Purple Eater

in All Posts

Now that I’m looking at my food pictures, I’m realizing that I had quite the purple lunch.  I started off with a purple smoothie around 10 AM.


(Say hi to the Husband!  We’re both working from home today!)


In the blender:


  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries
  • Chia seeds


And Part II of lunch was this very purple stir-fry:


In the wok:


  • Chopped kale
  • Chopped purple (red?) cabbage
  • Salt
  • Olive Oil
  • Topped with: Kidney beans and pistachios


I liked this combo a lot – very sweet and salty.  The texture was great, too, thanks to the chewy kale and crunchy nuts (can you tell I like contrast in my dishes?).


I’m working on a post about the emotional side of being injured.  Luckily, my current injury isn’t too serious, but it’s still rough to feel like you’re ‘out of commission’ when you’re used to regular exercise or have races scheduled.  Having non-mileage goals definitely helps you stay positive and focused on long-term health. 


My current non-mileage goal is to be able to hold Bird of Paradise for 10 seconds with a straight leg.  I’m so close!  :)  I will surely start screamin’ and clappin’ in the middle of yoga class when I actually do it.


Stay tuned for the complete Emotional Side of Injury post, but in the meantime… what non-mileage goals are YOU currently working towards?



  • Samantha Angela @ Bikini Birthday March 28, 2011, 2:52 pm

    Holy shit that post is IMPRESSIVE. You should be in the circus or something!

    • Samantha Angela @ Bikini Birthday March 28, 2011, 2:53 pm

      …not that your a freak or anything. I was thinking more Cirque du Soleil than Barnum and Bailey.

      • Sarah for Real March 28, 2011, 3:09 pm

        LOL you are hilarious. “Holy shit” was my exact same reaction.

        I think I need yoga in my life…

        • Lindsay March 28, 2011, 3:34 pm

          Mine too! that is crazy!

        • Macrae March 28, 2011, 4:55 pm

          Haha! Exactly what I said, and out loud! I would love to be able to do that!

      • Samantha Angela @ Bikini Birthday March 28, 2011, 3:12 pm

        I can’t spell, clearly. I meant “pose” and then I meant “you’re”. But you get what I mean.

        • Jeni March 28, 2011, 6:43 pm

          I’m another ‘holy shit’ reactor! That’s too funny. But then I remembered you are trying not to curse, so I wasn’t going to say ‘shit’. But, holy shit, that is an awesome pose! go girl!

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:12 am

      Hahah No cursing, girls!

  • Freya March 28, 2011, 2:52 pm

    Woah – that pose is incredible! I could never do that!! Holy heck. I want to work on yoga as my non-mileage goal now 😛
    My biggest goal atm is to pass my final exams and graduate…2months to go!
    (love the purple lunch – my favourite colour :D)

  • Stacy @ Every Little Thing March 28, 2011, 2:52 pm

    Wow, that’s quite a purple lunch for sure! Looks yummy though.

    That is an amazing pose, btw.

  • Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) March 28, 2011, 2:53 pm

    I love Bird of Paradise…it’s one of my favorite poses b/c I feel so strong and graceful when I am in it. Tips for you so hold your balance longer would be to make sure your hand bind is really tight, find your dristi (gazing point) and don’t move your eyes from it, and engage your bandhas (core) to help stabilize you.

    Seriously…you look great and really don’t need any tips 🙂

    Loved your last post too!!!!

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:19 am

      Holding a dristi helps me a LOT in that pose.

  • Katie @ Healthy Heddleston March 28, 2011, 2:53 pm

    I’m currently working on plank! On my first day of reintroducing it into my life I did three sets all around 30 seconds .. i was really pleased and want to work up to 45 secs for 3 sets and then 1 minutes for all 3 sets! Then who knows what!

  • Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin March 28, 2011, 2:53 pm

    Wow Caitlin you look aweosme in that posture! I don’t think I could hold that for half a second without falling over.

    I love that you said to focus on non-mileage goals because I think that’s super important. For the race on Saturday, I tried to thank and smile at as many spectators as I could as part of my non time related goals. It made me so happy to thank spectators along the course, you included!

    One of my non-mileage goals is to do more yoga and strength training. I also got a foam roller yesterday and its helping so much to loosen me up, so I want to focus on doing that a few times a week in preparation for another race I have coming up this weekend.

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:20 am

      I like your goal of thanking spectators.

  • Elizabeth@The Sweet Life March 28, 2011, 2:54 pm

    I’m totally impressed with that pose!!! Wow.

  • Julie (A Case of the Runs) March 28, 2011, 2:55 pm

    This kind of relates to my running fitness, but I’m trying to do more plyometrics, so I am building up my burpees and then will move on to squat jumps, etc. I used to do a lot of these before I lost my circuit class by switching gyms.

    Also, I’m re-visiting my pull-up goal. I’m a far way off, but at one point, I was almost there!

    I somewhat recently completed the 200 situps challenge and failed the 100 pushup one (76/100). I will resume it at some point, but it didn’t go too well with marathon training. I was exhausted!

    • Samantha @ Mama Notes March 28, 2011, 6:09 pm

      I notice my running improves a ton when I do plyometrics! I was (and am again now) doing the P90X plyometrics workout DVD and it was awesome for running leg strength!

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:20 am

      Dude, 76 pushups is epicsauce.

  • Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife March 28, 2011, 2:57 pm

    I love purple foods too 🙂 Goals : tricep pushups, chest press weight increase, squat weight increase (all for BodyPUMP class which I teach), and to teach more Zumba classes in my area!! I hope to do that pose too….. 😉

  • Sophia @ Raven Waves March 28, 2011, 2:58 pm

    Wow!! You’re so flexible! Purple is a great color, but I definitely don’t eat enough of it haha!

  • Lucy @ The Sweet Touch March 28, 2011, 2:58 pm

    I was about three weeks into the 100 pushup challenge and then we made the decision to move and all heck broke loose! I was up to about 15 pushups so I would love to give it another try!

    Way to go with that pose! Learning what your body is capable of is the best part about yoga:)

  • Holly @ The Runny Egg March 28, 2011, 2:59 pm

    Wow Caitlin I am super impressed! I don’t think I could even come close to that! Way to go!

    Non-mileage goals — to be able to do 25 regular pushups in a row. I am slowly building up to it!

  • Susan March 28, 2011, 3:01 pm

    I love all things purple, but not sure I’m on board with the purple smoothie. =)

    Non-distance goals? I do a runner’s bootcamp on Friday mornings (@6:30 AM – ugh!), and we do circuits. One goal is to work out my pace on the circuits, so I don’t pause. Another goal is to speed up when we do stairs – which is hard, because I am seriously afraid of stairs!

    And wow – that yoga pose? Seriously awesome.

  • Ash @ Good Taste Healthy Me March 28, 2011, 3:03 pm

    Wow! Look at that pose!

    My goal right now is to hit the gym at least 4 days a week in the AM. If I get through two months of it my fiance and I are going to a romantic dinner at Capital Grille. Can’t wait!

  • Michelle (The Runner's Plate) March 28, 2011, 3:04 pm

    I learned over the weekend (after a couple of yoga classes) that I have the *tightest* hips ever, so it will be a while until I can do Bird of Paradise!! Nice job!

    My non-mileage goals: lift twice a week, yoga once a week.

  • Allison March 28, 2011, 3:04 pm

    I love purple! And I LOVE Bird of Paradise! Great post today. 😉

  • Krista @ Journey to a Healthy Berg March 28, 2011, 3:04 pm

    I want to be able to do a headstand for 10 seconds, but I’m adding the Bird of Paradise to my list now too!

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:21 am

      Headstand is hard!

  • Rachel March 28, 2011, 3:04 pm

    Cleaning up my diet!! I just spent an amazing organic, active, vegan, gluten-free weekend in Austin, TX (I live in Dallas) with my best friend Sara. I couldn’t believe how just a few days of lots of activity (biking, canoeing, yoga-ing, walking) and a super clean, wholesome diet completely transformed my physical and mental well-being.

    Hitting the farmer’s market tonight to stock up on some fresh, local produce and keep riding the wave!

  • Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope March 28, 2011, 3:05 pm

    Beautiful! I love Bird’s of Paradise! I’ve found that doing hip openers before going into it helps a lot in being able to hold it longer. AWESOME goal! 🙂

  • Katie (Sweet Tater) March 28, 2011, 3:06 pm


  • Ally March 28, 2011, 3:06 pm

    AHHHHHHHHHH! That’s an AMAZING Bird of Paradise! I have really tight hips so straight legged birds are a total challenge for me. Which is funny because I can knock out crow like it isn’t a biggie lol! I’d love to see your post about injury emotions…i pulled a hamstring muscle and am down for the count. 🙁

  • Amanda March 28, 2011, 3:07 pm

    WOW…really!! I couldn’t even imagine getting my leg into that postion…or even close for that matter!! Impressive 🙂

  • Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat March 28, 2011, 3:07 pm

    WOW! That’s amazing that you can even get into that pose! I am thoroughly impressed. The smoothie looks fantastic as well.. I love the colour! Non-mileage goals at the moment are to work on being able to relax (it’s harder than it sounds!) and to eat mindfully – again, MUCH harder than it sounds!

  • Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg March 28, 2011, 3:08 pm

    Haha…I’m pretty sure my leg does NOT bend that way!! 🙂

  • TiffanyS March 28, 2011, 3:09 pm

    I am by no means a regular exerciser or going to run races anytime soon but I know how you feel. I sprained my ankle last week and it is bumming me out because I just started my new lifestyle or eating healthy and getting back into shape. Now I am not able to workout very much. It is definitely a bummer and I can’t wait for it to heal. Good luck with your injury!

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:22 am

      Wah! I am sorry. Try to just focus on healthy eating. That’s the most important thing, anyway. Better to change one thing at a time, too!

  • Laura March 28, 2011, 3:12 pm

    CAITLIN! Along with everyone else’s response to that Birds of Paradise…..HOLY CRAP!

  • Leanne March 28, 2011, 3:12 pm

    I got sick over the weekend and have had to deal with not working out for 5 days straight now (& I don’t see myself working out in the near future unless this cold takes off!). It’s frustrating but I’m trying to be good to my body and let it rest.

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:23 am

      I’m sorry about your cold 🙁

  • Laine March 28, 2011, 3:13 pm

    Gorgeous Bird!!

    Mine is to get up into handstand (just got forearm stand last week) and then to start working on forearm stand in the middle of the room.

    Can you do forearm stand? I’m always curious about the yoga practices of the some of you bloggers, but you always just post about running. Glad to see some yoga here!

    • Laine March 28, 2011, 3:17 pm

      Also, I screamed and clapped when I got up into forearm balance for the first time.

      • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:24 am

        I can do modified forearm stand… like I can’t straighten my legs. Trying to, though! We don’t practice inversion balance poses a lot.

  • Mary (What's Cookin' with Mary) March 28, 2011, 3:14 pm

    Looking forward to your next post … I need it !

  • Sarah @ The Strength of Faith March 28, 2011, 3:18 pm

    My sanity. 🙂

  • Courtney @ The Granola Chronicles March 28, 2011, 3:21 pm

    Dang, girl! Look at that pose. Good luck – I’m sure you’ll get to 10 seconds soon!

  • Colleen March 28, 2011, 3:31 pm

    I would love to be able to do a forearm stand, and then a headstand. I would also like to work towards lying back in camel (my knees can’t stand it right now) and towards doing real cow-face instead of my halfway pose.

    Non-exercise goals are turning out the lights earlier and getting up earlier 🙂

  • Ellie@fitforthesoul March 28, 2011, 3:37 pm

    haha I just tried this and although I’m flexible, it was a bit challenging to hold it through! i feel like I got my week’s worth of glute stretchin’ 😛

  • Lizz (leadingthegoodlife) March 28, 2011, 3:38 pm

    That looks crazy! I want to try it but I’m at work, so I probably shouldn’t…seeing as how I’d probably wrip my pants and fall over. 🙂

    My current non-mileage goal is to do my physical therapy exercises 5 times a week.

  • Tami March 28, 2011, 3:41 pm


    sorry your leg is busted up, it sucks.

  • Amy March 28, 2011, 3:43 pm


  • Caitlyn (The Spoonful of Life) March 28, 2011, 3:44 pm

    I’m not even going to try that pose because my flexibility competes with that of a tree trunk (not much!)!

    My non-mileage goals include doing more weight training and yoga. One day I will be able to do Bird of Paradise…maybe!

  • Marci March 28, 2011, 3:45 pm

    Minor injuries kind of suck, but then you put it in perspective and realize you aren’t in a boot, on crutches, and still have freedom to do other exercises. I’m in the same boat and happy about the things I can do and try not to complain because it’s not the end of the world. Running isn’t the only form of exercise! But I understand your frustrations exactly. My goal is to work on getting a pullup at Crossfit. Getting closer (it’s been 18 months!), but I will practice my swinging and pulling before class each time I go.
    And stretch, or I won’t get better.
    And I think bird of paradise has a lot to do with arm length. One I just can’t understand…

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:27 am

      Pull ups are so hard! Awesome that you’re almost there.

  • Emma (Namaste Everyday) March 28, 2011, 3:46 pm

    haha that’s so funny because I remember the first time I could even stand up in Bird of Paradise was also my first day at a new studio. I couldn’t help it, i laughed and yelled “I did it!” I was so embarrassed for my outburst, but my teacher called “beautiful, Emma!” I knew I belonged at the studio that day. I went every day for 4 months after that 🙂

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:28 am

      That is great… What a supportive teacher!

  • Abby March 28, 2011, 3:48 pm

    My current nonmilage goal is to do some sort of abdominal exercise every day.

  • Lauren March 28, 2011, 3:49 pm

    Impressive pose! My non-mileage goal is to not fall over during crow pose every 2 seconds.

  • Victoria March 28, 2011, 3:50 pm

    I found purple cauliflower in the grocery store the other day!!!

    And your yoga pose is awesome. Think you new that already though. 😉

  • gracefulfitness March 28, 2011, 3:57 pm

    Meditate more. I just started a semi-regular meditation practice and am working up to 5 minutes most days of the week, although I must admit I don’t feel like I’m very good at it. Nice Bird of Paradise! I love that pose but have a hard time getting my leg to straighten.

  • Alexia @ Dimple Snatcher March 28, 2011, 3:59 pm

    Caitlin, I think that’s a great idea for a post (“emotional side of being injured”)–because when I’m sick I have to remember to not give myself a hard time about it since I’m on a weight-loss journey and I’m keeping exercise a priority these days.

  • Emily March 28, 2011, 4:01 pm

    Wow… I wish I was that flexible.

  • Heather March 28, 2011, 4:01 pm

    omg I have no diea how you twist your body like that ha! my hips are so tight I cant even touch my toes!
    I am injured right now and really struggling to make some non mileage goals myself!

  • Erin @ Big Girl Feats March 28, 2011, 4:04 pm

    I sort of want to bust out some yoga poses in my office right now! That’s awesome! I can do the bind, but can’t get my leg up yet. Baby (bird) steps! I also want to be able to do crow for longer than 2 seconds, but that will come too. I’m so proud of how far I’ve come with my yoga practice. I’m trying to practice yoga and meditate for 21 days straight too.

  • Laughter-Loving Stacy March 28, 2011, 4:05 pm

    I love your blog! I’ve been reading Operation Beautiful for a long time, but for some reason I never clicked my way here until now! HOLY COW YOU ARE FLEXIBLE! I teach Pilates and can’t straighten my leg, lol! (I admit, I DO need to stretch more than I do!!!)

    My non-milage goals are strength train and boxing related 🙂 *GAIN MUSCLE!!!* 🙂

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:29 am

      Hi Stacy! Welcome to HTP!

  • Lindsey March 28, 2011, 4:05 pm

    I’m injured too 🙁 I feel your pain. My non-mileage goals are to swim 3 days a week, practice yoga 3 days a week, and ride my bike 2 days a week if I can find time when it’s not raining. Being injured is really hard emotionally but I think it helps me grow as an athlete and discover new/different activities I like.

  • Kelly March 28, 2011, 4:08 pm

    Injured or not…that pose is impressive.

  • Linz March 28, 2011, 4:08 pm

    I’m sure your husband likes that pose? jk jk 🙂

  • sarah k. @ the pajama chef March 28, 2011, 4:10 pm

    wow, what a pose! i love purple so your eats look great!

  • Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun March 28, 2011, 4:20 pm

    I want to work towards pullups later this year. I haven’t started yet since I’m still rebuilding strength post pregnancy…but I WILL do unassisted pullups again before this year is over!

  • Kristen March 28, 2011, 4:23 pm

    wow. thats a pretty impressive pose! I cant do that one yet haha

  • Amber from Girl with the Red Hair March 28, 2011, 4:32 pm

    WOW! You are SUPER flexible for a runner!!!!! I am still in the bent-knee-holding-my-toe variation of bird of paradise 😛

  • Katherine: Unemployed March 28, 2011, 4:35 pm

    I had no idea you were flexible!

  • Sarena (The Non Dairy Queen) March 28, 2011, 4:37 pm

    Dang woman you are limber! I am working on flexibility…it is always a work in progress for me.

  • Kristy March 28, 2011, 4:39 pm

    I can’t wait for your post – I am currently in the 3rd (going on 4th) month of an injury – but you should consider yourself lucky – I am not allowed to do ANY exercise at all. nothing.
    I am horribly depressed and since I don’t see any change in my situation for at least another month, I hope you include some advice for those who can’t just turn to another form of exercise.

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:29 am

      I am sorry about your injury 🙁

  • Ashley @ Feeding Ashley March 28, 2011, 4:44 pm

    That is crazy! I can do a heal stretch but I can’t just hold my leg up like that!

  • Katie @ peacebeme March 28, 2011, 4:49 pm

    Really looking forward to the Emotional Side of Injury post. Would also be interested to hear your opinion on the question, ‘is running really worth it’ when it has created so many problems for you…have the benefits been worth the injuries? Or do you ever think about sticking to a form of exercise less hard on the body?

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:30 am

      To me, it is… but my injuries also aren’t severe.

  • Sarah March 28, 2011, 4:50 pm

    I am SO looking forward to this next post. I’m injured right now (my IT band/quad is messing with my knee) and I think the emotional pain its putting my through is worse than the physical pain. You look so cute/pretty in the bird of paradise pose. I definitely can’t hold it with a straight leg, but I just started my yoga practice so there’s time to improve!

  • Clare @ Fitting It All In March 28, 2011, 4:53 pm

    Oh my dear gosh you are flexible! I’m super tight from marathon training right now, but definitely have Yoga flexibility goals once it’s over. I want to be able to do standing head to knee!!

  • Johanna B March 28, 2011, 4:53 pm

    I’m building up time on my exercycle. I’m coming off a torn meniscus and for now I’m just adding time to my ride everyweek. When the weather gets better I’ll add walking outdoors to the routine.

  • Jen March 28, 2011, 5:00 pm

    Wow, those are some impressive yoga skills! I’m trying to do more strength training and be able to 25 push-ups without pause. I also want to swim more; my school has a big olympic-sized swimming pool, but it’s open at odd hours (when I have class or work, mostly), but twice a week I want to stay late and do at least 15 laps.

  • Gretchen March 28, 2011, 5:05 pm

    OMG that is awesome! How does one even get into a pose like that? I’m impressed!

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:31 am

      Do side angle and then pop up! The link has instructions if you want to try!

  • Sam @ the neurotic yogini March 28, 2011, 5:16 pm

    Never understood why all the purple veggies are called Red. 🙂

  • Lucy March 28, 2011, 5:22 pm

    Where is that cute shirt from??

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:31 am

      Target, $6!

  • MorgzSyd March 28, 2011, 5:28 pm

    nice smoothie! i love berry filled smoothies too 🙂 i am going to try that stir-fry! i love contrast in my food too!

    visit my blog

  • Lisa (bakebikeblog) March 28, 2011, 5:34 pm

    OMG – that is one awesome yoga pose!!!

  • Melissa March 28, 2011, 5:38 pm

    Well I just finished a goal: at my University we just had our 14th Dance Marathon where students stand for 30 hours to support pediatric rehabilitation. I am pleased to say that I made it through the entire marathon! It was from 10 am Saturday morning-4 pm Sunday afternoon. It was the hardest 30 hours of my life but afterwards I was so impressed with what our bodies allow us to do, and very proud of myself. I am definitely feeling the pain in my legs now but it was definitely worth every minute of it.

    I hope your injuries are healing well!

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:31 am

      Dance, dance, dance!!!

      Thank you for doing that 😉

  • brandy March 28, 2011, 5:46 pm

    wow your flexible!

  • Jo @ Jo In the Kitchen March 28, 2011, 5:49 pm

    I think that’s an awesome goal, and an even awesomer photo 😀 (and I’m totally rocking awesomer)

  • Kendall March 28, 2011, 5:54 pm

    WOW! How long has it taken your practice to get to that point?
    Some non mileage goals: continue going to yoga as much as I can (at least once a week), and 20 pushups no pause! 🙂

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:32 am

      I’ve been practicing on and off for about 2.5 years! But I’m super flexible naturally.

  • Melissa @ TryingToHeal March 28, 2011, 5:57 pm

    holy crap. never in my life will i ever be even that close to the pose!!! good on ya!

  • Mary @ Bites and Bliss March 28, 2011, 6:08 pm

    The bird of paradise is my absolute favorite pose!! Not only does it open up just about every joint in the body, it makes you feel like a hardcore yogini. 😉

  • Mindy Knows March 28, 2011, 6:31 pm

    WHOA! I wonder how they come up with these poses sometimes… 🙂 My non-mileage goal: rest and heal my leg (I pulled it last week) so I am well-enough to run the Big Sur Marathon relay May 1. I really don’t want to disappoint my team by not being able to run 🙁

  • Jen March 28, 2011, 6:47 pm

    I’m extremely impressed with that photograph. Damn, girl! My current goal is to expand my field of exercise. I want to work my body in different ways aside from just cardio and strength training. I want to take more classes at my gym, start doing yoga again, and get back into hiking.

  • Laura (Starloz) March 28, 2011, 6:56 pm

    woah pistachios on a stir-fry, now that sounds pretty incredible.

  • chelsey @ clean eating chelsey March 28, 2011, 7:00 pm

    WOAH!!!! That pose looks crazy!! I can’t wait to hear when you can do it! I had a smoothie for lunch today too – delicious!

  • Gina March 28, 2011, 7:35 pm

    Can’t wait to read your post about the emotional side of an injury. About a year ago I suffered a stress fracture in my hip about a month away from what was supposed to be my first half marathon. I put my heart and soul into training for that thing and was extremely emotional about it. I am just now starting to run again but only a mile or two at a time. It is still something that I get upset about sometimes.

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:33 am

      I am so sorry 🙁 I feel you.

  • rebecca lustig March 28, 2011, 7:44 pm

    girlfriend, that pose is INSANE. I wish I was that flexible. My non milage goal is to stretchhhh!

  • Mary Ann March 28, 2011, 7:49 pm

    I can’t believe that pose is even possible! Makes me want to reach down and touch my toes.

  • Julie @ Shining From Within March 28, 2011, 7:56 pm

    Girl that’s cray cray!!!! I wish I could do that 😀

  • Courtney March 28, 2011, 8:03 pm

    no negativeness… even when workouts aren’t as “hard” as they “should” be or when i feel like i eat “unhealthy”. and i need to stretch more and do core work! but you are awesome… i wish i could do paradise bird whatever!

  • stace March 28, 2011, 8:28 pm

    That pose is crazy neat. I had to try it as soon as i saw it. FAIL. someday!

  • Lana March 28, 2011, 8:39 pm

    I’m loving the purple! I’m currently starting to lift weights again. I love strength training and am happy to concentrate on it. I’m still running, but since my last half I’ve significantly reduced my milage.

  • Tricia March 28, 2011, 8:42 pm

    Ooo I’m currently half-way through the Jillian Michaels Making the Cut program to get super toned for my wedding in June. Lots of the exercises are HARD even though I’m in shape! Last week, I was finally able to hold a reverse plank for one minute. I guess completing a full minute of mountain climbers without any 2-second breaks would be a good non-mileage goal to work towards… that and being able to do some of the pull-up moves. Holy hard!

  • Emily March 28, 2011, 8:48 pm

    Not gonna lie, many of my goals are mileage/pace related right now. But I also really want to get stronger and more agile, so other goals include: getting better at Ultimate (I’m in a frisbee league!) and maybe even learning a new throw this season, going to yoga consistently and improving my balance, and riding my bike to work at least once a week now that it’s getting warmer.

  • DadHTP March 28, 2011, 8:56 pm

    now you’re just showing off…

  • DadHTP March 28, 2011, 8:56 pm

    now you’re just showing off…

  • olivewineandfood March 28, 2011, 9:01 pm

    i wish i could do that pose!

  • Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin March 28, 2011, 9:12 pm

    Dude I’m impressed! I’ve never even heard of that pose before, but it looks hard!

  • Carpensm @ A Life Without Ice Cream March 28, 2011, 9:43 pm

    I love it when foods take on a colour theme… unless its brown… that’s usually a bad sign 😛

    Also, check you out! Flexible! Yoga is great for non-milage goals. I usually pick a pose or a # of push ups as a goal to hit.

  • Karen March 28, 2011, 9:46 pm

    WOW! That is so awesome. It’s totally fabulous that you can hold that pose long enough for a photo!

    I would LOVE to know your process for getting into Bird of Paradise! Do you follow what it said on “about.com”? I can get into bound angle, but not for long, so there’s NO way I could go from that to standing while keeping the bind. PHEW! You go girl!

    • Caitlin March 29, 2011, 8:34 am

      Yup – bound side angle. I would just practice on holding bound for now… you’ll get there!

  • Kelly March 28, 2011, 9:52 pm

    So jealous of your flexibility!! I am currently working on gaining strength. I LOVE having a goal that is not related to a race time.

  • Christy March 28, 2011, 10:03 pm

    Oh my goodness! You are flexible. That’s impressive.
    I did Jillian Michael’s yoga dvd today. I felt like such a failure.

  • Jess March 28, 2011, 10:33 pm

    That’s an impressive pose. 🙂 I may try some yoga soon, because I really would like to work on flexibility and balance (I think the walls are going to file a restraining order if I don’t stop running into them with my clumsy self). I am excited because I got out of bed at 5 this morning and went for a run! I ran a LOT when I was in nursing school–I think the endorphins are the only thing that kept me sane– but since graduation, I’ve barely run at all, and I can feel a difference, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I’m loving reading your blog for inspiration to make healthier choices. 🙂

  • khushboo March 29, 2011, 12:02 am

    Oh hot damn, you are a human pretzel :)! My non-mileage goals are also yoga related. I would love to be able to go back into a bridge without the help of my instructor…

  • Lauren @ Sweet and Twisted March 29, 2011, 2:11 am

    I am so impressed with that pose! I’d be lucky to even get into it let alone hold it!

    I’m hoping to get back into the 100 pushups challenge!

  • Sarah March 29, 2011, 8:19 am

    im injured as well and i have been struggling A LOT with it. I think today i need to sit down and make some non milage goals for myself 🙂

    By the way, your tittle totally reminded me of the sing “purple people eater” so i have to google it and listen haha

  • Emmanuelle March 29, 2011, 8:39 am

    Yay, graceful bird of paradise! I’m also this close to have my leg straight, I love that pose!
    I’m currently playing around with arm balances: I have no problem with crow, side crow and I’m getting to dwi pada koundinyasana (straight leg side crow). Next are eka pada koundinyasana I and II (scissor leg side crow) without planting my face to the ground.

  • Cait March 29, 2011, 8:39 am

    ohmygosh girl you’re so awesome! i love the purple eater song as well Sarah, but that smoothie looks uh-maz-ing!
    great post love!

  • Amber K March 29, 2011, 10:27 am

    I’m still working on holding a plank for one minute. I can’t even begin to imagine doing that pose! But definitely someday.

  • Coco March 29, 2011, 12:36 pm

    Are you a Ravens fan??…..haha

  • Jacalyn March 29, 2011, 8:02 pm

    OMG, woman!!! Your posture is AWESOME! I would look like “wilted daisy”, not “bird of paradise”. You rock!

  • kristin March 30, 2011, 8:15 am

    HOLY COW… that pose is impressive!!

Healthy Tipping Point