It’s back! Well, kind of.
The Husband and I went through a Panda Puffs cereal phase this past Fall. We tore through two boxes of the kids’ cereal a week. I ate it with milk, I ate it with yogurt, I ate it plain, I ate as part of homemade trail mixes.
I swear, I thought I was going to turn into a giant Panda Puff.
And then… one day… the thought of eating one more peanut butter flavored puff made me want to hurl. We went off the Puffs cold turkey. Until the Husband recently bought a box.
Does it have the same appeal? Honestly, no. I’m still not over my self-induced puff aversion.
I feel this way about White Russians. I got sick off of the cream and vodka combination once and have never let a drop pass my lips since. I shudder just to think of it!
I also do this with music – I listen to the same song over and over again until the Husband begs me to put something else – anything else! – on. Currently, I’m replaying the new Katy Perry song over and over. Good workout jam.
Hey – at least I know what I like. Until I don’t like it anymore, of course.
I do this with music too, one day soon Rolling in the Deep will lose it’s magic forever…
(I know it should have happened already but Adele is just that good!)