I am having a GREAT day! It’s just something in the air, I suppose.
Maggie pointed out that she hasn’t been on the blog in a while, so here is her cute face:
James refused to let me photograph him for some reason… such a diva.
And here’s my easy lunch:
I love to ‘bulk up’ canned soup with raw spinach and/or beans. I tossed in spinach and kidney beans into Wolfgang Puck’s Vegetable Barley.
And two pieces of challah bread with butter:
A little light, but my morning was rammed. I’m looking forward to a smoothie after Girls on the Run later.
On that note, I’m off. The girls are waiting!
My favorite part of the week.
I love bulking up canned soups, and bread for dippage is pretty much always necessary. A grilled cheese would be the best option, of course.
Have a great time with the girls!