We have yet another snow day. All of the Husband’s patients called off, so we decided to brave the elements and go to yoga. It took twice as long as normal to get there - our door was frozen shut! Yoga was CRAZY HARD. It was a hot vinyasa and some of the pose sequences [...]
January 2011
I woke up this morning with purest of intentions to go to hot yoga, but when I sauntered outside to scrap the car, I was greeted by an icy, icy world. (I gave him food and a blanket.) Um… right. Drive in that? No thanks. I think this morning falls under one of [...]
It snowed and it snowed… all day long. But now I think my Winter Wonderland is melting and turning into ice. :( Very sad. If this dinner looks a lot like yesterday’s dinner, that’s because it’s pretty much the same thing. Toasty hummus + veg: The Husband wanted to try Aduki beans, so I [...]
All the patients called off today, so the Husband and I decided to take a snow day and go for a long walk in a new neighborhood. Isn’t it pretty? We’ve gotten about 5 inches! James had to be carried for a little bit. :) And we grabbed Mediterranean take-out for lunch. Here was [...]
SNOW DAY!!!! I woke up this morning, ran to the window, pulled back the curtain, and was greeted by a world of white. The weatherman predicted it was going to start snowing around 3 AM, and I kept getting up out bed all night to peek out and see if it had started yet. [...]
I am MAJORAHLY in love with my indoor bike trainer (the Bell Motivator). It was super chilly outside today, so I decided to just sit on my bike and ride for 45 minutes. Pillow on aerobars --> yet another reason indoor riding rules. My quad muscles say HOLLA. Mom, thanks for making 45 [...]
Well, my trail run didn’t happen as planned this morning. Nicole and I both decided we were too busy to drive to a trail. So, no workout so far today, but I’m hoping to run later this evening. So far I’ve spent the whole day doing this: I’m in the midst of writing the [...]
Grr! Another night without Internet – what’s with my wonky connection? Fortunately, my signal hung on all day, and I got a lot of work done. Munched on some Ants on a Log with a twist. Sunflower buttah and chocolate chips. Mmm! And I ordered in pizza for the gang (Husband + father-in-law) Unfortunately, [...]
You know what this girl needs to de-stress? A manicure. A ride on the indoor trainer. While watching TV, of course. And a long walk in my Vibrams with a happy puppy. Ahhhh. I feel so much better now! Breakfast was eaten in a rush because we had to go to the [...]
Here’s a very ‘real life’ post for you. :) Yesterday, I went into the clinic around 4 PM, and the Husband ended up helping a patient until 8 PM. Combined with the fact that we had both already been working since 8 AM, it was a long, long day. I’ve been having those a [...]
I really think of Healthy Tipping Point and Operation Beautiful as two separate and distinct blogs (HTP is “mine†and OB is a community blog). But sometimes, the notes I receive for OB parallel discussions we’ve had on HTP so nicely! After this morning’s January Joiner post, I got this email: Ela wrote, “I [...]
I woke up hoping to see a snowy yard, but alas – it was just frost and dead leaves. At least I can still go running! A snowy breakfast bowl: In the mix: 1/2 cup oatmeal 1/2 cup almond milk 1/2 cup water 1 banana Ground flax Toppings: White chocolate chips Support [...]
Tonight, my father-in-law and the Husband got professionally photographed for the clinic’s soon-to-be re-vamped website. I was in charge of straightening ties and lab coats and being the acupuncture model. (The Husband was fluffing his eye lashes. He has the longest, thickest red eye lashes. I am jealous of them!) We got home REALLY [...]
You know what? Grilled bananas really are vastly superior to raw bananas, especially on French toast. :) Should’ve grilled mine this morning! My breakfast was a hybrid of Lazy Girl’s Cinnamon Bread French Toast and Grilled Banana Sandwich… It just wasn’t the same without grilling, though! Lunch included leftover vegetarian sushi: Coconut water because [...]