest your worst fears, right?  In a study conducted in Norway, researchers found that: “the average length of labor was 8.22 hours for first-time moms and 4.91 hours for women who’d had previous children. But, here’s the sad part, the women who had an established fear of childbirth spent an hour and 32 minutes longer laboring than women who weren’t afraid. The average labor lasted 8 hours for women who were afraid and roughly six and a half hours for women who weren’t.”   Women who were afraid of labor were more likely to require instrumental vaginal deliveries (induction, vacuum, etc).  Similarly, women who were afraid had an increased risk of c-sections.  This article makes me think of Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth, which talks about how the cervix is a sphincter, just like your anus.  If you’re afraid to poop and have a bunch of people screaming at you to “push, push, push!” it may be difficult to have a bowel movement.  Childbirth is kind of the same thing.  Yes, I just compared childbirth to taking a poop…


Seventeen Magazine Vows to Show Girls ‘as They Really Are’


After a 14 year old collected over 86,000 signatures asking Seventeen magazine to stop Photoshopping models, the magazine has signed a Body Peace Treaty, which states the magazine will no longer change the shape of girl’s body or face and only include images of ‘real girls and models who are healthy.’ I wish there were more specifics on what exactly ‘real girls’ were going to look like. I, for one, would like to see more images of girls and women in magazines without makeup on.


The Picky Eater Who Came to Dinner


An article about how to handle ‘picky’ eaters with various dietary restrictions:  no gluten, vegetarian, vegan, no dairy, no high-fructose corn syrup, no nuts, or various allergens.  This piece explores whose responsibility it is to accommodate such eaters at dinner parties and restaurants.  Did you know some restaurants are beginning to refuse to make any alterations to their dishes, claiming it ruins the dish as envisioned by the chef?


Who Made That Baby Bjorn?


A fun style and design piece on the modern popularity of baby carriers.


My Heart Rate Is Over Average–Is This Bad?



The basic formula for maximum heart rate is 220 beats per minute minus your age, which would put mine at 192.  I read this article with interest because my heart rate is ALWAYS on the high side when exercising.  When I run at a moderate pace, it easily can top 180 – 190 BPM.  Even with swimming, I can hit 140 easily.  My resting heart rate tends to be on the higher side, too, especially for someone who does a decent amount of cardio (around 80 BPM – to contrast, my Husband’s is 65).


Your turn! Were you scared to deliver and how do you think it impacted your childbirth experience?  Are you a ‘picky eater’ with strange requests? How do you handle going to dinner parties (do you inform the hostess ahead of time, bring your own dish, etc)?  Do you own a baby carrier – if so, what kind?  Do you think Seventeen magazine is legit or is the Body Peace Treaty a public relations move?  And do you have a low or high heart rate?



  • Janae @ Bring-Joy July 6, 2012, 8:48 am

    I just found out there’s greek style coconut yogurt on the market, which I’m thrilled about because I’m vegan (& lactose intolerant).

    I think the Seventeen magazine move is a good one. I read one of the comments on the NY Times site where someone pointed out that now they should take a look at improving content. There is too much focus on “being pretty” & looking good & not enough emphasis on intelligence & the so many other things that make women powerful. That said, bravo for the activism of that young girl. Inspiring. We all should follow her example & speak up.

  • Ruby July 6, 2012, 8:51 am

    I attended a birth class where the instructor told us to move towards the contractions, towards the birth. So that’s what I did, and I do believe that helped things along very nicely. I’m not sure from WHEN exactly you count “labor” starting. My (mild) contractions started around 5/6 am, the ‘real” contractions started around 7 pm and transition occurred around 9:45 pm. Had my baby at 11:15 pm. I felt pretty good about that! There wasn’t a point where I thought “stop!”, just a point where I thought”I can’t help it, I need to push!”

  • Tara July 6, 2012, 9:07 am

    I wasn’t overly scared to experience labor, but I credit a lot of that to lots of preparation and our hypnobirthing classes! I was still in labor for 20 hours, so an eight hour labor sound wondeful!! I will be interested to see how labor goes this time and how much shorter it will be now that I know what to expect and my body has been through it before.

    I received a baby bjorn carrier and an ergo carrier. Our little guy loved the baby bjorn, but once he got to big for that and we tried to transition him to the ergo he suddenly hated it! I don’t know if he didn’t feel as secure, but I was sad that we couldn’t use the ergo. I highly recommend finding friends with different kinds of carriers and having your baby “test drive” them before purchasing. Some of them are so spendy!

    • Ginna July 6, 2012, 9:29 am

      I cringe seeing that picture of the bjorn. It’s so bad for babies hips!!! The ergo, beco etc are much more ergonomically designed with babies hips mind.

  • Katie @ Peace Love and Oats July 6, 2012, 9:09 am

    I have a pretty low heart rate, it never seems to get up too high unless I’m exercising at a higher altitude or pushing hard in running!

  • Alex @ Brain, Body, Because July 6, 2012, 9:11 am

    PR move or not, I like that Seventeen is at least inspiring dialog. When flipping through a magazine, it’s all too easy to forget that all photos, every single one, has been touched up in one way or another.

  • Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat July 6, 2012, 9:13 am

    Ooh all great topics! I’m happy to see that Seventeen did honour the girl’s request and petition – whether or not they’ll continue to do so in the future is still questionable in my mind though. As for the picky eater issue, one of my biggest pet peeves is when restaurants say no substitutions, and not being vegan nor vegetarian, I don’t think my requests are very unreasonable! (Usually dressing on the side or can you add extra veggies that I’ll willingly pay for please). I think it’s annoying when restaurants won’t accommodate for things like this, especially when guests are paying a whole lot more than it would take for them to make the dish at home!

  • Faith @ For the Health of It July 6, 2012, 9:24 am

    Im really interested to read that heartrate post. Mine elevates SUPER quickly, and I’ve never monitored it during a very strenuous workout, but I’d really be interested to see what it would be. I

  • Lindsey @ Sound Eats July 6, 2012, 9:29 am

    The “Picky Eater” article is interesting. To be honest, as someone who has a very severe, literally life-or-death allergy to tree nuts, I get a little agitated by people who elect to remove certain foods/ food groups from their diet and make a big deal about it while going out, especially those who claim it as an allergy to make sure they get what they want. I respect people eating certain things that make them feel good, but the problem with that situation is that restaurants and servers become agitated and desensitized for what true allergens are like. For example – at multiple restaurants I’ve been to over the years, if I’ve requested a salad with no nuts, servers/ kitchen staff don’t always get it and just pick nuts off if they already made it and forgot. When the salad shows up at my table and there are tiny nut remnants, I have to send it back, because even the oils that have touched the lettuce alone is something that would cause an immediate reaction (throat swelling, tongue swelling, hives, trouble breathing, etc.).

    Also – I do think it should be the responsibility of the consumer/ one with the allergen/ food preferences, not the host. If there’s a restaurant with a lot of nuts on the menu or I hear isn’t accommodating, I just won’t go. If I’m at a friend’s house or going to a wedding, I never notify them. I’ll just see what’s offered when I’m there and decline any offerings/ courses that have nuts. I can’t imagine sending a RSVP to a wedding or party invitation with a note, “FYI, no nuts for me!”

    • Caitlin July 6, 2012, 2:21 pm

      I agree with you 100%. I’m a vegetarian by choice and lactose intolerant. If I’m offered ice cream I just kindly say “no, thank you” and either don’t have dessert or choose the sorbet. I’ve heard about people claiming allergies in order to make sure their food is prepared correctly, and while I understand their desire for the restaurant to make their food how they want, it definitely down plays individuals like yourself who have a legitimate allergy. Also, I agree with you that it is the diners responsibility. I’m planning a wedding and I’m awaiting a phone call from an aunt who refuses to eat sugar and what seems like everything else and wants to discuss this with our caterer. Eat what you can and after the reception or event go home/out and get what you really want for supper, or like many others, eat before you come!

  • Hillary July 6, 2012, 9:30 am

    I apparently have a super low resting heart rate. I was hospitalized last year, and my nurse asked if I was a runner!

  • ellen July 6, 2012, 9:34 am

    My due date is in a month and I am not scared at all. I have actually really been looking forward to Labor and Delivery….I have not thought much past that point, like what will I do when the baby is here 🙂 I am actually more worried about breast feeding because I hear so many stories on how difficult it is. My only major concern now is Im at 35 weeks and this baby has been stubbornly head up the whole time and I am getting concerned he will never switch and I will have to have C-section and never get to experience laboring. Keeping my fingers crossed he switches.

  • Ashley @ The North Carolina Cowgirl July 6, 2012, 9:38 am

    I saw the story about the 14yo taking on Seventeen on the news last night. How awesome is that too! If I were her parents I would be so proud. I hope the magazines do start showing celebrities as they really are and not photo-shopped. I think it will help lead to a more confident society of women.

  • Ashley @ My Food 'N' Fitness Diaries July 6, 2012, 9:38 am

    that photo of henry is adorable! i love it. thanks for sharing that article on heart rates – very interesting to me since mine often seems higher than average as well!

  • Gina @ Running to the Kitchen July 6, 2012, 9:39 am

    My heart rate is the same way. Resting it’s easily in the mid 80s and on an “easy” run it shoots up into the 180-185 range. When I was doing livefit last month and phase 2 called for moderated cardio with the heart rate formula being (220-age)*.7 that basically equated to walking for me. Off to read that article!

  • Cindy July 6, 2012, 9:40 am

    I’m the world’s most pickiest eater and it makes my flatmate crazy as she is the primary cook around here. It also can be hard when we go out as I do actually have valid food allergies (nuts, soy, peas) so I have to be careful and read labels. I also only eat chicken and fish, won’t touch anything mushy like mashed potatoes, and don’t like spicy foods. I generally stick to things like salads and chicken sandwiches and plain pizza when we go out which is really non-adventurous, but I’d rather be boring than feel sick. I hate asking for substitutions and alterations in my meals, but sometimes I need to, like no chili sauce or a different veggie than a side of peas. I haven’t really had any issues asking for substitutions, but I get weird looks sometimes.

  • Danielle July 6, 2012, 9:45 am

    I am a vegetarian and choose to eat dairy and gluten-free (I am not a celiac nor do I have serious gluten intolerance but this diet makes me feel my best). That being said it is my choice to eat the way that I do. Though I do inform the hostess/host, I always bring my own dish! I find it eases my anxiety and that of the host/hostess. I find the situation to be more awkward when they have prepared something “vegetarian” that is either not vegetarian or something that is going to seriously upset my stomach. It is hard to balance the guilt of not eating something someone has prepared for you vs. what is best for your health/digestion!

  • Jenny July 6, 2012, 9:50 am

    I totally think there is some truth to the fear about childbirth article. I was so scared of being induced that I had panic attacks throughout pregnancy. I tried every single last natural method to bring on labor, but alas, I was induced 8 days past my due date. The induction in itself was not at all what I wanted and it ended up being a looooonnng process. My daughter was born 55 hours after I arrived at the hospital to be induced. I had a pretty significant mental breakdown 24 hours in, but in the end, I was very pleased with the level of care at that hospital. The induction was done very slowly and without a cascade of interventions. I was never pushed into something more and they tried to avoid pitocin initially, at my request. Never once was “c-section” mentioned until after I delivered. My baby and I were both doing very well so they allowed us to endure a long, slow process.

    In the end, my birth story went nothing like planned, but it was a major, life lesson in overcoming adversity. I was exhausted by the time I delivered my daughter, but still had a vaginal delivery despite her being 9lbs and posterior. With my level of exhaustion, the medical staff were impressed that I didn’t end up having a c-section. I faced my fears and powered past them to deliver a beautifully healthy baby.

    Needless to say, if we have a second child, my expections and anxieties will be entirely different.

    • Jessica July 6, 2012, 7:34 pm

      On the other side of the coin, my labor was 55+ hours long, and I was never scared, just excited (and tired toward the end!). But most of that was “early” labor (contrax 5-8 min apart) at home, and only 7 hours of “real” labor at the hospital (contrax less that 2 min apart) and only 45 minutes of pushing. I think in part because I never was scared of the pain I managed to have a completely natural birth.
      I’m sorry to hear you were induced only 8 days after your due date! At my doctor’s practice the standard is 2 weeks after your due date before induction (unless there are complications). Congrats on surviving your long labor – it’s a tough thing to get through, I know!

  • Liz @ Tip Top Shape July 6, 2012, 9:54 am

    I’d like to think the Body Peace Treaty is for real, but I think it is a way to piggy back on the trend of being “natural” and that they’re still going to choose the models who hardly need airbrushing.

  • jameil July 6, 2012, 10:00 am

    Rather than being a “picky” eater, I host and/or cook for them. I like the challenge. I have so many myriad and sundry recipes saved on my computer that it’s nice to put some of them to use on things I might not ordinarily make. I will say one Thanksgiving was kind of stressful hosting a Muslim (no pork/alcohol in her portions) and a vegetarian. During holidays, I cook with a lot of alcohol. I always use a lot of chicken stock. To make it even better? The vegetarian cancelled at the last minute. :/

  • Michelle @ Eat Move Balance July 6, 2012, 10:01 am

    Thanks for the link to the “Picky Eaters” article. That’s something I deal with ALL THE TIME. First off, I tend to be a little picky, but I also have a close friend with celiac disease, one that’s allergic to shellfish, and another that won’t eat nuts or nut butter. And we all like to hang out together! So, putting together meals can be a bit challenging, but somehow we always make it work! I write about it on my blog, showing recipes that can be make for numerous dietary restrictions, under the tag MIWFY (make it work for you).

  • Melissa July 6, 2012, 10:01 am

    My heart rate gets that high when I work out, too! But my resting heart rate is low…when I’m running a lot (although, “a lot” for me is just 35-40 miles a week, since I’m slow and that takes me a long time…Kara Goucher I am not) my resting heart rate is in the low 40s. It’s weird. Just one of those things, I guess. I’ve also always had really low blood pressure, but it’s never been a problem for me.

  • Jen July 6, 2012, 10:03 am

    Re: restaurants- it is infuriating! I’m gluten intolerant, can’t have olives (including olive oil) and am allergic to tree nuts. many times the only thing I can eat in a restaurant is a salad with protein on it. I don’t know why it is so hard to get them to just put the dressing on the side and leave the nuts off so that I don’t have to have tree nuts and/or olives on my food! Many times I end up eating an appetizer salad with no dressing and no protein because they won’t leave anything off of a main dish. I think it is their loss since it means I’m not spending money at their restaurant!

  • Alicia @culinarybliss July 6, 2012, 10:07 am

    Cute Henry 🙂
    I just wanted to say that the Bjorn is a terrible carrier, for parent and baby. The legs shouldn’t hang down like that. Does that look comfortable?!

  • Elisabeth July 6, 2012, 10:09 am

    Awwww! That picture of Henry is incredibly adorable 😀

  • Megan@ The Running Doc July 6, 2012, 10:10 am

    My boyfriend has Celiac Disease so if we go to a friend’s for a cookout or party we usually try and take at least one dish to share, that way he knows there will be something he can eat. And if we have friends over, everything is gluten-free. And we almost never go to restaurants anymore unless they have a specific gluten-free menu. We’ve found that a lot of places can’t guarantee anything is gluten-free so it’s just easier to eat at home.

  • Lena July 6, 2012, 10:21 am

    Hi Caitlin,

    just a short question. In several of your previous posts you mentioned that you were gluten sensitive. But reading your blog I also see a lot of oats rolling around. 🙂 I was just wondering if you have any reaction to them, because I’m trying to figure out whether I am sensitive to gluten at the moment, and I’m really not so sure how to tackle the whole thing.

    and by the way, you have an enormously cute baby!

    • Caitlin July 6, 2012, 11:20 am

      They have gluten free oats, which I buy!

  • Gabby (Quest for Delicious) July 6, 2012, 10:49 am

    I think nowadays it’s a lot easier to accommodate people with varying food preferences because there’s so many options. Vegetarian/vegan dishes hearty enough to satisfy meat-eaters, cauliflower “rice” for gluten free, alternative non-dairy milks. I’m sure it’s not easy to accommodate everyone/everything, but like I said, it’s probably easier. 🙂

  • Annette@FitnessPerks July 6, 2012, 10:56 am

    I could see how your fears would be manifest in something you didn’t even want. Kinda freaky though!

    your b-fast looks awesome! And Henry is adorable 🙂

  • Claire July 6, 2012, 11:03 am

    I think I’m a flexible picky. When I make my own food, I do what I want or make changes to what my family is having if I don’t prefer that. When out, I typically will eat what is served or just not select the item I don’t like. My resting heart rate is pretty low, usually around 60 or a little less but definitely responds appropriately to exercise to 120-160 depending on what I do.

  • Courtney July 6, 2012, 11:07 am

    Ugh, reading that some restaurants won’t make changes to a dish makes me angry! I’m very picky and there are some foods that just don’t agree with me insides, so if I was told that I couldn’t change a dish, I would probably just order plain pasta to spit the chef 😛 😛

  • RunEatRepeat July 6, 2012, 11:16 am

    I haven’t given birth so I can’t speak to that, buuut – for my first marathon I literally thought I was going to DIE. Like I legit thought there was a 50/50 chance I wouldn’t make it and have to be carted off to the hospital. I was terrified.
    I ended up surviving (obviously) and because the race didn’t live up to my crazy fear thought “it wasn’t *that* bad…”. So, even though I am terrified of child birth I almost think it’s a similar situation and that’s just how I deal.

  • Marisa @ Balance Health and Wellness July 6, 2012, 11:33 am

    I was recently at a conference and an exercise physiologist spoke to us about the lack of scientific backing for the max heart rate formula. Afterwards, I did some of my own research and it doesn’t seem like much science went into creating the 220-age formula. A perceived scale of exertion is a better bet when determining how hard your body is working, because it’s more specific to your physiology.

  • melissa @tryingtoheal July 6, 2012, 11:43 am

    My heart rate is always on the high side too when I’m exercising. A small burst while running, can make my heart rate jump up to 210 sometimes! But my resting heart rate when I’m doing nothing is usually in the mid 60s, even as low as in the mid50s. Crazy!

  • Joanna@DrizzleofSunshine July 6, 2012, 11:49 am

    I am 5 months pregnant and terrified about giving birth. That article was a real eye-opener. I need to really calm myself down. Back to pre-natal yoga I go!

  • Emily July 6, 2012, 11:54 am

    The article about ‘picky eaters’ really made me think. I have an extremely picky sister, and it is difficult to make healthy and interesting food when I cook dinner. I have a lot of frustration towards picky eaters who have no allergies or religious reasons to avoid rather plain and normal food. I live in the Midwest, and in my family and community, you are expected to eat what is served. Being vegetarian or vegan is considered abnormal and even ridiculous, so all dishes usually contain meat, cheese, mayonnaise, eggs, ect…

    Needless to say it’s difficult when trying to eat a plant based, balanced diet, and all that is served is hot dogs, hamburgers, white flour bread and potato chips! (before anyone gets mad: I eat vegetarian when making my own food, and eat tons of fruits, veggies, and whole grains!)

    I suppose my point is that, while it would be nice if everyone ate whole, real foods, if someone won’t eat the food they have been served purely because it isn’t ‘healthy’ enough or for some reason other than allergies or religion, they probably have some type of disordered eating. ( or are just a pain to have at a dinner party :))

  • Nena July 6, 2012, 12:00 pm

    So when you are dealing with dietary restrictions, like mine (gallstones), what’s appropriate when going to someones house? Bringing my own dishes or asking they make something to cater to my needs? I have a hard time every time I go to my boyfriends families house. They are very southern and eat fried greasy foods. I hate to ask them to cater to me. I totally don’t mind bringing my own food over, but I feel like I am offending them…hmmm?

    • emily July 6, 2012, 12:16 pm

      Hey Nena ~ I would say that given you have a medical restriction that you just talk to them, be upbeat, offer to bring something tasty that you can all share. I’ve found the more laid back I am, the more laid back & positive the response is, generally speaking 🙂

  • emily July 6, 2012, 12:12 pm

    Interesting article about the picky eaters. I wonder if it’s less of a big deal here (Europe) because it’s not really the culture to change and switch dishes up when eating out. I wouldn’t expect to be specifically catered for and just eat the best I can and enjoy the event. I wonder if freaking out and worrying so much has more of an adverse effect on the body than actually eating a little of something you wouldn’t at home. When we have friends over for dinner I do account for their diets, but usually that’s just vegetarian, nothing too complicated there and very easy to cater for.

    • Nena July 6, 2012, 1:23 pm

      Thanks for the advise, Emily. I usually offer to bring something. They are okay with it, but my boyfriend tells me not to worry about it. I don’t mind eating the sides (green beans, etc) but he says that I am being silly for worrying about them catering to my restrictions.

      I appreciate your input. 🙂

  • Kim July 6, 2012, 12:23 pm

    I’m a vegetarian, borderline vegan and it’s always been slightly awkward for me to eat at someone else’s house. Normally I like to bring a dish to share with everyone, but I hate telling the host ahead of time of my dietary choices. I don’t feel comfortable having the host make changes just for me. But, if the tables were turned, I think I’d like my guests to inform me of any limitations. Can’t wait to read what others post!

    Oh and as a side note on the heart rate article–when I use the HRM on the elliptical at the gym, it shows my HR as 170+ and when one of my friends saw that he thought I was going to pass out, but I felt fine!

    • Nena July 6, 2012, 1:25 pm

      I agree with you, Kim. I don’t mind catering to others dietary restrictions either. It can give me an opportunity to try new food options. 🙂

  • Sarah July 6, 2012, 12:49 pm

    I wish people would stop calling someone a “picky eater” because they don’t eat whatever you put in front of them. This is especially absurd in the case of someone with an allergy or intolerance.

    But even in my case, I am at my wits end with being called “picky”. If you go-with-the-flow in this country, you are most likely going to end up overweight and unhealthy. I choose to be selective with my food for my health and longevity. I’m not effing PICKY!

    end rant.

  • Brandi@StringCheeseRunner July 6, 2012, 12:52 pm

    When I exercise, my heart rate easily gets up to 190’s. However my resting heart rate is in the mid 60’s so that isn’t too bad.

  • Susanna July 6, 2012, 12:59 pm

    I have the opposite problem when it comes to HR. I have to dig a hole, get a flashlight and search for mine. I went to the doctor this week, and I had 1/2 cup of espresso, and my HR was 52 bpm…I am a Spinning instructor and a car-free bike commuter, so it makes sense. It is, nevertheless, frustrating, when you teach a class at 5 AM and you cannot get your HR to stay above 120, unless you warm up for 45 min…

    And about “picky” eaters…I am doing the Whole30 challenge, and I am glad I don’t eat out. It would be extremely annoying if I were to go out and drill the server with questions like: does it have any dairy? legumes? cheese? butter? milk? grains? soybean oil? sugar? any other kind of sweetener?

  • Lisa July 6, 2012, 1:11 pm

    From the moment my water broke till the moment my son was born was 33 hours! (3 hours of straight pushing)

    Labour was awful! I never want to do it again!

  • amelia July 6, 2012, 1:12 pm

    First of all, I have the lowest H.R. ever. It is around 55 BPM and always takes the nurses forever to find my pulse!
    I am not a picky eater per se, but some might think I am. I eat eggs but otherwise I don’t eat any meat r dairy. Not so much an ethical thing, just that I find them to be repulsive. I usually bring an item if I go to someone else’s house or I eat before or after. Its not like I am going to starve!

  • Socal Rachel July 6, 2012, 1:14 pm

    That is my 2nd fav brand of greek yogurt, but try the Vanilla bean. I don’t like the vanilla honey flavor. My resting HR was 60 for a long time and last time I went to the doctor it was 55. Glad all my hard work exercising is paying off.

  • Jill Will Run July 6, 2012, 1:23 pm

    My feeling is that Seventeen magazine is capitalizing on this girl’s heartfelt request. I don’t think they’re truly making any changes, they’ve basically said they’ll keep doing things the way they always have, while making it sound like they’re positively angelic when it comes to Photoshopping. (All we ever do is remove blemishes or stray hairs!)

    My hubby’s always had a super high heart rate, it makes the whole concept of HR training very confusing for him.

  • Kelly July 6, 2012, 1:38 pm

    I have super low heart rate…it usually hovers around 60-62 BPM. I also have really low blood pressure…usually about 100/60. I wonder if those two things are related?

  • Working Girl July 6, 2012, 2:07 pm

    Your baby is such a little nugget! So cute!!! Question on your breakfast: do the oats soften up when you mix them with the yogurt? I’m always looking for good ideas for breakfast to bring to work with me and this looks delicious!

    I used to have a lot of problems with eating out/dinner parties, but I’m trying to be better about RELAXING and going with the flow. Restaurants and dinner parties are generally “special” so why not eat something that I normally would avoid?

  • Caitlin July 6, 2012, 2:11 pm

    I chose to be vegetarian and I don’t think it is at all the job of the host/ess to make special food for me. If they ask I may mention it, but then insist that they don’t make anything special. There is always something for me to eat, even if I end up eating a roll and a side salad. It’s like going to a wedding, I don’t expect their to be food especially for me, but I can always find something. Allergies are different, but this is my choice.

  • Amber K July 6, 2012, 2:29 pm

    Well that’s not a good sign! I have absolutely zero tolerance for pain, so childbirth really freaks me out. And now to know that means I’ll probably have a more painful experience? Ugh, I am massively screwed!

  • Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy July 6, 2012, 2:43 pm

    I have a higher heart rate than “normal”, but it is normal for me. If it started to change from my normal, then I would be concerned. My resting heart rate is about 80 too.

  • Stephanie C July 6, 2012, 3:44 pm

    Husband and I are flexitarian, eating meat about 1-2x per month. But I also fast for religious purposes which puts me at a vegan for around 1/2 of the year.
    Honestly, if I am going out to a restaurant that is nice I understand their unaccommodating stance unless it’s a true allergy. For a lot of chefs, this is their art and you are coming to experience that… not to have them accommodate you. And so with that in mind, if I am fasting I generally don’t go out to eat unless I know a place will accommodate my needs. I will ALWAYS call. There was a time when my husband and I went on a short getaway and I had to call in two days in advance in order to get my vegan meal made at a nice restaurant. They made a stink, but ultimately the chef said she was excited she got to make the dish and it was one of the best meals I’ve had.
    If I am at another person’s house, I’ll usually bring my own dish if they don’t offer.

  • Kendra @ My Full-Thyme Life July 6, 2012, 4:44 pm

    Of course I was scared during delivery! In between each push I was even looking at my husband and declaring, “I’m scared!” Even though my Bradley class left me confidently going into labor there were still nerves that I was helpless to. I labored at home for about 6 hours and at the hospital for about 6 hours with no interventions. That study you shared was very interesting…

  • Morgan July 6, 2012, 5:54 pm

    I was terrified of labor and delivery. Like I refused to push even when feeling the overwhelming urge I was so scared. My labor as a first time mom was 1 hr and 54 mins. So I don’t fit into those statistics at all!

  • BroccoliHut July 6, 2012, 6:21 pm

    Haha! I don’t think the childbirth-pooping analogy is so far-fetched! When I was a kid, I asked my mom what labor felt like, and she told me, “Well, for me it just felt like I had a big poop!”
    That description stuck with me 🙂

  • Natalie July 6, 2012, 6:29 pm

    That is my favorite brand of Greek yogurt its really cheap, their flavored yogurts have less added sugar than that of other brands, and the cows they use for milk aren’t treated with hormones. Give the plain vanilla a chance too you’ll probably like it better!

    As for the picky eaters… I have a friend who eats 100% organic and when we go out to eat she tells the staff she needs to see labels to make sure its really organic because she is “allergic to pesticides” ummm right… lol

  • Jessica July 6, 2012, 7:43 pm

    My best friend is allergic to corn and corn products AND has Celiac’s, and her hatred of “picky eaters” has rubbed off on me. I can really sympathize with her disgust of people that randomly decide to stop eating gluten, but eat some when they feel like it, in comparison to what she has to go through with separate utensils and dishes from her family, very rarely being able to eat out at restaurants, etc.
    After years of witnessing her experiences and difficulties, I’ll gratefully eat whatever’s placed before me, with a smile!

  • Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin July 6, 2012, 8:01 pm

    I have a severe allergy to nuts, so I always have to tell restaurants about my allergies and they’re usually very accommodating. It’s usually not a big deal for them to leave the nuts out of a salad. But if a restaurant uses nuts in the majority of its dishes(ie. vegan or Thai), I just opt not to eat there so as not to inconvenience the restaurant.

    Allergies aside, I’ll sometimes make requests such as leaving the bacon off a sandwich or dressing on the side. It depends on the restaurant though. If I’m at a casual roadhouse or family restaurant, I feel fine making those requests. But if I’m at a fancier restaurant, I always just order the meals as they come because I know the chef has put a lot of thought into the flavours in the dish.

  • Liza July 6, 2012, 8:16 pm

    My mother in law is Irish and she still, after six years of knowing me, doesn’t understand exactly what being a vegetarian is. At this point I find it kinda funny. The first time I went to dinner at her house she was so sweet and tried to make a vegetarian meal especially for me. She made potatoes cooked in bacon fat and a rice dish with chicken broth. I felt like such a brat saying I couldn’t it it. She knows I will eat beans so normally now she will keep a few cans of black beans for me and a sweet potato around, but she still doesn’t really get it.

  • Stephanie July 6, 2012, 11:21 pm

    First, I love the picture of Henry. He is adorable. Thank you for sharing. I was just going to comment real quickly on the heart rate issue. I have an extremely low resting heart rate, usually in the 40s and 50s, but my heart rate when I exercise vigorously shoots up to anywhere between 160-195 and stays in that range until I usually cool down, (this is usually during classes like Fit Drills, Spin class, or running). Also, when I run a race (I have only run 5k’s and an 8k so far) and with all the adrenaline pumping it will stay in the 180s-190s the entire way. (I run between a 8:20 and 8:40 mile average during races). My cardiologist nor family physician seem overly concerned about either the low heart rate (they say that is actually good) or the high exercise heart rate (they say everyone has a different target and max heart rate. As long as I don’t feel dizzy or short of breath for an extended period of time, then it is fine they say. Like everything else health related it is about listening to your body and following its cues, not about following some set rate that is generalized and a blanket for all. Anyway, I really hope Henry starts eating more regularly and going longer between meals for you. I have 3 children (15, 13, and 4) and I remember the sleep deprivation like it was yesterday, it was mentally, physically, emotionally draining, and mine didn’t eat as often as Henry. Hang in there. You are amazing!

  • Jen July 6, 2012, 11:51 pm

    Awww…I love gratuitous Henry pics – keep ’em coming! 🙂

    Also, your childbirth/taking a poop comparison made me laugh! It reminded me of something Larry the Cable Guy once said (yes – I am THAT classy!). 🙂 Couldn’t remember it exactly, so I looked it up:
    “My other sister was in labor for 38 hours! 38 HOURS! Man, I give up on a poop after 20 minutes!”

  • Rebecca Li July 7, 2012, 11:01 am

    I totally hear you on the HR stuff! My RHR is 72 and I easily top 190 on my runs. It’s frustrating because I actually do 5 or so hours of cardio a week, but that’s how it’s been since high school–my coach used to accuse me of not working out hard enough in the off season b/c my heart rate would be so dang high!

  • Julia H. @ Going Gulia July 7, 2012, 4:40 pm

    I heard about that Seventeen Magazine story a few days ago and was SO pleased to see what the little 14-year-old accomplished. I used to read Seventeen religiously when I was in high school, and I do remember sometimes thinking that it would be nice to look as good as the other teens who model for the magazine. Of course, I knew they were photoshopped, but it’s still hard to get out of your head! Glad Seventeen is taking the initiative to change this.

  • Lexi @ You, Me, & A World to See July 8, 2012, 12:24 am

    Hmm interesting move on Seventeen. I like the verbal effort they’re making, but I wonder if they’ll follow through in the magazine production/industry as a whole..

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