December 2010

Men v. Women

Did you know that married men perform a little more than a third of household labor, whether or not their wives are in the paid labor force? And women spend more than twice as much time as men do on child care. Fact!   Well, here’s my husband, evening up the score. :) Yay, breakfast! [...]


Two Movies, One Night

I spent my afternoon looking over Operation Beautiful notes for the book.  You can send in your note to be included, too! :) Please do! I’m taking notes from adults as well as tweens and teens (the content is going to be geared towards younger girls). Can you believe that I ended up watching not [...]


Chop Chop Salad

Just a normal Sunday over here – a little bit of running, a little bit of working, and a little bit of relaxing. How’s your day so far?   I ran 3.0 miles this morning.  It’s cold but sunny out!  It was actually a great run, and I’m thinking that my knee and IT band [...]


Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

This sweater is probably the most fabulous thing I own. As someone on Twitter commented, truly ugly Christmas sweaters offend multiple senses.  Our were clearly visually offensive.  They also jangled with bells and had 3-D Scotty dog appliqués that were soft to the touch.     Jen hosted an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party, and it was [...]


Working Saturday

Greetings from The Holistic Wellness Center! :) Spending another Saturday at the clinic.  I haven’t been writing much about the Husband’s acupuncture business, but I have to say that things are going really well! We decided recently to offer the first visit for free, and it’s been amazing.  The free appointment has really motivated a [...]


Rookie Cookie Mistakes

Has anyone else been feeling super dehydrated lately? No matter how much water I chug, I just can’t get hydrated! I feel like I’m living in a cold, balmy Sahara dessert.  It must be the dry heat from the heaters?  Ugh.   In other news…   I tried to make Christmas cookies last night and [...]


Get Faster

  When I first started to run, I actually had no idea what was a “fast” time for a 5K or a 10K or even a marathon.  I just ran to have fun, do something productive and positive, and to get outdoors. I began to run seriously and then progressed to running my first race [...]


Positions and Pickles

Do you do the sit side-by-side thing on dates?  Or do you prefer to sit across? I like side-by-side.  Especially when it’s chilly outside and we’re seated next to a door that is constantly opening and closing!   Guess where we went for dinner? Big Daddy’s… again.  I cannot get enough of Charlotte’s favorite burger [...]


Call for Submissions!

Exciting news! Operation Beautiful is collecting notes and stories for the second book, which will focus exclusively on tween and teen issues!  I’m looking for creative notes (look at the archives for Post-It Phrases of the Day for ideas) in fun locations (in the grocery store, on magazines, in dressing rooms…).    Check out the [...]


One Healthy Choice

One of my favorite healthy living quotes is from Heather of Then Heather Said.  It’s so simple, powerful… and it’s a great way to live day-by-day. All I have to do is make one healthy choice? I can do that!  I like how this quote phrases healthy living in terms of a series of choices, [...]


The B Sprout Salad

My tummy feels a little off (please, oh please – I hope I didn’t pick up a bug in the airport); however, my taste buds are working just fine. :)  Hence, this very awesome hot side salad.   The B Sprout Salad! This side is packed with a variety of flavors... it’s both spicy and [...]


The Next Big Thing

Ready… set… register! After wavering back and forth, I finally registered for the National Half Marathon in Washington, DC on March 26!  This will likely be my biggest (in terms of money spent, miles driven, and training effort expended) race on the Spring, and I am super excited!  Other blog friends are doing the race, [...]


Pump Up the Protein Pancakes

Want to know a really simple trick to make your pancakes more filling?   Add protein! I promise that you can BARELY taste the addition of brown rice protein to fluffy whole wheat pancakes (I put two tablespoons of protein powder into 1/2 cup of pancake mix).  Plus, it adds 10 grams of vegetarian protein [...]


Home, Home at Last

The Huz and I were so bored on our first flight back home that we actually did the “healthy stretches” in the back of the US Airways magazine.  Recommended for in-flight relaxation! :) I actually did feel better after following the recommendations (which also included drinking lots of water).   We also snagged a large [...]

Healthy Tipping Point