If you recall, I’ve tried to do two triathlons (here and here) and had panic attacks in both of them. Clearly, I need to do something different with my training! Whatever I did before (I followed training plans that had successfully worked for friends) does not work for me!
And remember my realization that pools have walls, but lakes do not? I think that I’m used to stopping and resting during training, so then I panic in the real situation. Readers who were swimmers suggested I get comfortable with swimming the distance straight through, without hanging onto the walls.
I plan to tackle swimming 750 meters straight through just as I learned how to run without walking – set a distance goal, work towards that, take a break, and repeat. Over time, I should gradually decrease the frequency and duration of my breaks.
My goal today was to swim 1,000 yards and take rest breaks every 300 yards – but NO HANGING OUT ON THE WALLS. I promised myself that I would float on my back if I needed a break. Because I cannot do a flip turn for the life of me (I nearly drown every time), I opted for the open turn, which Victoria recommended. I tried not to push off too hard because it’s kind of ‘cheating’ myself in the end.
Guess what?! Not only did I meet my goal, I totally exceeded it! When I buckled down and told myself no hanging out on the walls, I found I didn’t need to do it as much as I thought! It’s all mental. I took two floating breaks during the 1,000 yards, which I’m pleased with. Progress!
I also bought these new goggles today – I lost my main pair and had to use my back-up ones today, which I hate. Hopefully these will be better! I was attracted to them because they are a women’s fit and pink. :) I’ll let you know how they work out.
Three splashes for swimming!
Eats for the afternoon included blueberries, Greek yogurt, and raw oatmeal:
Dinner was a lovely cold beets (packaged from Trader Joe’s), almonds, goat cheese and spinach salad with a side of hummus toast.
I ate early and will be back in the kitchen for more food before bed – perhaps some cereal? Or PB toast?
Good night, friends!
Do you dress your salads? What with? Just curious. I’m a veg that doesn’t love salad dressings, especially now that I’m trying to avoid overly processed foods or those with tons of chemicals and preservatives (like my beloved Ranch dressing).