Look who is being friendly! Alright. That’s a staged photo. What you can’t see outside of the crop is my hand on Maggie’s tummy, holding her close to Henry. Hah. She is still really unsure of this invader. I can imagine her little pea-sized brain churning: “Who is that? Why does he cry? Why [...]
June 2012
Missed Part I? Here it is! Where did we leave off? Oh yes. My water had broken, I had been contracting for seven hours, and I truly believed I’d be holding my baby soon. That’s when things started to get intense. Truthfully, the beginning of labor isn’t so bad. Contractions aren’t long and are [...]
This morning, the Husband headed to the grocery store with one mission: to stock up on as many healthy convenience foods as possible. This is very little time for food prep right now. We need stuff that can be reheated easily. I would also like to create as few dirty dishes as possible. Because [...]
I’m so glad you all are enjoying Henry’s Birth Story (here’s Part I). It’s fun to write! Part II is coming shortly. When was the last time you felt totally inadequate at something? I was thinking about this last night. A few times in my life I have felt inadequate: when I started my [...]
This is the story of how Henry was born… We have a mattress topper that I lovingly refer to as “the cloud.†The cloud is a memory foam topper and is, quite possibly, the most amazing possession that I own. I can’t sleep well without it. Throughout my third trimester, I became obsessed with the [...]
Oh, it’s such a beautiful day here in Charlotte. Not too hot but just warm enough. Henry and I sat outside for a little bit in the shade. It’s weird to think things like, ‘This is pretty much his first time outside EVER!’ The other excitement of the morning was…. My placenta lady came [...]
In some ways, it’s a normal morning over here. Yogurt mess: Raw oatmeal Greek yogurt Blackberries Banana Salted sunflower seeds (And the biggest glass of water eeeeever. I am so dehydrated.) But in so many other ways, this morning is obviously very different. We were released from the hospital yesterday afternoon so we [...]
We all survived the second night – and now it’s our baby’s second morning. Well, the night and the morning kind of ran into one another, if you know what I mean. However, all things considering, I’m feeling much, much better than I did yesterday – as does the Husband and Henry. Yes – [...]
Our six pound, eleven ounce baby boy is here! It’s been over 12 hours and he’s still nameless. We’re working on it. I can’t wait to share our birth story with you all in the next few days. It was everything and nothing like I expected it to be. Thank you so much for all [...]
I woke up in the middle of the night and just knew it was about to happen. And then I moved my legs and it did. My water broke, very dramatically – just like the movies. A few hours later, early labor began. So – June 12. Sounds like a good day to have a [...]
Random question: Why do dogs like to rub their necks on dead worms? Does anyone else’s poochie do this? I swear, I turn my back for one second, and Maggie is making neck love to the ground like it’s the sweetest perfume ever. Gross. This afternoon kind of became Project Get That Baby Out. I’m [...]
My fellow Americans may not realize it, but today is a big day. England is currently playing France in the European Cup – basically, it’s kind of like the World Cup (in that it’s country v. country and happens every four years) but only among European countries. And it’s a very, very big deal… especially [...]
Wahhhh. I dropped the teapot this morning and broke off the top handle. Teapot down! I would like to say I simply screamed, “Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!†in dramatic slow motion, but it was more like a quick, harsh, and very loud epithet that I desperately need to eliminate from my vocabulary before this baby arrives. Shut [...]
On May 1, my second book – the Healthy Tipping Point book – book was released. It’s a healthy living guide packed with tips on mental wellness, healthy eating (including loads of recipes), and tricks to making exercise fun. Also included throughout the book are about 20 inspiring success stories from people of all walks [...]