Sometimes I run to the Twilight score and pretend I’m a speedy vampire.
I brush my teeth in the shower. It’s more efficient.
My personal pet peeve is unnecessary emails that simply say, “Okay!†or “Thanks!†When I accidentally send one myself, I nearly kneel over in shame.
Every Sunday, I wash the sheets, and the Husband and I have a little argument about whether clean sheets actually feel different or it’s all in my head.
Once, I waited for five hours to meet Ricky Martin, and when I finally did come face-to-face with him, I actually asked him to kiss me. He obliged (on the cheek)!
When I have a new favorite song, I listen to it dozens and dozens of times on repeat until I’m completely sick of it and never want to hear it again. I also do this with food (if I never eat a bowl of Panda Puffs again, it will be too soon).
My mom’s middle name is tattooed on my hip (Joy).
I am jealous of the Husband’s eyelashes. They are the prettiest, longest man lashes ever.
I talk to my dogs… out loud. No surprise there, I’m sure.
It’s not all in your head, clean sheets definitely feel different (better)! Saturday is clean sheet day in my house and I look forward to it all week. I’d probably wash the sheets nightly but my husband would think I’m weirder than I am!