Exciting news! Operation Beautiful is collecting notes and stories for the second book, which will focus exclusively on tween and teen issues! I’m looking for creative notes (look at the archives for Post-It Phrases of the Day for ideas) in fun locations (in the grocery store, on magazines, in dressing rooms…).
Check out the submissions form to learn more – I would LOVE to include your note and story! Adults are welcome to submit notes with stories that are reflective on their tween/teen experiences as long as you also submit a note. Please forward the submissions page to any tweens or teens you know! 🙂
I slaved in front of the computer all morning and then finally took a break to go for a run.
It is incredibly gross and dreary out. It was actually HAILING during my run, and I got hit in the forehead with this really big ice cube. Ouch. I miss summer. And sunlight. And warmth.
But I held on and ran 4.0 miles. I didn’t time myself but I think I was pretty speedy! Only a few walking breaks up the hills and whatnot.
Lunch was a creative use of leftovers.
I topped brown rice with leftover B Sprout Salad and feta cheese (which tasted amazing together).
And some grilled tofu. I just slapped totally plain tofu on my George Foreman and grilled it up. Not the most flavorful thing, but I kind of like plain tofu.
I’ve got a meeting at Girls on the Run about the national summit in January (anyone else going?), and then I’m headed to the clinic with the Husband to play secretary as he sees patients. And I need to get some majorah writing done.
Don’t forget to team up with your sister, daughter, niece, or other awesome tween/teen in your life and submit a note for the book! I can’t wait to see what you all come up with. 🙂
It is snowing in DC and its actually sticking! I love the snow but people a lot of people in DC have no idea how to drive in it so it can get scary.