You know what would be amazing? If, during all major life events, everything besides the event just… stopped. Meaning that when you’re graduating from college, getting married, having a baby, changing jobs, or moving into a new house, those little fairies came and handled all your e-mails and projects, kept up with your housework, paid your bills for you, and – oh yeah – reminded you to take a shower. Alas, this is not how life works.
Nicole and I went on a walk yesterday (my running buddy has lovingly transitioned to a ‘I’ll walk besides this slow pregnant lady’ buddy), and we were talking about the power of momentum. Basically, sometimes you just have to keep going to make sure it all gets done. If you come home from work and lay down for 15 minutes…. 15 minutes will become two hours, and then you will have not worked out, gone to the store, or washed the dishes. And there’s a drool spot on the arm of the couch.
As a result, we ended our walk, jumped directly in my car, and went grocery shopping together. Momentum for the win. Otherwise, I would be starving today.
This mushroom recipe is quite similar to one included in the upcoming Healthy Tipping Point book (which comes out in a little over than a month – um, when did THAT happen?!).
Simply portabella mushrooms stuffed with hummus and balsamic vinegar and topped with cheddar cheese. Baked fro 15 minutes at 350 – easy, easy.
With fruit and toast.
I’m definitely riding the wave of momentum today. Checking one item and then another off the old To Do list. However, I still have not showered. That should probably happen soon….
I 100% agree – often stressful times seem very chaotic but add everyday life on top of it can make any situation seem more unbearable.
Times like this I just take a breather, do some yoga, go on a nice run or just go to a coffee shop and relax.
Hope you are able to relax today!