The start to every single road trip that I’ve ever been on with the Husband starts like this: We agree to leave at a certain time, but it’s actually a fake time, because we know we won’t REALLY leave until at least an hour after the real time. So we say 1:00 but we mean 2:00. 🙂
We actually had a fake start time on our wedding invitations! We said 4:15 but it was really starting at 4:30.
Heh. 🙂 Anyway, we’re off to Atlanta to pick up the Husband’s sister-in-law from the airport (she’s moving from London to Charlotte). It’s a long drive there and back, and we’re doing it in one day.
A quick lunch: Chobani, fruit salad, and almond butter toast. We are running LOW on food!!
It was tasty. :) My two favorite things: Vanilla Chobani and Justin’s Almond Butter with Maple. Mmm, mmm.
I also squeezed in a quick workout since I’ll be sitting on my bootay in the car for 9 hours today!
I did a Modified Boot Camp and a 2.0 mile run (to test out my knee – so far, so good!). It was a Modified Boot Camp because Terrieha’s original plan has a lot of lunges, which I thought might be pushing my luck with my sore IT band.
Instead, I took each ab and arm exercise and create one long circuit, which I did twice. I did about 12 – 30 reps of each move.
- Push-up Walks
- MB Push-ups
- Bench Dips
- Shoulder Touches
- Single Leg Bridge
- Push-up w/ Turnout
- Sprinter/Sprinter/Suitcase
- RB Arm Series
- Bicycles
- Hip Raise w/ Leg Lower
- MB Chops
- Heel Touches
- 3-level Crunches
All of the moves are demo-ed on Terrieha’s YouTube station.
Pretty cool, right? I love the Boot Camp program so far (been at it for a week!).
And… we’re off (for real this time!)
Great workout!!!