I am so sad that Girls on the Run is nearly over for Fall 2011. But that means that the New Balance 5K is just already the corner. I LOVE the 5K – it’s a wonderful experience for the girls.
Before the 5K, headquarters always hosts a Coaches Meeting so all the coaches can go over the fine details on the massive community event. There will be more than 3,000 girls and 4,000 family members at the Charlotte 5K. So it’s very important to know all the rules and requirements so no one loses a kid in the crowd!
James attended the meeting. GOTR is dog-friendly, and he LOVES to go to the office. He even knows what “Wanna go to GOTR?†means.
James and I left an Operation Beautiful note in the bathroom before leaving. Lots of people have been sending in OB tear sheets lately… I love the concept.
I left the Coaches Meeting feeling so inspired and excited for the 5K!
So the Husband and I went on a run. A 5K, to be exact.
It was hard. Hellua hard. I haven’t been running as much as I used to and boy – I could feel it in my thighs. I really, really want to get back on track with running. I guess I just need to DO it. Today is a good start!
Breakfast was eggs and toast and OJ:
And lunch was a takeout spinach salad with BBQ chips:
Speaking of GOTR – we’ve got to go to our second to last lesson. Wahhhh! It always ends so quickly.
i looooooooooooooooooooooove that you are drinking juice out of that salsa jar. practical, yet stylish recycling for the win.