February 2011

How to Handle 5 Common Running Gross-Outs

Everyone poops! But runners are the lucky ones who get to poop themselves on Mile 20 of a marathon.  :)  Or behind a bush on a training run.  Or in a disgusting port-a-potty.   Runners’ trots are just one part of the ‘gross’ side of running.  I can’t tell you how many e-mails I get [...]


Ready… set… WRITE!   A big bowl of oatmeal to power me through the last stages of book writing: In the mix:   1/2 cup oatmeal 1/2 cup almond milk 1/2 cup water 1 banana Chia seeds Toppings:  salted peanuts In other news, Spring Season of Girls on the Run starts next Tuesday!  I am [...]


Gold Star for Me

I finally, FINALLY made it back to yoga!  I have been out of yoga commission for three straight weeks.  I was totally doing that “I’ll go tomorrow… no, tomorrow-tomorrow… well, maybe on Monday… or Wednesday” thing.   But I was actually looking forward to hot vinyasa class today because it allowed me to relax.  I’ve [...]


Butternut Squash Enchiladas

First things first:  I finally fixed my Garmin 305!  My wrist strap broke about two months ago, and I’ve been using this strange combination of tape and hair fubbies to hold it together ever since.   I finally ordered this replacement Garmin strap and installed it last night (which was super challenging).  Now I have [...]


Hippie General Store

What a morning – I was late getting out of the house, almost missed a meeting, and didn’t even have time to shower or eat breakfast.   I sat through the entire meeting with a loud, grumbling tummy (which prompted lots of awkward comments) and practically dashed out of there to get some food.   [...]


Opposites Attract

These two things do not go together:   THING 1:  Awesomely cheesy pizza, delivered hot and fresh to my door at the end of a busy evening.     Chewy crust with cheese, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, and artichoke hearts, all fresh and locale!  Wolfman’s really makes a great pie.  Plus a spinach salad with celery. I [...]


Welcome to the South Pole, OB!

This is too cool not to share!  :)   I always say in interviews that I’ve received Operation Beautiful notes from every continent except Antarctica.  Today I received a photograph of one that was taped to the South Pole.  Yes, the actual South Pole. (Thanks Justin!)   Beyond that excitement, I’m plowing through loads of [...]


So You Want to Run a Half Marathon

(For some reason last night, I said, “Stay tuned for a post called So You Want To Run a 5K,” when I really I intended it to be about a Half… no idea why I promised a 5K post.  However, the tips below include information on how to get 5K ready, which of course if [...]

Healthy Tipping Point