My day was completely turned around by a visit from my friend Jen and her son Wyatt. Last night was rather rough with Henry. Quite honestly, I spent part of the morning doing the ‘new mom sob,’ which is when you cry while nursing because you’re so exhausted (not to freak out any future parents, but yeah – this happens). But it turns out that all I needed was a walk around the block, a big cup of coffee, and Jen’s smiling face to feel better.
Oh, and Maggie still hates Henry – by extension, all babies – but we’re working on it. Sometimes, she sits next to Henry. And last night, she let me rest Henry’s arm on her back. She dealt with Wyatt quite nicely. Maybe she’s adjusting.
Jen not only provided a much-needed momma pep talk, but she also came bearing gifts! Do you know what all new parents want? Food and diapers.
You know what else all new parents want? To spontaneously grow extra arms. I finally tried out our Boba carrier this morning (it was sent to me for a review; I’ll do a complete one when I’m more familiar with it), and it was like I suddenly had two additional hands! Plus, I liked Henry being so close; he enjoyed it, too.
Ah, it’s the little things. I appreciate them now more than ever!
Lunch: leftover stuffed baked sweet potato, two hard boiled eggs, and watermelon.
And snack: rice cakes with peanut butter and carrots.
James ate once of my rice cakes when I wasn’t looking… Bah.
So – in celebration of the small things, what’s made you smile today? Or – even better – anyone have something big to celebrate?
Listening on the monitor to my 10 month old jabber to himself while he was in his crib this morning made me smile! Also finding out that my boss is going on vacation made me smile 🙂