Morning, friends! Last night, I stayed up really late (boo!) but I was working (yay!). And today, I have an almost wide-open schedule, which will be good for writing. A writing Caitlin is a happy Caitlin!
Here’s a time-saver tip! If you really need a grain but don’t have time to cook brown rice, just stop by a Chinese restaurant and buy a box – it’s usually under $2.
We pulled a tupperware of steamed veggies out of our fridge, sautéed some faux-meat Italian sausage, and combined it all together for an easy, healthy dinner.
We had a great dessert, too! Katie made some of Mama Pea’s Oatmeal Cookie Cupcakes and stopped by to drop off the extras. They were YUM.
At some point, I also inhaled a bowl of cereal.
Fast-forward to this morning: I woke up HELLUA sore from strength-training. My arms hurt! My legs hurt! My abs hurt! It’s a sign that I should probably lift more. I’m going to try to stick with it.
Despite my creaky bod, I got up, slammed a glass of OJ, and ran… it felt great. It’s so hard for me to exercise right away in the morning, but it always feels SO worth it when it’s over with. I did 3 miles in about 35 minutes.
The Husband had breakfast on the table coffee table when I arrived!
Bagel Thins, eggs with Swiss cheese and peppers, and strawberries.
My Favorite Advice Columnists
Just something random and fun (so you can waste time at your desk this morning!)…
I LOVE, LOVE, LOOVVVVVVVE advice columnists. Even as a kid, I read Dear Abby whenever I was at my grandpa’s house and had access to the ‘good’ (i.e. lots of cartoons) newspaper. I’ve been reading some of these columnists for years, and they just seem to get better over time!
Savage Love (adult-only)
True confession: Once, I wrote to an advice columnist. It was to Since You Asked. He never answered my question! Bah.
hehe, i think you mean “wolfed” down 🙂
great tip about the brown rice!