Oh, Monday. You were pretty in my face today.
Did you have a crazy Monday, too? We pulled a long day at the clinic, I had two conference calls, and I wrote four freelance articles. It was nuts. I was so rushed I completely forgot an afternoon snack and ended up starving by dinnertime. I have a feeling the rest of the week is going to be similarly nasty… But that’s okay, right? After all, come December 20, work sloooows down until the New Year. I am eagerly counting down the days!
Remember a few months ago, when I wrote about setting daily Healthy Intentions? Today was truly the perfect day for some simple but achievable Healthy Intentions. Without my smaller goals, I would’ve felt totally overwhelmed (and pretty bummed that my workout got bumped). Instead, I just focused on what I could do: drink water, do planks behind the desk (ha!), and eat healthy, yummy foods. Mission: Accomplished. Caitlin: Satisfied.
Take-out salad. More in there than it appears –mixed greens, corn, chickpeas, pecans, apples, carrots. Yum.
A great mix of millet (here’s how to prepare millet), steamed kale, more chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, and mushrooms with a yellow curry sauce (from a jar).
And a snack of sunflower buttah on a rice cake with a banana:
Sunflower butter > almond butter > peanut butter. Thoughts?
I’ve only ever had peanut butter. I REALLY considered buying almond or sunflower butter when I went grocery shopping today, but it’s so expensive! The cheap side of me beat out the health-loving side of me today.*